Hi there, I have made a few posts here and there on the forum, mostly in Project Logs (where I have pilfered ideas for my own rig), and the Sketchup competition, where I got more introduced to the forum. (I also posted a rather old version of the following ideas there.) Anyway, what I mostly need input on is how I have routed the watertubing, I know about KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), and that I should use as short and straight tubes as possible, but I wanted to try for a cleaner look, where I hid most of the tubes. Which of course come at the expanse of longer tubing. Enough rambling, here's some pictures that I would be very happy to get any comments on. These are just for a overall view of the case, all comments are appreciated, even negative. This is the part I mostly want to have help with. Do you see any way this wouldn't work? If so, how should I correct it? Sorry for the crappy pictures, I am trying to learn how to use Kerkythea and Twilight to render.
the first gpu block won't be working very well, the water will just bypass it, or possibly the water will take maybe the path of least resistance and not make it to the 2nd gpu block?
In a parallel setup like this, as long as both blocks have the same flow resistance, both will get the same amount of water. It doesn't seem logical until you wrap your head around the way resistance and flow works. There has been extensive testing of this theory over at Xtremesystems, and if someone doesn't beat me to it, I'll look for links to back this up when I have a chance.
Thanks for your replies so far. That second video card will either not be used, or will be air cooled. (Used only for PhysX if I can justify the costs for the few games that use it.) Can anyone see any problems with the rest of the loop. I know there aren't any measurements, I can provide those if anyone wants them. I am most afraid that I have used a convoluted routing, or that it is too long. Also, do anyone have ideas for a name?