The image is a mates CPU, new PC that worked for about 5 days then just stoped working, he took off the heatsink and saw the CPU core had a chip in the top left corner. Would the CPU of worked with this chip in it? As i say he had it working for about 5 days before it stoped working but not sure if the heatsink crushed it when it was on. If the case took a knock or something would/could that of chiped the CPU when the heatsink was on it? just want 2 know what could of caused it really as it was working fine for a few days. Leigh
Is it just me, or is it covered in some weird plastic? It shouldn't have anything else on it, ask your friend to check and see what it is. Might be just the way it is, but it looks weird for some reason.
Try the cpu in another pc if possible. Does look like it's also got a tiny chips in the center, and just off the center on it. Might be the cause. @Michael10642, not sure what you're talking about i can't see anything on it, other then the black smuch like mark. to the left of it.
Yeah he said about that, looks like melted plastic or something. i thorght it was on all of them, if u look on the overclockers website u can see it on there bartons. He is bring round his PC tomoz so i will have a good look and give the CPU a go on my system. If the CPU got 2 hot could this of done it? what are the best heatsinks on the market at the mo? need one with a clip as he has no bolt holes on his MB Leigh
lo its my cpu leigh is talking about . Yeh the black smudge looks a bit like melted plastic? but it might be some silver that has got hot and melted onto the chip. But we didnt put too much on so i dont think it is that. There is a mark on the top corner of the core, it looks like its been bashed off or even crumbled away a little bit. Im just very confused as to why this has happened, as we were v careful and i have not moved my computer or fiddled inside the case. so like leigh says is this heat damage??
looks like the HSF has shifted (and chipped the edge) and then since it hasn't been in proper contact, the CPU has fried (black burn marks)
Indeed, though I don't see blatant burn marks (they're usually on the underside anyway). What heatsink were you using?
Well its a mystery!!! My cpu works on Leigh's computer?!? there r no scorch marks on it, especially underneath i believe the marks on top to be melted silver. As far as the mark in the corer is concerned i hav no idea how it got there but it still works sooo... I have tried all my components in leighs computer and they all work, however when he puts his cpu on my board it wont boot up. So it looks like its the board that has packed up after 10 days? Thanks for all you input now i just got to get this sent back Merc
Yeah so very strange how the CPU works fine even though top corner is missing. anyone heard of this before? guess we was just lucky. anyway as mike says had to be the mobo which is a good thing i guess as he can use the warranty. Thnaks for all the help. Leigh