I’ve been looking at an HP Pavilion HDX9250EA which is a monster of a laptop with an enormous 20″ screen. It was brought in with a blank screen although it had been tested on an external monitor to check that the motherboard was working. At the base of the laptop screen is a little piece of electronics called an inverter. The inverter converts the DC voltage from the laptop into a hight voltage AC supply that powers the back lighting for the screen. In the end I removed the inverter from it’s protective cover to see if it could be repaired in anyway. Luckily I found a loose wire on the inverter and was able to repair it with my trusty soldering iron.. If you look at the picture below you will see a tiny silver wire in the foreground, this was the wire that had to be re-soldered. The laptop is now in working order… Be very careful with inverters if they have power going to them... They can bite
Such is the way of things, it's always some tiny tiny part that fails & renders the whole item useless- usually a simple fix too which is a shame when some people don't bother to get it looked at and just buy a new item instead. Nice job
Maybe because of the high ac current, puts alot of people off looking at them, possibly. Nice handy easy fix, so good on you to repair it and not replace it.
Thanks for your kind words.. Yes the HDX9250EA is indeed a beast of a laptop and way to big for most people really... My 12" Dell Latitude does the job The inverter repair was ok but my eye sight isn't great but then I'm heading towards 50 My computer repairs on my computer repair blog Please pull the link if it's breaking the rules
Nice, I love it when the solution is that simple. Did you get the laptop cheap or are you just repairing it for someone?
Someone found me on google so asked me to take a look at it. I's a huge laptop and not much use to me