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News Nvidia announces free games and $100 off Shield with GPU purchases

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 18 Oct 2013.

  1. Meanmotion

    Meanmotion bleh Moderator

    16 Nov 2003
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  2. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Have to wonder what this says about Shield sales so far. $100 is a third of the Shield's base cost, that's quite the discount.
  3. wafflesomd

    wafflesomd What's a Dremel?

    22 Oct 2005
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    Damage control over losing out on the console bids.
  4. Fracture

    Fracture What's a Dremel?

    10 Jun 2013
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    By all reports the nVidia shield is in no way ****... I just think they created a product that no one really wants! I for one think offering a discount when purchasing a card rather than just dropping the price of Shield is pretty damn smart. I know I'd certainly be more tempted to part with my cash if I felt like I earnt the discount...
  5. Eggy

    Eggy Minimodder

    8 Oct 2009
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    Just bought a GTX760 a few days ago. Sigh. Not interested in AC anyway though so I guess I'm not missing out on much.
  6. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Nvidia badly need to find another avenue. The mobile market and tablet market is where the money is now. That's what Shield was designed for. Sadly you pretty much need a really hefty PC that has to be ran simultaneously with the Shield to make it worth having (Android games are OK but lame compared to a PC title).

    It just sort of reminds me of the Nokia Ngage that I managed to buy for $80 in the USA when it went tits up and even got all of the games worth having for free. I then hacked it and ran every game out for it. But like Shield it wasn't really worth having. Just a curiosity.

    If Nvidia don't find another way of bringing in mass sales in the "other than GPU" market then they're bang in trouble IMO. AMD have definitely managed it. Both consoles, APUs dominating the mid range PC world and their FX chips finally 'up and coming'. The FX probably cost pretty much nothing to make, given it was a remix in part of Magny Cours. Simple chip revision for their AM3+ boards and they were up and running. The wait for software support has been very long, but they're finally beginning to fall into place.
  7. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    AMDs profits are all GPU related. ( no one can truthfully say how long those profits are for as no one has seen the contracts it holds with Sony or MS.) The cpu devision dropped again in the last quater ( for the first time its below $800mil ).

    Nvidia has lost out in the mobile war, Tegra 4 is unwanted, nvidia shield is not been brought. With desktop sales decreasing Nvidia is more reliant than ever on the Tesla / Workstation market of which its profits are nearly all based around these days.

    Problem for anyone trying to get into the mobile sector or in it. You have 2 companies who have the profits and can afford high end hardware in there products.

    Niether Company wants anything to do with Intel ( Intel will likely become a manufacture of Apple Made chips at some point in the next 12months), AMD ( has no real product for tablet or phone) , Nvidia (Tegra 4 was a minimum of 6-8months too late and is DOA now).

    With the demise of HTC (In need of a rescue) / Blackberry (Officially out of the game and looking for a buyer) / Nokia (brought by MS) you have alot of cheap chinese phone makers who do not care for a spec war.

    If Samsung or Apple wanted AMD or Nvidia stuff they could simply buy out either company both have the surplus cash to make it happen.
  8. AlienwareAndy

    AlienwareAndy What's a Dremel?

    7 Dec 2009
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    Yeah I must say I agree with you totally. I did dabble in tablets, starting with a Hannspree Hanndpad that I routed to take Honeycomb. I broke it (accident :( ) and bought an Ipad first gen. Loved it for a while.. Then sold it and bought a expensive yet cheaply made 3G tablet..

    Any way, to my utter surprise Amazon are selling (not Amazon directly they come from China) tablets with the same Allwinner CPU/GPU thing that my cheap yet expensive tablet had running Jellybean. So I figured what the heck and ordered one for my lovely lady.

    It came, and at my utter astonishment was pretty much identical to the one I'd paid £170 for. No 3G but everything else was alive and well. It cost £38.

    So since then she's been loading on games and apps and they all seem to work brilliantly. It's fantastic for Amazon Kindle on Android, so much so I ordered one myself.

    Battery life is a bit of a let down (2 hours or so on Kindle and 1 for gaming) but at the price they cost we don't care tbh. It kinda makes the Tesco £100 one look a bit iffy.

  9. dolphie

    dolphie What's a Dremel?

    6 Jul 2012
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    Couldn't care less about that shield thing, and I'm not too interested in any of those games. Wish they would just knock £50 - £100 off. I would love that 780 but I can't justify spending more than about £350.

    XXAOSICXX Minimodder

    20 Apr 2011
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    "a new holiday season bundle".......which means what exactly? Christmas?

    When did Bit-Tech become so PC (no pun intended) as to fall in with the American press-habits :/
  11. maverik-sg1

    maverik-sg1 Minimodder

    18 Aug 2010
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    The issue all of these devices have now, is that they are not marketing to their strengths in innovation, they all seem to follow a 'me too' strategy then some overview about the bells and whistles as an after thought.

    I quite like the idea of the Shield, especially streaming a pc game downstairs on the biggest screen in the house... as for the rest of it, the specs are pretty slick, I guess Tegra4 is people's biggest concern, it shouldn't be, the specs are solid maybe not highest end, but certainly top end and good enough for what it does.

    5" tablet with PC streaming.....it's more interesting than other products, I think will get one if they get released into UK...as for the voucher, it's a great opportunity and I hope Shield lives to make it to the global market as a result.
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