Ok, so this is really weird... System build: MB: Maximus VIII Formula CPU: i7 6700k Mem: Corsair DDR4 3466 4x8GB (running at standard speed at the moment, not 3466) SSD: Samsung 850 EVO SATA (connected to SATA 1, have tried other ports) GFX: not arrived yet so using the GFX built into skylake So I've put the system together, it posts to BIOS, I can install Windows, but if I try to install any updates at all (tried ASUS MB CD drivers, ASUS online drivers, Microsoft auto updates, Microsoft manual updates), when it reboots I see the Windows loading screen, and then I lose the video signal... Thoughts?
It's a new build so a completely fresh install, I've started from scratch about 5 times now, same result every time. As soon as I try to load any update on reboot I lose video signal after the initial wondows loading page Also, Windows can't see the LAN connection, can only use wireless? I think that might be related to the drivers, but then when I try to install any, we're back to the missing video signal issue...
And I've just noticed my spelling mistake in the thread title, damnit It was late / stupid iPad spellcheck... Fixed! (the spelling mistake)
Solved! Video output was running through my AV amp, connecting it directly to the TV resolved the problem