It wouldn't be the wisest of investments. But I bet it's an impressive view and feeling being inside. I would sleep like a baby with the sound of the waves at night.
I have actually had a much smaller version of this under construction inside my head, a cabin only accessible by boat in one of the Norwegian fjords, 10-15 meters above the water, you stop the boat right under it, and there is a crane to lift the boat up to the side of the cabin.. would be an awesome relaxation-crib but the mountainside here is a bit stronger than lime-stone... Did anyone see the latest Grand Designs, the couple there was building on an eroding cliff, the ground that they built it on will be gone in about 50 years..
I see it's only a concept so far. IF there was satisfactory evidence that the rate of erosion was so slow that there was no risk of collapse for 500 years, then it might be a goer, other than the issue of how much it would cost to build it. I wouldn't call it a sound investment, more a showing-off exercise. Where are the nearest amenities (other than the openwater swimming right below your khazi)?
Not a problem really - in some places structural piles go 10 or more metres deep, though the top layer doesn't look well compressed, I'd prefer it to be anchored to a lower strata. Or preferably a different local, it looks like the place they've illustrated it is a giant flake, look for a "crack" starting just a little left from the bottom of the house - follow it to the left and up - that's a weak point I wouldn't be happy living with. Alekoy, your feldspar would produce much stronger and longer lasting results and you guys have a (near) infinite amount of rocky island coastline to work with, but the additional hardness of the rock makes boring into it more difficult... always a compromise eh?
If some German 'Top of the line' architect tells me that they analyzed the rock and that's it's safe, than Yes.
I shouldn't fancy that house and if you had ever seen my wife park the car you'd understand the other reason. Sleepwalking would be a nightmare.
Not if you paid me! I can't swim and I'd feel like a bird flying into the side would be enough to send it to a watery death - me along with it. Yorkshire is far enough away from the sea for me lol
that is really awesome, reminds me of. 10 000 Hz Legend when some one makes an image like this, straight away you know you a complete universe unmade that needs making, I like some sci-fi stuff that French people make, not all of it but some of it is classic. Air are brilliant, they don't make any thing any more but the stuff they have made in the past was really wonderful.