Just spotted this video on the PC Gamer website, must say I´m VERY excited. Some info can be found here: http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/02/05/t...evealed-an-open-world-rpg-bigger-than-skyrim/ And a little more here: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2013/02/04/march-cover-reveal-witcher-3-wild-hunt.aspx The Witcher 3 seems to be free roaming and bigger then Skyrim, and possibly without loading screens!
Holy....! I love The Witcher. First two have been the go-to RPGs for myself for a long while now. Excellent story, gameplay mechanics that aren't made for a 3 year old and a fantastic world design that steers you along a story without you realising it.
Do we really need another Witcher game though. First game was brutal in difficulty, Second game was mostly shield attack repeat. 3rd game could become like DA2 was easy mode.
Awesome news between this and Cyberpunk 2077 CDPR are one of my favorite developers and un-like many games companies these days, they don't treat their customers with contempt. I hope they don't mess TW3 up, which I suppose is a risk now they are annoucing that this is coming to all platforms. In addition, I am not personally that sure open world is a great idea, although I haven't played Skyrim (which everyone is comparing it to), personally I prefer a more focused and tight direction. I guess we'll find out in 2014! CDPR have earned enough good will from me over TW1 & 2 so I really look forward to continue the great story of Geralt of Rivia
Yeah - more open world stuff. The Witcher 2 was so restrictive that it wasn't really an RPG at all - I hated it which was a shame as I really like the first one. This does look very good though and may restore my faith in the series!
Some of us prefer to choose our own direction, and not be dragged along until oh, look: the ending. Just saying. /2cents
And some of us don't. Your point? There were so many side quests and things to do in Witcher and Witcher 2 that at no point did I feel like I was being forced down a line. However, when I decided to get back to the main story, it was very quick and easy to focus on it and get back to it, rather than finding myself a million miles away from anything, ala Skyrim. I genuinely hope they don't total sandbox with the third game, as it will lose some of what made the original so successful. Oh, and up the difficulty! I miss the brutal punishment of the first when you got things wrong.
I'm all for a bit more Witcher action me. Hope they optimise the performance a little better this time though. It looked nice and all, but not much better than other AAA games.
Having played the Witcher 2 when it came out and only just finished my first play through of the Witcher 1 last week I do not think there was that huge a difference between them. Witcher 1 confined you to smallish areas of the map and 2 never felt like it was forcing you down a corridor. Once I got passed the "oh look another thing" excitement in Skyrim I lost interest quite quickly. Having to grind your way through skills for hours on end so I can make a bit of armour is also a major turn off for me.
From an e-mail I got from them: CD Projekt RED announces The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt Designed to be the crowning achievement from the renowned RPG developers; for the first time will combine mature, nonlinear story with a vast, fully open world. CD Projekt RED has officially announced the title of their next upcoming game: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (VIDEO). Further, they've announced that this, the ultimate game in the series, will also be the final Witcher game from the studio. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt combines CD Projekt RED’s trademark decision-based storytelling flair with a living open world larger than any other in modern RPG history. To be informed about the start of official CD Projekt RED pre-orders for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and to receive the latest Witcher news please subscribe here: thewitcher.com/preorder “The captivating and nonlinear story of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt takes place in a rich, truly open world environment. A world which is thrilling to explore, full of daring adventures, momentous quests, memorable characters, and unique monsters. Players will freely travel through woods, lakes, mountains, cities, and villages. Each region is inhabited by distinct populations with their own customs, legends and problems. The world of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is 30 times bigger than The Witcher 2," said Adam Badowski, head of the studio. “Imagine playing a dark fantasy game with the same great nonlinear story as in the previous Witcher titles, but now told in a world you can explore freely with no artificial boundaries. The war-ravaged world is so huge that to reach further places you will need to ride a horse or sail a boat to get there. A world where your choices have truly epic consequences. From the development side, this goal is extremely demanding. Our team had to make significant design changes and our tech had to be rebuilt. But we believe that this will lead to a completely new level of nonlinearity and a whole new, richer gaming experience. As a gamer, I would love to play this kind of RPG and I think this is what many players are waiting for. This is our dream come true at CD Projekt RED, and we hope it will be the same for you!” adds Badowski. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the final episode of the award-winning RPG series and the last part of the legend of Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the most robust and breathtaking game ever created by CD Projekt RED. Open world free-roaming exploration is an adventure in itself as the player will gallop through war-ravaged lands, sail misty waters and track down dangerous beasts for money. An improved combat system will allow players to feel like a real monster-hunter, a witcher who uses his superior senses and fighting skills to survive in a dark fantasy world--while he embarks on a quest to save his loved ones. The new core mechanics of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt immerse the player in the experience completely, with no Quick Time Events, only intuitive RPG gameplay. CD Projekt RED has added a whole new section to their website. If you want to find more information, please go to www.thewitcher.com Huzzah, no QTEs Still not a fan of this open world concept, games like GTA and AssCreed etc are boring to me, when their worlds are often filled with endless fetch quest and collect x number of junk quests. Each to their own I guess but either way, more Witcher is a good thing.
I thought I couldn't be more excited, but that email you got just made me wet myself. Setting aside a few months next year to do nothing but play this game
Hurrah! As a big fan of open world 'do what you like' games, this is music to my ears! I absolutely love games like Assassin's Creed, Skyrim and GTA because I can just prat about for hours without doing any quests! I don't really like games that push you from objective to objective as quickly as possible - it always seems such a rush and I never feel like I have got good value for money.
Im getting stuck into the first Witcher just now. I agree...it doesn’t take any prisoners. Punishing you at every possible chance.
Hoorah. The Witcher was the first game for a looong time that reminded me why I like RPGs. Can't say I enjoyed TW2 as much but it was still a great game IMO. This may be one that tears me away from BF3 and Albion Prelude at the mo * looks at pile of unopened games *