Hello! im new to this forum but i searched it for it is just what i need. i recently stepped on my mini laptop (oops) and the screen broke really badly (most of it is black but u can see around 15% of the screen still working, although this doesnt help much) As it was not a cheap or an old one, i thought that i could make a project (make something usefull out of it) out of it and have some fun while doing it, i havent got much experience on stuff like this but im also planning to break up my old ps1 and put it into a new shape!(it does not have a cd-slot im afraid so thats not an option) heres a link to what the laptop looks like http://icecat.biz/fi/p/samsung/np-nc210-a05se/netbooks-nc210-a05se-9603157.html besides the broken screen the laptop works fine, u guys got any ideas what i could make out of this thing? Thanks in advance!
media center It does have a vga output, but not hdmi. It has 3 usb-slots, vga output, spaces for headphones and mick, net cable slot and a memory card slot. And of course a place for the charger. I was thinking about something more interesting ( i suppose u meant just using it for audio/video player that would be connected into a tv/stereo system). I had this one idea that i could rip apart a projector and combine them into a (semi?) portable computer with a projector used for the screens purposes Any ideas on that? I welcome any suggestions
You can also just get a new screen. They aren't really expensive, (about between €50 and €80 shipping included on ebay). And installing is usually fairly straightforward. I did it with my netbook a while ago (broke the screen on a tablecorner). The only good thing about those netbooks is the fact they are so small and mobile, with a decent battery life. If something is not going to move, it has to be a lot more powerfull for me... EDIT: this being said is in no way to be interpreted as me talking you out of modding fun. I'm just saying that saving the netbook is also a valable option.
repairing the screen is an option but not what im looking for. something more innovative and challenging would be fun
its possible that i end up doing that, but it probably would need more funding as i doubt that i will find a wireless projector anywhere cheaply. also it would need alot of planning as it prolly would require some way to turn the laptop away from the hot projector
I don't think you need a wireless projector? find an old briefcase that you can put anywhere, open, plug in the power and start projecting
that would take away the idea of it being easily portable, i just enjoyed the thought that it would also run on rechargeable battery
make a net-table. 19-24in 16:9 touch screen, wireless connectivity, flip up screen / easy to disassemble maintain keep clean etc. Pretty lights. Vajazzle that table up.
i have been low on funding lately :/ So no, i havent done anything... i was thinking about buying a new screen but i still wish i could save some money and make something more interesting of it