Samsung has unveiled a prototype of a HiDPI laptop which conforms to Ultrabook standards. 13.3" Screen 2560x1440 220.8 Pixels Per Inch Matte Display Engadget Article
Obviously this is going to be a hit while people just moaned and made stupid problems out of Apple for doing it first. And yet the natural order continues apple does it first pc owners bash it then everyone else copies it then it's the best thing since sliced bread.
I personally think it's ridiculous, why can't we have more (and therefore cheaper?) 24"+ high res screens rather than stupid small laptop screens?
I would argue that ultra high-DPI (note: not high res) desktop screens would be equally ridiculous - we sit too far away from them for the extra pixels to be of any benefit whatsoever. Having used many different screen I find that approx 95-100 pixels per inch is optimal for desktop work; I found the U2711 to be unnecessarily dense at 109 PPI.
Took me a little while to get used to, but I find the U2711 fine, although I wouldn't want much more, I think the 30" screens are probably better on that front. I wasn't suggesting 24" 2560*xxxx screens.