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News Valve: "XBL patching is a train wreck"

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by CardJoe, 13 Sep 2010.

  1. mastorofpuppetz

    mastorofpuppetz What's a Dremel?

    12 Mar 2010
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    One of the dumbest posts I have ever read. Some of the buggiest games in recent memoery have been console games. MLB 2K9 was a disaster. Fallout 3, RDR has quite a few bugs, I can go on and on.......etc.... MS having tight control like nazis over live does NOTHING to help or stop broken patches. Hell, the DLC on Live was fubared for Fallout 3, and it has happened numerous times.
  2. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    You might notice Pure's heavy emphasis on the past. Compare that to your recent memory of buggy console games.

    As his post clearly explains, he hopes for a future of console games where the option of DLC does not lead them to the same fate as many a PC game, keeping them similar to the often bug free console games of the pre-DLC past. A predominant feature of the console market is the plug and play ease of their games, this would be largely lost if developers used DLC/patching system as a way to release games which do not always plug and play with ease and fix them later.
    PureSilver likes this.
  3. Ph4ZeD

    Ph4ZeD What's a Dremel?

    22 Jul 2009
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    Let everyone know when you join the 21st century and upgrade from dial up.
    Sloth likes this.
  4. CowBlazed

    CowBlazed What's a Dremel?

    9 Dec 2005
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    rofl my thoughts exactly, good to know there are still clueless tards out there spewing garbage.

    Published by steam? Steam is an application how could it ever publish anything. Besides Valve doesn't publish every game that comes onto Steam, 3rd parties choose to use it because they realize like most people that its the best thing to happen to PC gaming.
  5. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    Major League Baseball 2K9 I'll accept, because apparently that was a horribly broken game. However, the reviews of the game castigated it for it - the game's Wikipedia article quotes no less than six articles' complaints about bugs - so any buyer with the ability to read and browse online could discover rapidly that the game was a massive s***heap. Red Dead Redemption's bugs are amusing and highly publicized, but rarely fatal to gameplay - a similar syndrome to Fallout: 3. It could even be noted that these games' foibles are especially noticeable because the many thousands of buyers continue to play them without being especially frustrated by the odd donkey woman.

    In the same sort of timeframe, PC users have had to cope with GTA: IV, described as "plagued with bugs" and extremely poorly optimized for PC hardware. We got GSC's S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games where the 'cons' are "bugs, bugs, bugs" and third-party mods were the order of the day if you actually wanted to ever play the game. Even the programming that gets the games playing is far from flawless - ask anyone that ever uses GFWL. For the most part, these PC games still enjoy a dedicated following, but it's of note that Wikipedia doesn't note a single bug in it's article on either game I've just quoted, even though their glitches could not only crash the game and your computer entirely, but also corrupt their own files and damage save games. It's apparently acceptable for PC gamers to have frustrating troubleshooting experiences, but if that becomes the order of the day on consoles, why on Earth would your average consolite buy one?
  6. dyzophoria

    dyzophoria Minimodder

    3 May 2004
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    id expect comments like this from valve actually, now that they are on the PS3. I remember a few years back, they where saying almost the same comments against the PS3. lol
  7. Saivert

    Saivert Minimodder

    26 Mar 2005
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    Nice try! You know just as well as anyone that if it wasn't for the fact that consoles have a huge customer base Valve wouldn't care about console gamers at all. PC is their main platform and where they got their own publishing platform. Now since Sony agreed to bring a bit of Steam onto PS3 Valve is obviously happy about making games for the PS3 again. This is all Sony's doing. If they were still stuck in their own world Valve would still boycott them. This does not mean Valve wasn't to blame for the disaster that was Orange Box for PS3 (they should have known better than to outsource the porting to EA).

    Great post. Glad to see someone has a clue here.
  8. tozsam

    tozsam What's a Dremel?

    11 Jun 2010
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    There is a big reason why console games are (in general) less buggy than PC games. It comes down to hardware. A console has one permitation of its hardware, whereas there must be tens of thousands of different PC hardware setups. This is as far as I know the main reason behind so many PC games getting constant patching. Console game devs have no excuse.
  9. stupido

    stupido What's a Dremel?

    30 Nov 2009
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    +1 (if I can use 'thumbs up", well consider that I have used all 4 of them... ;)
  10. rollo

    rollo Modder

    16 May 2008
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    360 ps3 and pc games all suffer bugs just depends how bad they are

    most of the major releases in recent memory have been ok though or patched for free on release date

    DLC is still a money grab especially if its on release. If valve want to release theres for free then they should be allowed to do this ( they do on pc either way so the console people lose out on this )
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