Hello, everyone My new project! Can you picture this title? I challenge myself to new fields I'm grateful once again to sponsors to be giving amazing gift and great support for my projects. Many thanks! Fractal Design Define Nano S White! Let's Modding!! Power supply cover
Love the pus shroud- like to do something like that myself- what are the dimensions you've used if thats not being a bit cheeky
Do like - The 80s style fleck paint in nice bright colours. The fact you've used a whole ton of nice bright colours on the rig and the painting skills. Don't like - the heat shrink, not anywhere.
LOVE it, and didn't realize they released a white Nano S! btw, recently shipped one of these clear nano s panel kits to japan, was it you by chance?
Thanks Vault! That was very interesting paint It's been a while since I used heatshrink-sleeve last time. So, I wanted to express colorful Thanks Bill! Oh, it's not me Very nice side panel I knew it
Splash job looks great. PSU shroud is a big blank canvas. It needs a racing stripe of splash paint. -or something similar. -Hope that translates OK.