(Continued here because the forum throws a nonspecific error if too many media tags are in one post) Gameplay:
As with all game rleeases, wait for the thing to come and then decide whether or not to get excited. I play the original Spyro games to death as a ten year old, if these are well done I'll probably play them to death again. Hopefully they won't have re-aligned the hitboxes like they did with the Crash Bandicoot remaster.
From the demo (I should have mentioned that GAME stores with the demo kiosks have the demo loaded) it's pretty danged close. Once you switch from passive to active camera and turn on 'classic' controls it plays just like the original to the point the old muscle memory kicks in. All the level geometry is the same, all the extra visual greebles don't affect the hitboxes so movement paths/glides/enemy locations/etc match up. About the biggest mechanics 'complaint' in that regard is that the camera does not do the same rapid zoom in/out when charging which makes it feel a little slower (even though it's not). Supposedly the notoriously bad Agent 9 controls have been cleaned up to allow for the now-standard twin-stick-shooter move&aim which should reduce frustrations, though that's not in the public demo.
Well it is launching in the same month as Hitman 2, Darksiders 3 and X4 while the day only has 24 hours That said, I spent a suspiciously high amount of time with the Crash Bandicoot remake despite having precisely zero nostalgia, so Spyro will probably end up consuming my free time for a long time as well...