Killzone: Shadow Fall 1080P drama.
Don't they have to prove damages? I'd imagine the best they'll get out of it is a refund on the game. I agree that video games companies shouldn't be allowed to say something is rendered in 1080p if it is not, but the lawsuit sounds like vexatious litigation of the worst kind.
I am sure they could quite easily argue that they have generated a 1080p image and sent it to the screen. Its 960x1080, so it is 1080p right?
The irony is, if they were less uptight and just explained what stuff could and couldn't do beforehand situations like this wouldn't be able to happen. But that would have rather torpedoed the next gen console's marketing campaigns, which really didn't have much to say beyond TEN EIGHTY PEE AT SIXTY EFF PEE ESS over and over.
Ya never know ''stupid stuff like this'' might actually stop developers,hardware manufacturers holding back the progression of beautiful graphics .
No its the cost of hardware / profits related to consoles that stop the progression of beautiful graphics. The best possible out come here is they stop false advertising. But thats about the height of it.
IIRC the Kinect's [original] marketing was a bit like that... in the run up it was 'oh project Nadal can do this, that and the other', and when it finally went on sale [as Kinect] it was 'oh yeah, you know all that stuff we said it could do? yeah well it can't do... well... pretty much all of it...'
If they did not have as many exclusive games consoles would really struggle I'd imagine. 1080 and 30-60fps should be a reasonable goal in 2014 though. Mainstream graphics hardware is good enough for 1080 if they had used the r260x equivalent Gpu + CPU they would run all games just fine.