Steam Skyrim?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Karas, 15 Sep 2011.

  1. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Wolf form itself sucks, and conceptually I wish I hadn't become a werewolf at this point. The actual transformation seems to take about 10 seconds to activate, and in combat that can and will get you killed during the animation. Once you're a werewolf you lose everything. You can't use magic, shout, your enchantments don't work and your weapons don't work.

    Werewolf damage seems to be based on your one-handed skill, so if you haven't been working on that, forget about it altogether, and even if you have, I've read that it doesn't scale particularly well. The only way to recover health as a werewolf is to feed on the dead bodies you've created, but that's another animation in which you are getting hit by enemies.

    The best thing werewolf has going for it is when a guard says to you:

    "So you're the new companion I've been hearing about. So... what... you fetch the mead?"

    "Well actually..." (press Z) RRRWWAAARRR!!!!!

    Then there's the issue where if you choose not to change back during the actual quest line you end up having to run a tedious series of repeatable missions until you trigger the option again. You cannot just walk up to the alter and revert yourself back whenever you want.

    And it may not matter too much to you, but over time losing out on your ability to have a rested bonus will add up.
  2. Fishlock

    Fishlock .o0o.

    22 Nov 2004
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    Wolf sucks. I'm level 89 on one handed and I do crap damage as wolf. I'm 81 on sneak and that coupled with two decent daggers is far superior.

    To be honest, I'm getting a bit bored now and feel like I'm only playing the game to say I've done everything (if that's possible).
  3. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Well due to a HDD screw up (my fault) I have to start all over again. But this also pushed me to get a SSD and use part of my current HDD as a back up in case I need too.

    So starting again at some point!!
  4. Zoon

    Zoon Hunting Wabbits since the 80s

    12 Mar 2001
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    Anyone know if there is a UI mod out yet which gives you a RPG-style hot button bar where you can put skills?

    The UI is horribly hobbled and designed for console. Please, I'm on a PC. I want a shortcut bar like WoW or any other number of games. Let me press 1 through 0 and cast spells / drink potions. Please?
  5. IronDoc

    IronDoc What's a Dremel?

    7 Apr 2011
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    You may already know this but doesn't hurt to make sure; you can assign numbers to items in you favourites by pressing that number with it highlighted. Inexplicably, it only works for 1-8 though.
    Bede and Zoon like this.
  6. Zoon

    Zoon Hunting Wabbits since the 80s

    12 Mar 2001
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    I didn't know that! How effin useful.

    I'll have to check for a Favourites bar UI to keep it on the screen if there is one, save trying to remember them.

    Thanks IronDoc, have some rep.
  7. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    117 hours in and I still look forward to playing every day. :jawdrop:
  8. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    117? You've barely started mate! Just about hit the 170 mark here, and I've not even started the civil war questline! Though I am finding more and more bugs I need to use the console to fix though... Broken quests and buggy items, that sort of thing. (just had to manually forward Season Unending, for instance, as neither Tullius nor Ulfric would speak to me)
  9. Orca

    Orca What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    Bit late to the party chaps, finally got around to buying this seeing as it was back on the Steam sale :)

    Any must have mods I should install to enhance the experience? Or is it fine as-is?
  10. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    You can play as is, but there are some very good mods out there to play around with and the mods are really what make TES games so good.

    A few I'd recommend are:
    • Enhanced Night Sky.
    • Quality World Map with Roads (there's a 3D map where you can zoom in and see the areas, but I prefer a flat map).
    • Immersive Skyrim Thunder.
    • Real Sun (so far the best mod I've tried for improving the sun glare and ambient occlusion).
    • Lost Art of the Blacksmith.
    • Enhanced Blood Textures.
    • RWT: Realistic Water Textures.
    • Skyrim HD - 2K Textures.
    • SkyUI (it basically improves the menu UI for use with keyboard and mouse, adds a filtering search function and a few other UI improvements).

    You could literally spend days flicking through the Skyrim Nexus with the amount of different mods there are. I'd recommend having a separate save game to test mods on as there are a couple that tweak gameplay so much that the game screws up (or just save before applying a mod).

    e.g. "Tytanis - The Ultimate Mod" is one hell of a big modification to the game, while it is a fantastic bit of work and adds a heap of new stuff (crafted gear, spells, items, etc) I've had it conflict with a few bits of the game that made me have to use console commands to resolve issues... hopefully that'll be all sorted once it has been worked on some more.
  11. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    In addition to that list there's at least one multiplayer mod out there with another, lower number, one on the way and that's before the SDK is out there.

    Personally I'm finishing everything I can vanilla before modding the **** out of the game. I've not yet needed the console for anything so the game is still pure. The only tempting thing for me right now is to try a couple of tweaks to get Eyefinity running.
  12. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    The Dark Brotherhood questline is pretty darn fun. I started and finished it in one long sitting, only taking a 15 minute break to get a snack. It is one of my favorite I've completed so far
  13. Cerberus90

    Cerberus90 Car Spannerer

    23 Apr 2009
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    Just tried to start Skyrim up, haven't played since 19th dec, and it won't load.

    Steam window saying 'preparing to launch skyrim' comes up, and just sits there, cancel button never greys out, and the ... don't change.
    Tried verifying game cache, but still no change.

    Its not even been patched since December has it? And nothings really changed at my end.
  14. Draksis

    Draksis What's a Dremel?

    21 Oct 2009
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    There was a Christmas patch (not sure when it came out though) that was meant to solve lag issues. That though sounds like a steam issue, as I've had that with other steam games. I've found it's got to do with your connectivity to the steam servers. It normally came right by it self though

    Beyond that I've no idea, though I have found with steam that when in doubt disable steam in-game and set the actual game's exe to run in admin mode - thats sorted many of my issues.

  15. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    Ive got skyrim, not yet installed it would it be worth playing with some of the addons or playing through the game and then trying them?
  16. L-Jam

    L-Jam What's a Dremel?

    5 Jan 2012
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    Wondering if I should get it on PC aswell as 360 which I've now played for 40ish hours, is there a massive graphical difference? And are the mods worth buying the game again for?
  17. lp rob1

    lp rob1 Modder

    14 Jun 2010
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    If you love nice textures, and have the rig to handle it, have a look at S.T.E.P. (Skyrim Total Enhancement Project). I am running every mod on the list there, although I am getting some annoying CTDs at certain locations. I am not sure if the mods are causing the problems or my overhauled .ini file messing things up.
    If I had to choose some mods, then I would go for:
    • Tytanis
    • SkyUI
    • Realistic Water Textures
    • Quality Road Map with Roads
    • Enhanced Blood Textures
    • SkyBoost (really helps with lower end CPUs - adds optimisation into the code)
    • Deadly Dragons
  18. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Short answer: yes.

    Long answer: There are a lot of mods that not only fix things that are outright broken, but also improve massively on the way the game looks and plays. Some of the mods listed above are great places to start. Just look at the comparison screenshots in this link:

    The improvements are massive. Here's another one for you, Xenius Character Enhancement mod:


    Besides graphical improvements there are fixes for things that are outright broken.


    I was doing the Civil War quest and upon reaching a certain point, Ulfric gave me permission to buy a house in Windhelm. I spent 12,000 Gold to buy the house.. I go to my house and I remember that this is the house used in a quest involving tracking down a serial killer. Well I figure it'll probably just void out that quest for me.

    Well it didn't. As soon as I entered the house I ended up being thrust half-way through said quest and was given an objective to talk to the steward about the murder scene. (the house is covered in blood and exploded body parts) Keep in mind I -can not- decorate the house until after this quest is finished.

    The steward tells me to talk to this chick who's been tracking the murders. The quest marker points me back out into town, underneath the pub. UNDERNEATH THE WORLD GEOMETRY.

    At this point, if I were on console I'd have been totally screwed. Thankfully I was able to use the developer codes to turn on no clip and travel underneath the world geometry and find the woman.

    Who was -dead- :jawdrop:

    I had a quest to talk to a dead woman. Keep in mind, my quest was active, no failed. So again, another point where I was screwed. Until I used the console command to bring her back to life.

    And she wouldn't talk to me. Apparently the game doesn't want you to talk to people who are clipping through the geometry. So how do I get her out?

    Console command again to turn on no-clip for her. If you click on an NPC in the console command mode you can apply any of the console codes to them. BOOM! She flies back out onto her pre-defined track back up on the streets. I go up to talk to her and...

    SHE'S FLYING AROUND IN THE AIR COMPLETELY SPAZZING OUT IN WAYS I CAN'T DESCRIBE! Well, I talk to her and all goes well and I get to advance the quest. I turned clipping back on for her and she went back to normal.

    Off to the house we go and we discover a room filled with blown up body parts and somehow the game determines that this guy I never met before is the killer. So I go to the steward and tell him we found this amulet (which we didn't actually find. Doesn't exist as far as I know) that apparently belongs to the court wizard. Bing bang boom. Court wizard hauled off, quest complete, and I can decorate my house. I immediately buy all of the decorations and enter my new home.

    Only to find that the body parts, evidence, blood and gore are still strewn all over my damn house!!!

    Turns out you can buy the option from the steward to clean up the murder scene, but a bug that is triggered by buying the living room decorations makes it so you can -never- clean up the murder scene.

    Upon investigating -this- issue, I came across the realization that the court wizard is -not- the killer and has been wrongly accused. Apparently the murders are supposed to keep happening but they never did (even though there's still a dead body in the cemetary that no one seems to care about).

    So now I have the wrong guy in jail, the house can't be cleaned up, and the quest won't advance.

    Again, the console command saves me. I used a console command to set the quest stage to the point where I can talk to the steward and set the wizard free and put the real killer in jail. OK -now- maybe I can clean up my house.


    Here is where a mod saved me. Someone compiled a .bat that when activated in-game from the dev console will clean up your house once and for all.

    Had I been playing on an xbox I would have been F'd out of my 12,000 gold on that quest ... like SEVEN different ways.

    PC version :rock:
  19. Stewb

    Stewb What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2009
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    As great a story as that is for showing how awesome the console commands are... Why didn't you just load a saved game to before you had bought the house then finish blood on ice? :eeek:
  20. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    If you followed that idea for every bugged quest, you'd be reloading saves every quarter of an hour. :( Nope, access to the console is essential for Bethesda games - similar things happened to me, not just in Skyrim, but in Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. But by far the worst for bugged quests has been Skyrim.

    I got into the habit of hitting quicksave every minute or so with the earlier Skyrim patches, where the game would CTD for me irregularly but often. But I rarely remember to make a 'proper' save, usually because I'm trying to become engrossed in the story. ;)

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