Blogs On Crafting Wars

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Tim S, 12 Mar 2009.

  1. Tim S

    Tim S OG

    8 Nov 2001
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  2. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    That's only because Blizzard famously have installed a system that leeks crack dust out of the speakers whenever anyone plays WOW. Fool proof way of hooking players in.

    It's true! I read it on the Internet.
  3. neoanderthal

    neoanderthal What's a Dremel?

    19 Mar 2008
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    you couldn't force AA for WAR using Catalyst? Both my girlfriend and I use ATI cards (me a 4830 and her a 4850), and we both run WAR with AA & AF forced through CCC. With mipmap on max quality, AA and AF enabled, along with lightmaps and specular lighting the game looks pretty nice. This seems particularly true after the 1.2 update, where it seems they've updated the detail in many of the textures. Of course, the style may still not suit you, and short of a complete overhaul there's nothing that's going to change that.
  4. lona

    lona What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2009
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    I totally understand what you're saying. AC2 also was my first MMO and I've never found any other MMO that was as immersive and just.. feeled so great as that.
    I also played WoW for some time but got bored really fast. I don't know if it was me who changed but I feel like no game ever has been quite as good as AC2.

    I say they start up the servers again!
  5. Cutter McJ1b

    Cutter McJ1b Home-cut jibs at discount Prices

    18 Feb 2009
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    Yeah that would be awesome. I wish they had open-sourced the code so someone could have done it, but I heard they were too embarrassed about the mess it was in.

    There was actually a petition to get it back:

    And yes, WoW is no AC2 imo, but I’m enjoying it nonetheless.
  6. nukeman8

    nukeman8 What's a Dremel?

    24 Jul 2008
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    Am i the only 1 who feels its very strange how games seem to be getting worse in terms of gameplay?
    I never tried AC2 but i did play ultima online before they messed the game up completely and nothing compares to it.
    I to am now playing WoW but only because theres nothing else close to it.

    MMORGS all seem to have gone soft, to busy trying to cater for everyones needs and not aiming for a specific audience
  7. FeRaL

    FeRaL What's a Dremel?

    27 Sep 2004
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    You think AC2 was awesome, you should have been there for the original AC. Now that game was the bomb.
  8. Cutter McJ1b

    Cutter McJ1b Home-cut jibs at discount Prices

    18 Feb 2009
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    Yeah lots of people have said that. Half tempted to try it out sometimes even though it does look pretty old now. I dont think many AC players were persuaded over to AC2
  9. Guest-2867

    Guest-2867 Guest

    Welcome to the dark side!

    Been playing since xmas 2005, the game has changed a lot since then, it's very casual friendly now which has upset more hardcore players but it's better for most, I remember the days of hardcore raiding, sitting at your pc from 6pm till 2am, grinding your levels because you'd run out of quests.

    Thankfully those days are over and it's really quite a well rounded game now, you get back what you put in but the only 'race' now is really to get to the level cap, get good gear, and the best mount before the next expansion, normally a 2 year gap going off the previous ones so it's much slower paced.

    Although saying that I really wouldn't like to start from scratch now, most of the 'classic' knowledgeable players are at cap with several characters, you'll find yourself getting grouped with new players more and more, wiping at a furious rate getting more frustrated with the game and not enjoying it for what it is.

    What server are you on by the way, if you're on Anachronos EU by any chance then gimme a whisper if you ever need help on a run or group quest.
  10. Pookeyhead

    Pookeyhead It's big, and it's clever.

    30 Jan 2004
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    Nice to see someone giving WoW a try before assuming it's digital crack designed to hook children into becoming zombies.

    One thing you mentioned though, was even a mid-range machine can play it maxxed out due to undemanding engine?

    Try shadows on max.. then tick reduce input lag. LOL I can't even have it all maxxed out with a GTX295. I can have shadows on max, but need to turn reduce input lag off. I can't have both.

    Also, you may think you can run it maxxed out while standing around in Stormwind, or indeed most places in Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms, but many places in Outland such as Shattrath, or the absolute worst place for frame rates - Sholozar... forget it.

    "Shadows" and "Reduce Input lag" are the FPS killers. With these off, even a 5 year old rig can reach 60fps or higher @ 1920x1200.

    On my new rig, with these two off, I average around 200fps....(1920x1200 8xaa 16x AF) turn on shadows to max, and this drops to around 80fps... turn on Reduce Input Lag as well, and it drops again to around 25fps in Sholozar and Dalaran and struggles to reach 50fps elsewhere... and this is an i7 with a GTX295.

    It CAN run on anything, but don't assume you can blithely just tick every box and max every slider... you can't.
  11. Cutter McJ1b

    Cutter McJ1b Home-cut jibs at discount Prices

    18 Feb 2009
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    Yeah thats it. Do you blame the game or the people playing it for getting in trouble for making it their number one priority? I don't so much as log on until I got all my shiz is sorted and I wouldnt play until the wee hours on a school night.

    Very kind offer dire_wolf, but I'm on Azuremyst EU else Id have taken you up on it.
  12. B3CK

    B3CK Minimodder

    14 Jun 2004
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    So we gonna get an official EU and US realm (pvp,pve, alliance/horde), server for all the bit-tech crew to play on anytime soon?

    Or is Anachronos the new official EU realm?
  13. Stonewall78

    Stonewall78 What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2005
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    AC1 is still the most expansive MMO I have ever played. Sure the graphics are not great (still aren't) but what other MMO has the backstory and ingame lore that AC has? None that I can think of. I recently trialed AC1 (it is still running) and hoped around to see what was new, I was fun to check out some old haunts etc as I spent many years playing that game. The only thing that holds it back these days is the lack of players, there was only about 100 on at any given time.
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