neone play on xbc? halo2 or ne other games they would like to play? (i have tetris lol but no one plays online )
Yes, I play on Xbconnect. I play Halo 2 mostly, but I'll like to fire up Halo again, to bring back memories of Hang 'em High My Xbc username is sui_winbolo. My Halo 2 name is SPARTAN 119
have they got xbc working directly from the xbox yet? there was a program you could use before that mentioned it was trying to incorporate it into xbmc to save having to keep going back to the pc each time you wanted to go into a game/lobby etc.
I'm not sure if they got it yet, you need modchip, correct? If so I could careless, haha. I don't have any money to buy a modchip, plus my computer is in my room, so it works out just fine.
I got Tetris for 360 and i have play with a few people online, but remember not everybody think tetris is good game.