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News Traits removed from Fallout 3

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 9 Jul 2008.

  1. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    Hopefully they learned from the mistakes of Oblivion360. Hopefully.

    More importantly, I hope they learned from the Shivering Isles snafu!
  2. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    Meh, this all sounds like elitist nonsence if you ask me. "It must be bad because it's different to the previous game!". Oh get over yourselves, things are allowed to change.

    If you ask me, **** levels in ear, they're an old-fashioned, overly-linear, none flexible system that limits the infinite variations of human gameplay into predefined arbitary figures.

    Personally I believe you should have a simple list of skills, and the more you use them/get trained in them, the better you get at them. And that's it. Much more flexible, much more realistic.
  3. Timmy_the_tortoise

    Timmy_the_tortoise International Man of Awesome

    28 Feb 2008
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    Agreed, go play one of the original Fallout games if that's what you wanted from this game... It is a different game...
  4. Vash-HT

    Vash-HT What's a Dremel?

    7 Jun 2006
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    You guys are totally missing the point. If they want to make a totally different game why even call it Fallout? This might seem crazy, but most games in a series are similar, with sequels adding new things to add life to an old formula. Yeah people could go back and play FO1 and 2, but maybe they were hoping for another good Fallout game with a whole new world and story, but with similar mechanics. I mean come on, by your logic Fallout 2 wasn't even necessary because people could have just played 1 over and over again.
  5. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    Elements of truth in both. They are using the Fallout license to expand on it and grow it as they want and because it makes business sense. They aren't keeping it the same because that would be boring and not what they think is best.
  6. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
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    God i'll miss blood mess trait!

    I think u can balance the low level cap with LOTS of itens. Some rares, uniques and even collectibles like Diablo. But there's still the perks problem. I don't think that one level for each one of the perks is the answer - wich would totalize 100 levels.

    The game would need lots of replayable time, but frankly, if you finish the main quest on ANY game, it becomes much less fun. Even if we're talking about GTA. And if u don't play the main quest, the game alway become repetitive.

    The game is almost out, and i think the rule system need to be done soon enough! But i think something like 30-40 levels would be fine considering the 100 perks.

    But i will still miss the blood mess trait in the begining!
  7. Yemerich

    Yemerich I can has PERSUADETRON?

    15 Sep 2004
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    Well i really hope Diablo 3 come to punch the jaws of those who still defends a complete revamp in one franchise. Diablo is still diablo. THANK GOD!

    They should name it something else, like Fallout: Tatics was honestly named. It's in the fallout world, with fallout elements, but it's not a "fallout game". I loved FO:T, don't get me wrong. Another example is WoW. It's not WC IV.

    Why don't Beth name it FO: Oblivion?
  8. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    It's starting to look more and more that way, I'll still probably pick it up and probably enjoy it too. I think it will probably be a good game, but maybe not a good Fallout game.
  9. Mentai

    Mentai What's a Dremel?

    11 Nov 2007
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    Haha yeah, or Bethesda's Fallout.

    I don't understand the reasoning behind removing traits. They seem kinda cool, and surely this will just piss off fanboys more? Maybe they thought the fanboys couldn't get any worse, there aren't many old school gamers looking forward to this to my knowledge.
  10. MrMonroe

    MrMonroe What's a Dremel?

    27 Dec 2007
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    It's a new game, from a new developer, based on the world created in the original games. Can we all please take a deep breath and just wait until we can actually play it to pass judgment? If you wanted a game exactly like Fallout 2, then go pull your disks out of the closet and play Fallout 2 again.
  11. Veles

    Veles DUR HUR

    18 Nov 2005
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    The skill system too, from the look of it, it's just Morrowind/Oblivion's skill system, why change it from the original SPECIAL? That worked fine.
  12. Bauul

    Bauul Sir Bongaminge

    7 Apr 2007
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    No, cos no sequal that's ever been different to the original has ever been good, has it? Was Quake 3 derided because it was hugey, massively different to Quake 2 (in that the whole point of Quake 2 was the singleplayer, they didn't even ship it with Multiplayer maps)? No? That's because Quake 3 was actually rather good, regardless of the changes. Call of Duty 4 wasn't exactly like Call of Duty 3, but it made Bit's top 10 games of last year. Games can be different, but what matters is if the game is good as a result of the changes, and that is just something we don't yet know.
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