I normally take landscape photography shots or naturally lit objects so this is new to me. A family member has asked me to take some B&W photographs of her labradors to be printed. The sample of the photograph is below, would anybody give me some advice on achieving similar results? I'm thinking an off-camera diffused flash in a dark environment??
Guide on low-key portraits - even on a budget. https://photography.tutsplus.com/tu...ginners-guide-to-shooting-low-key--photo-3427
To get this photo, you need a flash directed from top to bottom, about 45º, so that it does not illuminate the background. You can use a dark room or preferably a dull black fabric (not reflecting light). Set your camera to a closed shutter and a slightly faster speed. With this, there will be no time for the flash light to bounce on objects or on the background and be captured by the camera.