News Sandy Bridge launch date rumoured

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 3 Nov 2010.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. Cyberpower-UK

    Cyberpower-UK Professional Overclocker

    6 May 2009
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    Typo: Intel is apparently set to show of

    Should be: Intel is apparently set to show off
  3. thelaw

    thelaw What's a Dremel?

    10 Sep 2010
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    "Will you be saving your Christmas time pennies for a new PC in Jan? Let us know your thoughts in the forums. "

    Hmm depends if anyone else feels the drop in prices will offset the VAT rises in Jan.
  4. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I don't mean to be "that guy", but the article says "Sandy Bridge launch date rumoured" and the thread says "Sandy Bridge launch date announced". The two titles convey a pretty different message, be it an accident or not it's very misleading.

    And yes, I'm pinching my pennies for what Intel and AMD are turning out next year.
  5. frontline

    frontline Punish Your Machine

    24 Jun 2007
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    Me too :)
  6. Floyd

    Floyd Wire Twister

    4 Dec 2008
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    I hope its not junk. Im still on socket 775 and ive waited through the whole i series chips hoping that the new stuff will warrent an upgrade!
  7. rickysio

    rickysio N900 | HJE900

    6 Jun 2009
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    Same here, my Q6600 is getting a bit long in the tooth.
  8. Kenny79

    Kenny79 I own a Dremel!

    18 Oct 2009
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    i7 920 - 930 is that not enough?
  9. l3v1ck

    l3v1ck Fueling the world, one oil well at a time.

    23 Apr 2009
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    It will be interesting to see how the performance levels of teh CPU and GPU parts of both Intel's and AMD's new laptop chips compare. It could be that while one has a better CPU (maybe Intel), the other has a better GPU (AMD).
    As I expect most people will stick with the GPU's built into the CPU rather than paying for a decidated GPU chip, it'll be interesting to see how people's requirements affect sales for each chip manufacturer.
    If I was in the market for a new laptop (which I'm not as I recently bought one) I'd probably go for the one with the most powerful GPU (AMD?) as I like to play a few games on my laptop (without paying out for an over priced gaming laptop).
    Of course if one manufacturer makes a chip where both the CPU and GPU outperform the competition, then there'll be a whitewash when it comes to sales. I'm not expecting that to be the case though. At least not for a few years until AMD's new architecture starts to look a bit old against Intel's constant updates. Just like when AMD's K8 trounced Netburst, but now looks terrible compared to the Core Duo and now Core i series.
  10. Floyd

    Floyd Wire Twister

    4 Dec 2008
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    Yup im rocking a few Q6600s still myself.

    Not for the money that would have to be spent. As it is I can play all my games maxxed out, why upgrade when everything runs fine?
  11. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    sandy bridge i dout will improve gaming performance so its irelivent for the most part either way
  12. l3v1ck

    l3v1ck Fueling the world, one oil well at a time.

    23 Apr 2009
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    It would for me. I'm still running a single core CPU and most games these days can make use of two or three cores.
  13. dangerman1337

    dangerman1337 Minimodder

    2 Sep 2010
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    I think i'll buy some parts before Jan then buy the Mobo (The gigabyte UD4 looks like win) And the CPU (2500K looks likely).
  14. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    A cheap amd quad or tri core wouldn't do the same job for about £800 less? 13v1ck. Very few people on this site are on a single core system. if you look at the buyers guide that front page is what 90% of the people buy the rest is just what hardware enthusiasts buy and the dif between the low end package and sandy bridge on same card at same frequency would most likely be 0.

    Video might process quicker but there's still this whole locked FSB and multiplier stuff that is been thrown around at the minute which means over-clocking is close to impossible. 930 and 950 both hit 4ghz with ease I wonder if reviews will show the over-clocked i930 and i950 vs sandybridge at whatever overclocks intel decides is your maximum if you don't buy it unlocked (200mhz overclock? ) And how much will Intel Charge for this unlocked processor. £30 £50 ?

    sandybridge needs to out perform the I930 I950 Intel wont release a chip that will compete with the I975 or I980 as people would just buy what ever is cheapest and Intel isn't stupid enough to compete in its own market.

    Not to mention vat increase will see a noticeable increase in prices that buying premium pc parts might become a luxury most don't have.
  15. Ljs

    Ljs Modder

    4 Sep 2009
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    While I would agree with you, I don't think anyone willing to blow £300 on a CPU will worry too much about spending an extra £7.50 for VAT increases.

    I was concerned about the increase. but while 2.5% may well add up over a period, it isn't the end of the world.
  16. Hakuren

    Hakuren What's a Dremel?

    17 Aug 2010
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    S1366/X58 is most logical choice right now. It is most future proof solution on PC market. S1155 is dead end - life span just like S1156 will be around 2 years. S1366 cost is not high (when you compare prices from 2008), and you will have to pay premium for new SB motherboards. For now most games running on 1-2.5 cores at most (as a example here Supreme Ruler 2020 which is veeeery CPU heavy game won't max out 3 cores). Very few can utilize 4.

    S1366/X58 will deliver ultimate PC computing power for many years to come (equivalent of QC S775) for majority of home users. Right now the only home application which working on all 8/12 cores (i7 920/980X) is BOINC platform.

    Don't bother with Sandy Bridge. Go with X58 now or wait for LGA2011/12.
  17. Xir

    Xir Modder

    26 Apr 2006
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    Me! :D
    But yes, a new system is (over)due.
    I was thinking more in the lines of an i7-950 though, but I'll wait for the new GPU's that are bound this way anyway
  18. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Games have been shown to make use of faster processors, and will only continue to advance in the future. Already, those cheap AMD quad and tri core processors have been shown to be limiting factors in games compared to, say, an i5-760.

    You seem to be hung up on his single core system. That doesn't necessarily mean that he wants to buy a low end system. A quick Sandy Bridge quad core on 1155 placed at a price similar to the 760, yet with higher performance, would be excellent for current and near future games.

    Sadly, that's all theorycraft with two major variables: Price and performance. Who's to say a stock Sandy Bridge processor at an equivalent price won't perform as well as an overclocked 930 or 950? Or perhaps the locked ones will be sold at lower prices, so the K versions end up being at comparable prices. It's entirely conjecture.

    Well, seeing as it's, you know, a new architecture one can assume that it will perform better. The reason it's being released and not still in R&D is that it's better than what's currently out there and will sell. It's something that literally happens all the time, it's why we have Core i at the moment and not Core 2, it's why we have Phenom II and not Phenom.

    As a percentage, VAT effects all levels of the market roughly equally. It becomes a more striking figure with expensive purchases, but is still the same percentage based increase (unless I've completely misunderstood it, I don't live in the UK).

    For demonstration:
    A person with a low income planning on buying a $500 PC with an imaginary 10% tax will have to pay $550 total. If that tax is raised to 20% then the total cost will be $600. It's "only" a $50 increase, but for a person with a low income that may be a large amount.

    Conversely, a person with a high income buying a $2000 PC at 10% tax will pay $2200. When that tax is raised to 20% it becomes $2400. That's a striking $200 increase, but for someone already capable of spending so much on a computer it may mean little.
  19. bogie170

    bogie170 What's a Dremel?

    11 Aug 2008
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    Is every Sandybridge chip going to have a GPU in it? I'll be looking to upgrade my Q9650 but I dont need the GPU bit as I have a dedicated GFX card.
  20. weeksy99uk

    weeksy99uk What's a Dremel?

    7 Nov 2010
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    I have been waiting for this for some time! Like others, I'm still on Socket 775. The last PC Build has served me well, but my new build was always going to be Sandy Bridge. Looks like things will move quite quickly in the new year :)

    If the Core i5 2500 really is priced at around £170 (as leaked a few days ago), I have high hopes that the Core i7 2600 will also be a 'sensible' price. Everything I have read so far points to value and performance!
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