Hi, I just recently upgraded my computer to a sandy bridge platform. I didnt have an adequate cd rom drive so i had to install from usb. After numerous attempts I finally got into the install screen but ran into another problem. It had an exclamation mark next on the bottom saying that i could not install to the partition and could only install to a GPT drive. However, it still gave me the ability to hit next, which I did and it went ahead and installed windows. So my question would be is it safe or should i go back and fix it. I followed instructions from a fellow Bit-tech poster http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=209045 I did everything on that except for the fact that I could not get the "notepad\Windows\Panther\setupact.log" to open, so i didnt know if i was in UEFI or BiOS. I did however follow the "convert gpt" command and the yellow exclmation mark was still there. I proceeded with pressing the next button and it installed fine.