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Hardware Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 due on 25 January?

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by arcticstoat, 13 Jan 2011.

  1. thehippoz

    thehippoz What's a Dremel?

    19 Dec 2008
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    I hope so.. after seeing cuda fail on me in pyrit (like 3x slower than ati in gpu acceleration) was leaning towards building a cheap ati cruncher.. gaming I'm kind of sold on huang =]

    least he has the top single gpu again and surprised the heck out of me with the 460, if that's any look into what the 560 will be

    should be good when it comes to ocing with the stock cooler.. probably good bang for the buck
  2. Krayzie_B.o.n.e.

    Krayzie_B.o.n.e. What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2009
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    AWESOME!! Just be careful over clocking them. 2 HD 6950 Cf w/ bios upgrade is the best solution bang for buck. $500 to $600 total depending on where you buy them and it will compete very close to a $1000 GTX 580 Sli while saving $400. You can't beat this.
    Last edited: 13 Jan 2011
  3. Sulphademus

    Sulphademus What's a Dremel?

    12 Jan 2011
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    IMO a suffix should be used to differentiate two otherwise identically named cards. The GTX460 768MB version could have/should have been called the GTX455 or GTX460se. Slapping on a suffix when none else have them and there arent two models of the same number is just dumb.

    Though I do have fond memories of my Gefore 4200Ti 128 clocked up to 4600 specs. =)
  4. south side sammy

    south side sammy What's a Dremel?

    19 Apr 2010
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    I read a couple of month's ago that someone ( not brand pictured ) was going to have a gtx460x2 with 3gig of memory. Perhaps this is it. I wouldn't buy it if it only had 2gig... ( 1gig usable per chip ) Just isn't enough. A gig and a half would be the sweet spot.
  5. Grape Flavor

    Grape Flavor What's a Dremel?

    23 Sep 2009
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    If this comes out at $250 like the rumors, it's going to be hard to choose the GTX 580 over a pair of these. Sure the power, heat, etc. will be higher but the performance should be greatly improved for no extra purchase cost.
  6. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    If it's the same 104 chip at a higher stock speed then it'll probably be exactly the same when both are overclocked.... there's nothing to indicate it will have even more headroom.
  7. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    will prob make my 2x 570s a stupid buy but i knew that first
  8. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    30+% increase on performance over the 460, 560 Cheesecake!

    69xx, who?
  9. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    So when they say a "revised" GF104, do they mean fully fixed Fermi (a la the same process applied to the GTX 580), or are we still talking some issues such as heat and power draw, only somewhat improved?
  10. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    Well, they're increasing the clocks and using more SMs, so the temperatures are only going to go up. If they're including fancy stock cooling like the 570/580 then it'll be cool, quiet and fast but it'll be more expensive than people are expecting. If they stick to "traditional" stock cooling it's going to be hotter and louder than a 460 and a bit faster... rather like an overclocked 460.

    My guess is they'll include the fancy cooling and stick it between the 6870 and 6950 in terms of price. It'll be about there in performance anyway by the looks of things. It won't beat the 6950 there'd be no point; they already have the 570 covering the "I want something better than a 6950" market. If they have two cards between the 6950 and 6970 but nothing except the old 470 sitting between the 6870 and the 6950 they'll start a pricing war... and neither company wants that to happen. Avoiding direct competition by staggering models means both AMD and NVidia graphics cards sell well at high prices.

    So we're looking at £200-220 and an average of about 45-47fps in Battlefield Bad Company 2 (1,920 x 1,200 4x AA 16xAF, DirectX 11, Maximum Detail).

    /illogical rambling
  11. frontline

    frontline Punish Your Machine

    24 Jun 2007
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    The 460 launched at around £200 in the UK, if the 560 really is 25-30% faster, i would be surprised if the launch price is anything less than £200. Especially when Nvidia have a gap in their product range all the way up to around £275 for the 570.

    Bearing in mind you can purchase a 2 GB 6950 for around £235 that will probably unlock to a 6970, it would have to be very close to a 6970 in performance terms to make a real impact - unless they do manage to launch at sub £200 with performance close to a 6950.

    Whatever happens, it looks like 2011 will be a great year to buy a GPU in the £150-£250 bracket, with plenty of competition.
  12. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    Thanks for the information and conjecture, but summed up that is basically a "I don't know" or a "I didn't really read the question" :p

    Obviously temperatures are going to go up with extra shaders and clock bumps (just logical), but the GF110 chips in the 580 and 570 are greatly improved versions compared to their older brothers. Such revisions allowed for the vastly improved temperatures and power draws, which meant the changes to clocks and the bump in SMs still allowed for a significant improvement in power draw and temperature (although the much better cooler played a role as well for the latter) when compared to the older versions.

    My question was, are the same changes made to the GTX560, so we can expect the same kind of magic, or are the revisions different, maybe not as significant or all encompassing etc. They say "revised" in the article, but I haven't come across anything online that goes in to detail with the changes for GF104, only the full fat Fermis (Fermii?).

    If exactly the same magic has been applied, this card will kick some serious ass. The new version is named GF114, which bodes well in my mind (the refreshed GF100 was named GF110), since it suggests the same procedure has been followed, but having not seen any solid information, I am a liitle worried nVidia may not have gone for the full treatment with GF116. Clearly things have been changed, I'm just curious as to what.
  13. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I think I summed it up nicely with "illogical rambling" :p

    My point was (buried somewhere in there) that I don't think they could apply the same changes to the 560 without making it prohibitively expensive. Those alterations worked for the top end cards because they are so expensive anyway. The 560 is almost certainly aimed at the £200ish price point, so vapor chamber cooling as stock would be a surprising move. I suspect the 560 is just going to be a revved up 460; 30% faster but also 30% hotter. The 460 was cool enough that it won't be a major issue, and it'll keep the cost down.

    Obviously I'm just taking wild stabs in the dark here, which is sort of the point of this thread...
  14. Skiddywinks

    Skiddywinks Minimodder

    10 Aug 2008
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    Your main reasoning (costs) is also what makes me worry the chip won't have the same features. Granted, vapour chamber cooling would be nice, but I would watercool the card anyway, so don't really care if they skimp on it to lower costs. So long as the chip has the same treatment (namely the third transistor type), I'm happy, but seeing as this isn't aimed at the top top end, I'm a little worried. I can't seem to find any information on what exactly these "revisions" are anywhere.
  15. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I'll have a look around and see if I can find some information on how much the transistor switch actually adds to the complexity/cost of manufacture. I suspect it might be a fair bit, otherwise surely someone would have done this before? It seems like such an obvious way to solve the problem of excess heat...
  16. azrael-

    azrael- I'm special...

    18 May 2008
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    The GTX560 is the card I'm pinning my hopes on after the HD6870 debacle. From what I've read it's unclear, however, if it's still using he GF104 GPU (albeit fully enabled) or if it's also a respun chip like the GF110. I'm hoping for the latter, since the power usage of nVidia cards can't be lowered enough for my taste. :)
  17. memeroot

    memeroot aged and experianced

    31 Oct 2009
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    whilst the card will be great it wont be the massive step up of the prior 5xx series simply because the 460 wasnt as sh8t a card as the 470/480/

    your looking at performance of an overclocked 460 + unlocked core set.

    the question is how close to the 570 it will get?
  18. borandi

    borandi What's a Dremel?

    27 Jan 2010
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    560 SLI w/ 460 PhysX perhaps? :)
  19. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    That's a bloody good idea, thanks!
  20. Singularity

    Singularity ******* Operator from Hell

    2 Mar 2008
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    So, we're back to what nVidia do best -
    #1 take older card,
    #2 increment name,
    #3 sell as new and shiny
    #4 profit.
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