TBH I think Clarkson is a smeg end. I also think Hammond is a smeg end, and I don't like Harry or Meghan either. I do like James May, but the other two just get on my tits. I've never liked Top Gear, neither before, after, or with them in it. It just all seems really silly to me. Just my opinion on that part. As for "cancel culture". TBH no matter what you call it from what period it has always been the same. If you are popular people will want to see you, if you are not they will not. So to me? cancel culture seems to just be people voting with their wallets. Because, once again it all comes down to money. If someone is popular then usually as long as they bring in the money it doesn't really matter how much of an asshole they are they will just continue on. IMO Clarkson is coming to the end of his run. His audience is shrinking, and his ideology is dated. TBH by now he should just consider cashing in and disappearing. As for freedom of speech? I am all for it. Let people say whatever they want to say. At which point people will then make their own minds up. However, there is such a thing as going too far. That said with the punishment being shunned and offed to the annals of history? that more than makes up for it. However once again I feel that people are incredibly judgmental and seem to make their minds up about someone over one sentence. Which again IMO is a bit extreme. Just because someone says something daft and or shitty at some point doesn't mean they are devoid of any goodness or good things. Personally I am not a fan of any majorly famous people. They all act the same, and it's all stupid and all about money.
"Cancel Culture", another pointless name for something that never needed a name, like the tabloids calling a chilly easterly, "The Beast From The East."
It would be a double standard if that was my stance, but it's not - I already said that Clarkson's words were harmful, likewise what's said about JK and indeed by JK in some instances. But are all harmful words untrue? Therein lies the crux of the matter. If we reach a point where speaking truth is deemed hate speech (which we arguably have), we really are in a terrible place as a society.
I would be very interested to hear some examples of "truths" you believe would be deemed hate speech.
I don't think his words were harmful. Words are not harmful IMO, and they are a great way to find out who you shouldn't like. It's just him being a dick. Jumping on the Piers hype train. The problem these days as has been said is - "There is a difference between a hate speech, and speech that you hate". As skins grow thinner than ever and aggressiveness toward quite silly things it won't get better. That said I should point out that in the UK there is no such thing as free speech any way. There is in the U.S constitution, and as such I used to have to drive through rallys of skinheads in WV preaching racism and hate, but in the UK there never was a thing called free speech. There are absolutely tons of things here that can get you arrested if they come out of your mouth. So fighting for free speech is daft any way, considering it pretty much never existed in the UK any way. I think with the internet and TV making the world smaller a lot of people listen to something said in the US and then think it applies worldwide. It doesn't. BTW I should point out that as a child I was bullied pretty horribly. And things were said to me that tbh? no human should ever say to another human. Things about my dad dying and so on. However, as I pointed out above it gave me a really good idea of who was a dick, and beyond that a c**t, and who I should have absolutely no time for whatsoever. And sitting back and watching karma take hold over the years has been enormously satisfying, so there is that.
So by definition hate speech is defined as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation" would the truth "All of the Russian invaders of Ukraine should be shot and killed" be considered hate speech? We'd all argue it's true and I'm encouraging violence against a group.
I would argue no, it would not be classified as hate speech: the important identifier in your sentence is "invaders," not "Russian." You are calling for the invaders to be shot and killed, which is expressly permitted during wartime. If you had written "All Russians should..." then that would be hate speech. As you've stated, the legislation requires the target to be "a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation" - and "invader" is none of those things. Neither, however, is a "truth" - both are opinions. But one is a hate crime (or, at least, could be prosecuted as such) and the other is not. EDIT: For clarity: a truth is a statement like "traditional bacon is made from pigs," an opinion is "bacon is delicious."
I've stayed out of this because I really don't give a hoot about celebs getting their nose bent out of shape, however.. Nope, not I.
"Such as" seems to indicate it can be one of these things but it's not an extensive list. Fair point on the rest though. I should have added willing.
It is not an exhaustive list, no, but "invaders" is not and would not be considered a valid addition. Likewise, I'm free to hate a person because they're an arsehole but not because they're, say, Welsh, or Sikh, or gay. They might well be a Welsh gay Sikh, but that's by-the-by. See also: Clarkson might have been free to hate his producer for failing to provide the steak his fragile little manchild body craved, and maybe even to shout at him for it, but calling him a "lazy Irish" was where he tipped the scales. Then he punched him, but that's a whole new ball game of battery and/or actual bodily harm with potential racial aggravation. Let's just say if he wasn't rich he would almost certainly have been prosecuted.
"People who freely express themselves in a way that isn't harmful to others absolutely should be protected from certain "consequences" - for example, unfair dismissal. And I'm not just talking about Clarkson here, but I'd argue that his situation fits the bill." This made it sound like you didn't think what he said was harmful? Why can't words be harmful?
Because you should have been taught to ignore helmets, and spot a dick a mile off the starboard bow. It's where sticks and stones comes from.
I get the point you're making: most people's idea of "free speech" comes from the US 1st Amendment. Even then that's wholly misunderstood, even in America, because it doesn't mean "freedom from consequences". There's nothing to stop an employer from firing you if you're spouting off on social media and bringing the company into disrepute. But UK law does provide protection for freedom of expression, I mentioned it on the last page: That part I highlighted does a lot of heavy lifting though. The way I understand it, that's the part which basically says "Yeah you have freedom of expression, but not if you're breaking any other laws".
You are right, and it was a poor choice of words on my part - it's easy for the line to become blurred when we talk about speech in terms of how "harmful" it is because that's subjective. If somebody loses their livelihood because of hurt feelings, I think that's a bit extreme to say the least, which is why I made the point about protection from such consequences. I'm sure you would, but IMO it would be utterly fruitless to discuss these things here because we'll just go round in circles and probably end up offending people. Like I said in a previous post, best to leave such matters at "agree to disagree" and move on.
I find that offensive. (I kid, I kid.) (As an aside, I dunno why but the last two times you've quoted me the forum ain't popped it up as an alert. Not sure if summat's brok - @MLyons?)
I'm not subscribed to the thread, but usually if someone @'s me or quotes me anywhere I get an alert (and I got exactly that when you quoted me there.) Just not on the last two from Lenny. Maybe earlier ones, too, I don't recall.
Very odd. Seems to be working for me here but obviously it's the type of bug you don't know if it's not working as it's a notification. I'll keep an eye out.
I think it's difficult since where should that line be drawn? Someone gets punched on the arm, it could stop hurting fairly quickly but would that be enough, is the principle of causing 'physical harm' more important?