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Gaming Ten Years On: Knights of the Old Republic

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 8 Aug 2013.

  1. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    Regarding the old fims on DVD without the additional scenes that made them Special Editions, they did release the original trilogy on DVD as individual films (i.e. not a box set) with the unaltered film and the SE on one disc.
    If memeory serves it was about 2006-ish and probably in a limited run which means they will be expensive to buy new nowadays. Still you might get them second hand for a reasonable price if you get lucky.

    BTW, I completely disagree that poor/old effects can ruin a film, the original Star Wars was a revoultion in effects when it first came out waaay back in 77/78 as there was nothing else like it at the time. Sure it doesn't have the glossy images that modern CGI heavy films do (sometimes less is more) but it didn't detract from the film at the time.
    Next thing you'll be telling me is that the original King Kong is crap because you can see the animators finger marks on the puppet's fur or A Grand Day out with Wallace and Grommit is appaling because you can see fingerprints on the surface of the stop motion characters...
  2. adrock

    adrock Caninus Nervous Rex

    5 Dec 2006
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    i have the DVD issues you're talking about, the unaltered film isn't entirely unaltered, it's still had effects redone in various places. Pretty certain Han still shoots first.

    I've also got copies from laser disc, which are about DVD quality and unaltered :)
  3. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    I think that part of the problem with the "remastered" Star Wars films is that Lucas just couldn't help himself when it came to tinkering with the originals, so there are a whole raft of different versions available with varying amounts of remastering in each.

    Unfortunately, I don't think it's possible to get an unadulterated, original cinema edit on DVD - as adrock says, the DVD edition contains some edits. If you want the original versions, you'll need to have a laser disc or VHS copy (I've got the VHS box set somewhere, but as I don't have a video anymore, it's gathering dust :()
  4. johnnyboy700

    johnnyboy700 Minimodder

    27 May 2007
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    Hmmn, its coming back to me now, the SE versions were the final culmination of the various tweaks thqat GL made to the original fims, mainly Ep 4. He did make some changes to Ep 4 before the SE versions hit the big screens and the "Han fired first" was the one that got the most attention and I do also recall the GL was adamant that the actual originals would never be released again so the original VHS or Laser Disc versions are your only chance to see the completely unaltered versions of the original trilogy.
  5. bawjaws

    bawjaws Multimodder

    5 Dec 2010
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    I wouldn't be surprised if Lucas had actually deleted the original masters of the first trilogy, in an attempt to make sure that no-one could ever enjoy them again :D
  6. maverik-sg1

    maverik-sg1 Minimodder

    18 Aug 2010
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    I have laser disc and VHS originals of the star wars trilogy (and a few other classics) - reading this inspires me to dust of the laser disc player and have a retro evening :)
  7. Yaka

    Yaka Multimodder

    26 Jun 2005
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    Christ almost 40years? That was fast Makes me feel bloody old
  8. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    There were several quests you couldn't complete e.g. getting fuel for Telos station, which had a large knock-on effect later on. The bugs were ironed out with patches, but anything that was missing content was left untouched, until the mod community took on the task of fixing it.

    It's definitely worth installing the mod for a replay.

    The only thing I really feel the second game lacks is a good romance sub plot; the first game options were Carth and Bastilla, both of whom were a little annoying at times but generally well rounded characters that had integral parts to play in the story. The second game romance options felt crowbarred (it's a word, promise) in at the last minute and none of them sat very well with the characters I played.
  9. rinseout

    rinseout What's a Dremel?

    8 Mar 2011
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    Tie fighter is the best Star Wars game. Here's to wishing in vain for an HD remake.
  10. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    It's almost old enough the be in need of an HD remake itself, though. The lighting etc was great but the gamecube resolution is a bit painful on the eyes these days. Looked a lot better on my blurry 14'' TV.
  11. [PUNK] crompers

    [PUNK] crompers Dremedial

    20 May 2008
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    U trolling or 8 years old?
  12. beef1e

    beef1e What's a Dremel?

    7 Apr 2010
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    I see Battlefront 1 and 2 have been missed from the list, i really loved both of these games and played them all the time. They are quite basic compared to the equivalent battlefield games of the time and the later cod series, but that was always the appeal for me. Very easy to have a quick play without the need to level up your player constantly.
  13. Fizzban

    Fizzban Man of Many Typos

    10 Mar 2010
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    In regards to what the article said about the fight with Malak dragging on interminably - it doesn't have to. It is actually rather easy to take him down if you prevent him from replenishing his health.
    You simply run around with him chasing you while using an ability like advanced lightsaber throw or force lightning on the pods, thus preventing him for being a big cheater and regening after you just spent 5 minutes bashing the watsits out of him.

    Freaking awesome game as is the second game! I've played them both sooooo many times. Hooray for the modders out there! Meant I could get a slightly different experiance each time.
  14. Ending Credits

    Ending Credits Bunned

    4 Jan 2008
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    Liked the mention of SWGB (Galactic Battlegrounds), was confused of the lack of mention of Battlefront.
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