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Equipment Nikon D90

Discussion in 'Photography, Art & Design' started by akpoly, 26 Aug 2008.

  1. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    What bothers me is the fact that someone, who is misinformed as to the proper definition of the word, decides to inaccurately make judgments. If your going to go ahead and makes statements about someone, make sure they make sense.

    If this is directed at me (?), I believe I said that the 'feature' is directed towards some individuals--not necessarily the camera itself.

    Couldn't agree more. Give me AF, and it may be worth it.

    Same here. My point all along.
  2. akpoly

    akpoly What's a Dremel?

    24 Apr 2008
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    That's the thing, this camera is aimed at the average/advanced consumer. Not your PJs, wedding, sports, fine art photographers. Your regular consumer could find actual use with this. That can be seen with the marketing material of Nikon in regards to this particular camera.

    The reason why Canon is so popular is because of their P&S line. When soccer mom Jane feels like she wants something more substantial, she will go to the company that she bought her P&S from. Nikon is trying to hit that market niche. The people who want to go into the DSLR realm. This is the stepping stone from P&S to DSLR. The D40, and Rebel line is known for being an easy adjustment from P&S.

    Canon hasn't included this because they probably feel it would endanger their video camera lineup. Inexpensive DSLR with video capabilities and interchangeable lenses... Sounds rather attractive IMO. Especially if AF is included. And this is the first iteration of this feature on any DSLR, so yes it won't hit everyone's needs and it won't be perfect.

    And VR is engaged when you record. I personally prefer the VF, but some (soccer mom Jane) would prefer the LCD anyways. She isn't going to be using the 70-200 or 24-70 or 14-24 monsters. She will be using the kit lens or some other light plastic lens. It won't be a heavy combination to be handholding. Chase's blog said it was very comfortable to use MF.
    Last edited: 28 Aug 2008
  3. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    Soccer mom Jane is going to be extremely upset when she is unable to MF on her son, soccer boy tom, as he's running downfield at the ready to score the game winning goal. The point is, while Chase is an avid photographer therefore is most likely well acquainted with MF, the majority of average users won't know what to do with a MF video cam. The feature itself will entice casual users, PJ's/pap's and even some event photogs--not just casual users and non professionals but until its able to utilize AF its sure to be a weak function among the majority (perhaps that's why we haven't see it in a Canon yet...who knows).
  4. NzC

    NzC What's a Dremel?

    7 Sep 2003
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    I just read through (most) of this thread and found it strangely similar to the US government....just a joke.

    First, sure its a silly idea for a DSLR, but is kinda cool. What is known as a gimic. These companies have to do these things, because unfortunately that is how the market works, especially when the US economy (which is obviously a largish portion of their revenue) is in a slump.

    Also, lets be optimistic. Maybe it will lead to a new high FPS technoloy at full res? I don't know, but its a possibility that this is a road test for something to be on the D4 or w/e.

    Hey Vers, your not a purist! My friend is purist....he uses only old nikons with AI lens and gives me a hard time for anything newer.

    Its been an interesting discussion....

  5. NoahFuLing

    NoahFuLing What's a Dremel?

    18 Jun 2005
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    First of all, I agreed with Vers on the fact that the various 1.0 shortcomings of the D-Movie mode were indeed strange, and that the camera itself wasn't a huge jump. However, I find it a bit rude that you're belittling me and my point on the basis of the word "purist." http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/purist "a person who adheres strictly and often excessively to a tradition." THAT was the definition that I was referring to. To me, Vers seemed to be insisting (without evidence or experience) to be saying that movie mode was not a useful feature, and that Canon/Nikon should be - well, let me show what he said.
    In that respect, you are a purist. You believe that Canon/Nikon should be working solely towards the goal of making still photographic equipment for professional use, and you see no need for any other hardware or features. Therefore, in my opinion (forming the basis of a subjective statement) you are "adhering strictly and excessively to a tradition." There was no need to say what follows.
    Instead of inflating your ego and e-peen on a forum by attacking the specific words that I used rather than the points that I made, try relaxing, and accepting that you and I differ on this fact. Secondly, I made this very point about you and the D90, in that you have never used said camera nor seen raw footage from the camera, so you cannot pass accurate judgment on it. What gives you the ability to completely ignore my argument, and then base your counterargument on the same point? Up until today I respected your photographic knowledge and your sense of courtesy on the forums, but now I only respect the former.

    On the subject of the D90, Chase seemed to love the camera in both formal and informal statements, the raw video footage that is leaking out seems to be of very high quality, and Nikon has given the market a well-needed boot in the behind in terms of technological advances (other than ever-higher megapixel counts and lower noise levels).
  6. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    It wasn't specifically directed at you, more toward the trend of these types of threads. :)

    I should probably back track a little bit. Before I declare it a poor feature for practical reasons, I should ask what kind of microphone inputs the camera has. Chase's video seems to hint that the camera can be used for professional or semi-pro work, but all the professionals I work with consider on-camera microphones as useful as a pop-up flash. Does the D90 have XLR inputs for additional microphones? Can you adjust the audio levels?

  7. trigger

    trigger Procrastinator

    22 Mar 2004
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    Say, does anyone know whether the D90 has a cable release socket? I can't quite make it out from the pictures I've seen. I've been waiting a while on this before I upgrade my D50, but the main things I need are a cable release (I've got an IR remote, but am often not in a position which allows me to use it), and also a DoF preview button. More AF points would be nice too.
  8. supermonkey

    supermonkey Deal with it

    14 Apr 2004
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    Yes, the D90 uses the MC-DC2 cable release. The D90 has 11 focus points, and the DOF preview button is located on the front of the body in the standard location.

    Hope that helps.

  9. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    [kind tone]Noah, If I am "a person who adheres strictly and often excessively to a tradition" why am I for photographic advancement!? Because I said I'd rather see other features in a DSLR I'm a purist at heart? If Nikon wanted to develop a cupholder that mounts to a cameras hotshoe would I still be called a purist because I think the idea is idiotic? Would you agree that there are more important photographic issues at hand? Is video going to help your still photography? If the feature implemented is not directly related to still photography how can it benefit a still-photographer? Your trying to make an attempt to take statements I have said way out of context to make it seem as though I am against change, when in fact I strive for it--only I'd like to see it pertain directly to what a DSRL is and does. One day you will actually understand from a photographers POV what the term actually represents within the field...until then try to use it sparingly or better yet beneath your breath. One last thing, I'm not here to earn your respect/inflate my ego/'e-peen', I am here to talk photography, so if I've lost it [your respect] it doesn't bother me a bit.[/kind tone]
  10. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    It does not look like the Camera has any Audio inputs.

    As for levels adjustment--I don't see anything in the menu that controls this factor. A good guess would be its exactly the same as a P&S with perhaps a more sensitive mic.
  11. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    From the dpreview:
    Image sizes
    • 4,288 x 2,848 (L)
    • 3,216 x 2,136 (M)
    • 2,144 x 1,424 (S)

    Is it just me or is it normal that the same digits are present on both sides of the x? Idiot coincidence or?
    Someone good at math care to explain just what is going on?

    No I'm not thinking it's some sort of conspiracy. LOL. It just baffled me...
  12. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
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    The Eye-Fi is a Wifi unit on an SD card from $80,-- up, without significant penalty on battery load. Given the GPS location keyfobs you can buy these days I don't think a major case redesign or price premium is required.

    The same cost/value argument could be made in favour of a geotagging feature. Arguably it is more useful for people who intend to use the camera for its primary use. Video just gives you a crippled camcorder with limited storage in an awkward casing.
  13. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    Which has actually been added. If you look at the picture Vers posted you'll see a GPS module jack at the bottom. The D90 features an optional GPS dongle that fits in the hot-shoe... A rocking feature if you ask me.
  14. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    Unless you need to use flash :(
  15. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    Which is why you can buy velcro tape so you can just stick it somewhere else on your camera? It's not like it HAS to go in the hot-shoe :D
  16. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    You mean Ghetto rig it? Not sure if it'll work--check out the cord and on body port...where else besides the hot shoe would you mount the unit? Underneath the body?
  17. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    In my forehead :p Yeah ghetto rig it ;) You could possibly mount it on the opposite side...
    Here's a random link with an image of the concoction (non-ghetto version) http://www.pocket-lint.co.uk/news/news.phtml/17203/18227/nikon-gp1-gps-module-accessory.phtml

    But yeah if you're not on a tripod anyways you might as well mount it underneath.

    Edit: Oooh! Just noticed this "The GP1 will support the newly announced D90 as well older models such as the D3, D300, and D700 cameras". So it seems like y'all can get geotaggin' on older ones as well! I didn't know that. Cool :)
  18. Vers

    Vers ...

    23 Oct 2007
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    OleJ, I know what it looks like (i posted the link, remember?). Also I was being sarcastic when I said underneath...that's a horrible place to mount it. There is physically no functional place to mount it other than on the hot shoe.
  19. OleJ

    OleJ Me!

    1 Jul 2007
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    Be careful you don't end up a European using all that sarcasm ;) Yes I know you were. But then again... why would underneath be such a horrible place? You can easily just have it hanging loosely by the side of the camera when on a tripod...
    What do you say mr. purist? ;) (joke)(<-- just to make sure that the sarcasm is underlined in big fat bold :) )

    Edit: Oh and the link wasn't purely for your joy. Mr. UniVers. It was for everyone else who might still be reading along wanting a look without having to google.
  20. Firehed

    Firehed Why not? I own a domain to match.

    15 Feb 2004
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    I don't think Nikon could possibly do something so stupid as to force it to only work if you gimp what I'd argue to be the most important part of the camera. Underneath would actually work quite well had they done a slightly better job of it - they could make it into something like Canon's WiFi battery grip.

    Looks like they didn't really think this one through. At the very least, this should have a little pass-through connection; it really should just be more like a little USB stick-type thing that would just plug in to that one place and not make a mess of things. There was no need to make it look like a crappy version of a poverty wizard.

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