I added some more games so here is my more complete list Call of Duty Call of Duty - United Offensive Call of Duty 2 Commander Keen Complete Pack CS: Source Day of Defeat Deathmatch Classic Doom 2 Doom 3 Doom 3: Ressurection ofEvil Final Doom GTA GTA2 GTA3 GTA: SA GTA: VC Half-life Half-life 2: Deathmatch Half-life 2: Episode 1 Half-life 2: Episode 2 Half-life 2: Lost Coast Half-life Deathmatch Source Half-life: Blueshift Herectic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders Hexen Hexen 2 Hexen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel Manhunt Master Levels of Doom Max Payne Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne Midnight Club 2 Opossing Force Peggle Extreme Portal Quake Quake 2 Quake 2: Ground Zero Quake 2: The Reckoning Quake 3 Arena Quake 3 Team Arena Quake Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Arragon Quake Mission Pack 2: Desolution of Eternity Return to Castle Wolfenstein Ricochet Spear of Destiny Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress Trackmania Nations United Ultimate Doom Wild Metal Country Wolfenstein 3d The Wonderful End of the World Unreal Anthology Battlefield 1942 CNC Generals CNC Generals ZH Descent 3 DeusEx DeusEx 2: The Invisible War Farcry FEAR Freelancer Pariah Serious Sam 2 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter Track Mania Sunrise Track Mania Nations Track Mania Extreme Tremulous Upshift Strike Racing CNC Tiberian Sun Wolfenstein Enemy Territory World of Padman
Games currently installed. I have four systems for gaming: HP Phoenix Envy H9-1390ea gaming PC, C Chassis PS4 with 1 TB HDD, OLED PS Vita + 64 GB Sony memory card and a New 3DS XL + 32 GB Micro SD card. For the PC I have the following games: Alien Isolation: Ripley Edition + (Season Pass) Doom (2016 Game) Forza Motorsport 6 Apex Edition Prey (2017 Game) Rise of the Tomb Raider Star Wars Battlefront + (Season Pass) Titanfall 2 Hoyle Puzzle and Board Games 2010 Hoyle Card Games 2004 Hoyle Table Games 2004 For the PS4 I have the following games: Killzone Shadowfall (Blu-Ray Disc) Resogun (Downloaded) The Last of Us Remastered (Blu-Ray Disc) For the PS Vita
Installed on Steam: Plus: Elite Dangerous: Horizons Star Citizen PTU Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag - uPlay Farcry 4 - uPlay Sims 4 - Origin Battlefield 4 - Origin SimCity - Origin The Witcher 3 - GOG Baldur's Gate Enhanced - GOG Baldur's Gate II Enhanced - GOG Parkitect Alpha Black Desert Online EVE Online Factorio
I've seen some thread revivals, but necro'ing an 8yr old thread might be the biggest I've ever seen . In the interests of jumpstarting the bandwagon again... Audiosurf Crysis Dead Pixels Skyrim Elite Dangerous Fable Anniversary Fallout: New Vegas FTL Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series GTAIV GTAV HL2 HL2 EP1 Kerbal Space Program Long Live The Queen Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Mini Metro Noitu Love 2 Devolution Papers, Please Plague Inc: Evolved Rocket League Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast Super Hexagon Tabletop Simulator They Bleed Pixels Ticket to Ride Trackmania2 Stadium Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Ultimate Street Fighter IV Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition VVVVVV The Witcher: Enhanced Edition XCOM: Enemy Unknown XCOM 2 XIIZEAL ... More than I thought actually...
Suspicious necro from a probable bot, but anyhoo Just built a new PC so only two games installed Crusader Kings II Project CARS
Never have a lot of games at any one time: Rift World of warcraft Oblivion Skyrim Elder Scrolls Online Portal 2
I have quite a few, but not much HDD space so I uninstalled some games to free some space, this are the current games I have installed.
Steam 3DMark 11 Demo (activated with my serial) 3Dmark Alan Wake (finished this years ago, wtf? lol) Aliens : Colonial Marines (bought for Co op, again completed I need to keep a tidier house !) Bioshock (never completed due to running out of ammo) Bioshock Remastered (not really played yet due to lack of time) Borderlands (just playing through the DLC as of typing this) Borderlands 2 (will play through the DLC after playing through the DLC for BL) Borderlands : The Pre Sequel (awful game, wife and I stopped playing in disgust) COD BLOPS III (again finished in co op) COD Ghosts (my fave COD) Crysis (not played in years, but tried at 4k about two years back hence why it's installed) Dead Island Definitive Edition (played through twice recently, once alone once in co op) " " Riptide " " (same) F.3.A.R 3 (god knows) Fallout 4 (completed & all DLC) Far Cry 4 (I keep installing this, then remembering why I don't like it) Hell Yeah ! (god knows, never played it) Jet Set Radio (as above) Just Cause 3. (I play this for roaming fun, never completed a single mission just like the cars etc) Kentucky Route Zero (About two hours in IIRC) Left 4 Dead (the old daily beater) " " " 2 (as above) " " " " Beta (no idea what this even is) Lego Star Wars : The Force Awakens (never played this yet) Metro 2033 : Redux (didn't like it, nowhere near as good as Last Light) Pac Man Championship Edition DX (again installed but never played) Portal 2 (had never played this before but a mate bought it for me last night and played for a few hours in co op, decent game really) RAGE (love this game) Rise Of The Tomb Raider (performance issues and bugs kept me from finishing it, though I am quite far in) Sega Megadrive and Genesis Classics (never loaded this up either) South Park : The Stick Of Truth (on my second playthrough) TRINE 2 (for co op platforming fun with chums) Origin Battlefield 3 (enjoyed single player, don't play online) Battlefield 4 (hated single player don't play online Need For Speed (2016) (still need to finish this, I would say I'm about 70% through) Uplay Tom Clancy's The Division (got a bit too hard) Watch Dogs (why do I even have this installed?!?!) Now don't mind me, I am off to delete most of them.