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News Sony: Wii owners will eventually upgrade to PS3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 9 Jun 2009.

  1. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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  2. 13eightyfour

    13eightyfour Formerly Titanium Angel

    9 Sep 2003
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    All the wii owners i know, only bought a wii because of what it was, cant see them ever moving up to a PS3, Gamers more than likely already own an xbox or PS3 so i think hes being a little optimistic tbh.
  3. frontline

    frontline Punish Your Machine

    24 Jun 2007
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    Hmm, i think the PS3 has missed the boat here. Xbox 360 had a wider range of quality games available quicker and got established. The Wii appeals to a completely different demographic and i can't see mass adoption of the PS3 at this late stage. The one weapon in it's armoury that it did have was as a cheap blu-ray player, however this too has now disappeared as i picked up a decent Samsung blu-ray player for £179 from Argos recently. Then again, i don't own any of the last generation of consoles and do all my gaming on the PC.
  4. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    the wii is the cheapest the 360 next cheapest and the PS3 the most expensive.

    its more like theyd go for a 360 is it not.

    the blu ray argument doesnt really work here i dont think as if you bought a wii in the first place your probably not bothered about HD. although the blu ray is the main reason to buy a PS3
  5. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    I wish they'd stop willy-wangling and just stfu about all this. No-one cares anymore tbh, those that want a PS3 will buy one, everyone else will just buy a 360 and be satisfied.
  6. tron

    tron What's a Dremel?

    12 May 2009
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    Most wii owners are not proper hardcore gamers. Most bought the wii and played it to death in the first few months due to the casual games and innovative control, but most never did really take gaming seriously enough to spend for a higher end system. Most don't care about graphics, so wouldn't see the point in upgrading to a more powerful machine.

    The blu ray bonus that you get with PS3 is wearing thin nowadays. When the PS3 was first released, it was an attractive feature, but the attractiveness is no longer there and within a few years will completely disappear. Already, you can buy a PC blu ray drive for a fraction of the cost and hook up to TV. Then there's PC blu ray recorder drives. Standalone bluray players are also dropping in price rapidly. Plus they have better quality components as well as more features than the console.

    I hope Sony are not serious about this '10 year life cycle' of the PS3, because that will help to stagnate graphical game improvements in the industry. Already, PC games are being held back due to multiplatform games being based on certain console limitations.
  7. Jamie

    Jamie ex-Bit-Tech code junkie

    12 Mar 2001
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    I think you'll find the 360 is actually cheaper than the Wii. Especially if you're going to hook the Wii up for multiplayer.
  8. bridgesentry

    bridgesentry 3verything must bee wat3rcooled

    7 Jan 2009
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    Xbox360s are still pros' choice
  9. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    I'd be willing to bet Nintendo has a wii HD ready for the moment it's users decide they want something more, effectively cutting PS3 out of the loop. Dream on Sony.
  10. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    Look at the quality of graphics on the PS2 at launch. Then look at some of the later titles, like Final Fantasy X or XII. Quite a lot of difference between them, despite the hardware being the same.

    When developers get solidly to grips with coding for the PS3 (and the 360, for that matter) then graphics quality will go up. That being said, I don't think the improvements will be as vast as they were on the PS2/XBox era consoles.


    To be honest, this statement by Sony is rather naive... and quite arrogant. Wii owners might 'upgrade'... but there are two choices. Really, I suspect that Sony mean that younger kids will move away from playing on a Wii and move to something else. While the 360 has some games aimed at kids... perhaps Sony hope that with more titles like Little Big Planet, parents will be more willing to let their children play on a PS3 than a 360.

    That, of course, implies that most parents even pay attention to what their kids play or watch. Which, given the number of under-18's playing 18 rated games... can't be very many.

    Even so, this just sounds like Sony doing it's usual arrogant posturing. I don't know what the current figure are for units sold when it comes to the PS3/360/Wii, but I'm fairly sure that of the three, Sony are still trailing.
  11. Aracos

    Aracos What's a Dremel?

    11 Feb 2009
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    lololol they couldn't be more wrong, I would never move from my wii to a ps3. I bought my Wii because of all the great Nintendo franchises I like and the possibilities of the controller/console, I've been a nintendo fanboy since the gamecube hooked me. I would never buy any Sony console if I couldn't soft mod it or find some way of playing games from backing storage because Sony lasers are crap :p

    I have been disappointed with the games choice on the Wii but I've been completely reinvigorated when I chipped and soft modded it. I get a chance to try games instead of hoping they are a good buy seen as the Wii doesn't do demo's, that's one thing Sony and Microsoft have going for them, there's always lots of game demos to play :(

    If I bought another console it would be a 360 because it has a lot better games than the PS3 and if I wanted a blu-ray player I'd get a Sony BDP-S350 because I've seen it in action and it's one hell of an upscaler aswell as being about £150 on amazon, so no sony consoles for me ^_^

    I own a PSP and don't play any PSP games I just use it as an emulation centre :D
  12. yuusou

    yuusou Multimodder

    5 Nov 2006
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    At the time of the PS2 and the N64, there was no xbox anywhere near. N64 and PS2 came out at very different times, Wii and PS3 came out at more similar times. They're just dreaming here. I think blu-ray is barely a selling point anyway. I think Microsoft got it right this time, being digital media content the future.
  13. Paradigm Shifter

    Paradigm Shifter de nihilo nihil fit

    10 May 2006
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    That Blu-ray player has come down a lot since I last looked. Wow...
  14. jwo7182

    jwo7182 What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2009
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    the article talked about N64 owners upgrading to PS2 and how this is what will happen with Wii owners upgrading to PS3s. N64 and PS2 weren't even the same generation of systems. Maybe Gamecube owners upgraded to PS2s.

    it was n64, ps1, saturn then xbox, ps2 gc
  15. phuzz

    phuzz This is a title

    28 May 2004
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    Close, but no cigar. We bought a Wii a few years ago then upgraded to a 360 instead.
    If I suddenly get a massive pay raise this year (unlikely as we've just had a pay cut) then I might buy a PS3, but I'd rather spend the cash upgrading my computer...
  16. Mcmonopoly

    Mcmonopoly What now?!

    25 Feb 2008
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    *LAUGHS HYSTERICALLY*, Yeah right, the next thing you'll see is Wii owners "upgrading" to PS3's... Someone needs to take that man down a few thousand notches me thinks..
  17. sear

    sear Guest

    Odd, my PC is already about twice as powerful as a PlayStation 3, and it's almost two years old now... what's this about upgrading, again?
  18. Furymouse

    Furymouse Like connect 4 in dagger terms

    4 Feb 2004
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    As a wii/pc owner, I think I can safely say that I doubt I will ever own a ps3. I bought a blu ray player for the family for christmas ( $200 iirc ) and the pc and wii fulfill all my other gaming needs.

    But a ten year life cycle? I understand that they want to maximize the return on their investment but ten years is an absolutely long time in terms of technology. Yes the graphics will get better with better programming but there is still that cap on the hardware.
    Unless, a new sku is in order :D
  19. The_Beast

    The_Beast I like wood ಠ_ಠ

    21 Apr 2007
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    you're right about that: you get one wimote/nu chuck with the Wii then you get to buy 3 more at $50 per set, that's $150 in controllers so the true cost of a Wii with 4 person playability is $400 and after that you might as well buy a Wii fit is another $80
  20. HourBeforeDawn

    HourBeforeDawn a.k.a KazeModz

    26 Oct 2006
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    I have a Wii but I plan to upgrade to XBox 360 once that hands free no controller camera computer thingie comes out for it and of course if its all that its cracked up to be and as advertised, if its a flop then I may go with PS3 for the Bluray factor and a few of the games like Soul Calibur that I really like but we will see.
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