I use Windows movie Maker, the Win 7 edition. There is better stuff out there, but I haven't been able to come to terms with it.
A quick video I put together of my girlfriend and I paddling out on the bay yesterday. Most people pack their kayaks away when it starts raining around here, but we actually prefer winter paddling. not only are their fewer people on the water, but it's also far more dynamic. In the summer we would have to drive for hours to find dynamic water like this, but right now it's everywhere.
Premiere Pro CS4. I use Windows Movie Maker 2.6 at work for ease (digital signs*) and have used Serif MoviePlus X6 (okay I guess) and VideoPad Video Editor (nooope.jpg**.) *The MagicInfoPro software was made by people who hate kittens... and freedom. ** To clarify, hell no.
Update: Fixed an annoying key frame issue. So, if you've been keeping an eye on the POTD thread, you may have seen me post picture of the RMS Mulheim. This is a short video from the site and the first 'proper' go a colour correcting and generally poking around Premiere's tool set. I think the next purchase may have to be an LCD bacpac for the GoPro. I tried tethering an iPod touch to the camera, but it didn't let me see what was going on once recording started. Also, it's a mixture of tripod and steadicam jiggery-pokery, but gusting wind and inexperience meant it was swaying around more than I would have liked. Anyway, the ship was four years old when she ran around in 2003. The chief officer caught his trousers on the lever of his chair and knocked himself out. While everyone was rescued the ship was a write-off and once cleared and cleaned, was left to the sea.
Well, okay, it's basically straight up and down. I've only flown the quad once before, on a windy day (the flight ended upside down with a broken blade.) This time I ran it it stability mode and took it steady to get used to the controls.
I'm moving towards doing wreck specific videos and this is sort of the prototype. The plan is to release the videos to promote the book, but since the book isn't done yet I figure I might as well start figuring out how to make the videos work. This video is on the wrecks at Dupont WA which were sunk to form a breakwater. In addition to a bunch of old barges, there is the remains of the steam tug Wanderer, the four masted schooner William Nottingham and an as yet unidentified concrete ship.
Here's a time lapse I captured a few evenings ago: You need to watch it in 720p for any sort of clarity. Despite not having a bulb ramping intervalometer or any filters yet, I'm fairly happy with how it turned out.
Some of these videos are awesome... I especially liked the aurora borealis from space.. that was incredible!
This is the latest video that I did for work. I created it to show during a meeting with the ISS Program Manager. It is supposed to tell the story of our hardware from launch to install to activation.
We take the Blade out for a relaxing flight over the ruins of the National Explosives Works' nitric acid factory, followed by a trip out over the sea. As the Blade doesn't float, it was an interesting way of testing the new gimbal positioning.
^Very nice footage and equipment Silver51. A video platform multi-rotor with gimbal is very high on my shopping list of photography/video equipment! This is one of two videos I am editing about Relentless, which is a Christian youth camp that is held in County Down each summer. I work for the company who provides stage, sound, lighting and production for this event, so the focus of the videos is time lapse footage of the rigging and tear down process. I created this to learn and practice shooting and editing techniques. I know the wind turbine may seem random to some, so I'll explain that; it's located on the camp site where this event takes place. This is the first video I've ever produced with a camera, and the first bit of serious editing I've done in Premiere Pro. It's also the first video I've edited for more than 5 years. The last thing I produced was a CS:S frag movie in Sony Vegas, in 2009. That being said, please give me some constructive criticism on this so I can improve on future projects. Things I'm not 100% happy with or that I know could be improved: Noise handling capability of the 60D in low light The lenses I shot this with, mainly the high aperture The lack of bulb ramping for scenes where the lighting changed a lot Movement in the time lapse caused by people walking past the tripod on the springy wooden floor of the marquee Shot composition of the "outro" where the boys walk out of the empty marquee. I composed and shot it in a hurry at 6:30am, after working all night. I should probably have come in tighter on the doorway to get rid of the clutter and make it a more symmetrical shot The sound quality of the uploaded video. It sounds crystal clear when played back from the file on my PC, but YouTube cuts the tripe out of audio quality and it doesn't sound anywhere near as good, especially below 720p The frame rate/audio sync when it's played back on YouTube. The credit sequence is perfectly timed to the music in the edit, but it doesn't play back like that on YouTube which is a PITA Like I said, this is 1 of 2. The other video is longer and has much more content. It's called "Road to Relentless 2014" and I'm still editing it. If anyone has tips on how the last couple of problems can be avoided when encoding and uploading my next video I would be very grateful. I've already learned a lot from both shooting and editing this, and look forward to possessing better equipment and techniques for future projects.
Silver51, Have you considered the Ragecams.com 5,4mm lens for the GoPro? I Installed it on one of our GoPro3 Black+ cameras (me and a friend have a small business doing videos and photos from multirotors ) and I plan on upgrading at least one more, really happy with the result;
I wasn't even aware that the GoPro lens could be changed. It looks good, though I think I'll stick with the stock one for now. The Blase 350 isn't really a good platform for video as the gyro is too sensitive and can't be adjusted. Video is only really stable when ascending, so video flights tend to be parabolic. :/ CS6 warp stabilizer helps, but at the cost of IQ. Actually, I'm super impressed with your videos. The Sky-Hero bodies look like they handle the wind well.