Anyone want to trade? I'd like to see some mingling Miis! Add yours below. I think both sides have to add each other before it will work but not tried this before so no idea... [EDIT: Made a list of them all so far] BioSniper 1792 1527 2926 7945 ChriX 1145 6398 9207 0232 DougEdey 5838 2638 3747 8070 dullonien 0828 9553 1041 9879 Duste 2816 8438 7920 6670 Elspuddy 1128-0057-9661-7947 Firehed 8774 0978 7076 1682 Fophillips 0226 4991 7405 1350 Hex 1506-8944-2325-7018 JinkzUK 0688 2059 7729 2648 keir 2682 7012 7957 1603 KW4TX 6508 5826 1586 2988 liquid_gen 0826 3632 9756 5365 madmodder 1976 8153 8499 3692 mookboy 7217 1446 7777 3208 Mr.ME 3766 8331 6637 2483 mushky 0593 6914 6381 6405 riggs 3821 7921 3834 1118 severedhead 3689 9414 7421 3544 sjhujh 8679 6803 6310 5140 Solidus 8732 9111 4758 9355 Thomas3D 7097 9691 6677 8158 yodasarmpit 4787 3646 7409 6860
Both people have to add each other for inter-wii messaging and trading of Mii's etc Code: 1792 1527 2926 7945 To enter someone else's code go to the Messaging thingy and attempt to compose a message then to the address book and press the "register" button At least this is how I do it, not saying its the only way of course.
Well, came home and everyone except keir has been confirmed, but in the Mii parade I can only see one Mii, named 'ff' - who's is that!? I've made sure all my Miis are set to travel/mingle/whatever so hopefully they should start roaming!
ah, "ff" was one of mine.. a quick setup for a mate at work. I changed that one at about 3pm this afternoon and gave him a name, so it's interesting to know. Ugly mofo isn't it Who's Soph?
I'm trying to figure out why the heck I can't set mine to mingle mode... it's confusing the heck out of me. It's acting like it's greyed out, without the grey.
Hehe, cool. I've been waiting for people I know to buy a Wii so I can add them. I've added you guys, my number is: 3689 9414 7421 3544
Mine is: 6447 4913 7016 8195 I'll add everyone tomorrow. Been kicked off the TV by my mum cos I've gotta goto the sales at 8am. (Yves St Laurent Jacket for £12.50)