www.module.ro : Library code for PIC microcontroller, celullar phone LCD application with Microchip and Atmel microcontroller
Dead Links OP. http://www.the12volt.com/ - broken. #2 Electronics4Idiots http://members.cox.net/sonjarob/TUTs/Electronics4Idiots.html - broken. Circuit Symbols for electronic components: (from NuTech) - http://www.geocities.com/talkingelectronics/Circuit_Symbols.html - broken. Electronic Circuit Symbols & Notations : - http://www.nutsvolts.com/PDF_Files/circuit.pdf - dead link, site still running but cannot find this article. Beginners Guide to Electronics : - http://www.netcentral.co.uk/satcure/design/ - dead link, site still running but cannot find this article. The SMD Code Book : - broken. 317 Calculator : - broken. #3 Fan Noise Solutions: - broken. Solving Cooling Fan Problems with a Smart Sensor: - broken, site still running cannot find article. Bill Bowden's Hobby Circuits : - moved to http://www.bowdenshobbycircuits.info/ Tony Roon's collection : - moved to - http://www.sentex.ca/~mec1995/index.htm Discover Circuits : moved to http://www.discovercircuits.com/list.htm Electronic Projects Online : - broken
I have some very interesting circuits and articles for PC fans and controlling methods: This is the most reliable and easiest controller i have make for PC Fans Closed Loop high frequency PWM PC Fan Controller And an article for all the fan methods, with example circuits for each one: PC Fan Controlling Methods
Replacing a Noisy CPU fan http://www.petervis.co.cc/cpu fan replacement/cpufan.html LTR-48125S misflashed cd rom drive repair http://www.petervis.co.cc/LTR-48125S/LTR-48125S.html
All previous links to the beginner PIC guides have fallen. The website files have been archived and available for download as ZIP from here: http://www.mediafire.com/?yydxlwm54tg This should be a more permanent source.
I went shopping for parts, but I have four vehicles of the project and not enough room so I spent on it. I'm wiling to bet that it would let go for less, even when he tried to cut it for a while now!