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Scratch Build – In Progress Robocop ED -209 Version 2 by RandomDesign

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by random2k4, 4 Apr 2024.

  1. random2k4

    random2k4 Multimodder

    11 Aug 2015
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    As always, plans can change rather quickly.
    Although, I was going to build the Behemoth project for computex, I need to push this one back to some point later this year.
    I did already a lot of 3D work for that, but the concept just changed.

    Luckily, I had another project that I wanted to build this year. A second version of my ED-209 from Robocop.
    First one was raffled away, so I desperatly need one for my own :D

    So I will build a ED-209 V2 for the G.Skill booth at computex.

    While working on my first version, I already had the idea to build a second one. Thats why I made a lot of molds
    that can be used again now.


    With all the small changes I want to make, I can still reuse like 90% of the molds.
    For the rest, I will make new ones.

    For the most part, I just want to change some details for my version 2.

    There will be an LED effect inside the barrales with some smoke. I am also planning to add some light effects
    to some sections of the head part.

    I am inserting another part between the leg and head part, to make the entire construction a little taller. The head itself
    should also be able to rotate.

    In the original, the legs have some kond of threaded rod in the back that rotates. I will try to replicate that.
    Just to make the entire construction a little more interesting.

    I will also change some of the materials used. I am going from Smooth Cast 305 to Task 2 for all the urethan cast pieces.
    This resin has better physical properties. So its basically thougher and more ridig.

    Here is again a small rendering of the possible outcome.


    I am going to stream most of the creation process on my twitch channel.
    So if you are interested to see how I build the stuff, I will be live on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
    Starting about 7/8 p.m. CEST https://www.twitch.tv/randomdesign
  2. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
    Likes Received:
    Oh, No! Don't move to Twitch! You will be flashing your tits for tips within a month. :lol:
  3. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    But then they can sell used bathwater to fund the build! :rolleyes:
  4. random2k4

    random2k4 Multimodder

    11 Aug 2015
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    Why should I wait a month for that ;)
  5. random2k4

    random2k4 Multimodder

    11 Aug 2015
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    First mold I could reuse was directly for the feet parts.


    Wanted to cast them hollow, so I used Smooth Cast Onyx fast, mixed my first batch and poured it into the mold.
    THen I started rotating it for about 4-5 minutes. To get the wall thickness I needed, I redid this procedure 5 times.


    Here is a cut open test piece I made to check the wall thickness.


    I filled the cavity on the inside with some two part expanding foam, Foam-It 5.


    And just like that, the first parts were done already.


    The mid section of the foot is printed in PLA. I already included all the holes necessary to bolt it onto a
    surface later. Also All holes are included to attach all of the other parts of the leg.


    Cheapskate, Vault-Tec and IanW like this.
  6. c0nstruct

    c0nstruct What's a Dremel?

    14 Apr 2024
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    This is amazing! Cannot wait to see this finished, I admire your dedication!
    random2k4 likes this.
  7. random2k4

    random2k4 Multimodder

    11 Aug 2015
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    Next up was the inner construction of the leg.
    Everything is printed in PLA, I already included the holes for the 2x2cm aluminum profile as well as the threaded 6mm rod.
    This will later hold the entire construction.


    The lower part will be visible in certain parts later, so I sanded down the surface before gluing it together.



    Thze leg cover was printed in multiple parts. That way it was easier to post process most of the surfaces before assembly.


    Used some 120 grid sandpaper and gave all the parts a quick sanding before the attatching them.


    Then I made already a first test to see if the leg and feet parts are fitting together. Now I just need to close some small gaps
    and the parts are ready for another round of sanding and the spray filler.


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