News Xbox One games: The full rundown

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Meanmotion, 21 May 2013.

  1. Meanmotion

    Meanmotion bleh Moderator

    16 Nov 2003
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  2. LightningPete

    LightningPete Diagnosis: ARMAII-Holic

    2 Jul 2009
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    Yay and no one can comment either
  3. LightningPete

    LightningPete Diagnosis: ARMAII-Holic

    2 Jul 2009
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    Nevermind, your ''server busy'' has gone. So I spoiled the elusive first comment section.

    I look forward to BF4 but on the PC. However its interesting it will be to see what the XBOX gaming will be like. Hopefully proper FULLHD gaming and graphics come with GAMEPLAY and not just bells and whistles in shiny shiny
  4. Maki role

    Maki role Dale you're on a roll... Lover of bit-tech

    9 Jan 2012
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    May want to have a look at those two ;)

    E3 should hopefully be quite interesting this year as clearly many of the main announcements have been held back from this conference. Amazing to see that the next CoD will continue to look like mud though. Their lighting engine is simply atrocious, makes everything look so much worse than it should.
  5. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    Any of these coming to PC, given that it's a) also x86 and b) also a microsoft platform?
  6. AiA

    AiA Minimodder

    25 Jul 2009
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    Destiny and BF4
    others no idea
  7. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    As a gamer I want to complain about MS spending 3/4ths of this event talking about TV, movies and sports BS. As a rational adult I realize that I am not in the targeted demographic for this event. This makes me sad. Thing is, I just don't understand why MS decided to use this event to get that message across.

    Sony comes out swinging, gives the impression of having a LASER focus on games and gamers and developers. They brought out dude after dude, from big Pubs to little indie guys and everything in between to tell us that this was a machine BY gamers and FOR gamers. MS comes out and talks about fantasy sports, TV and Skype. People came to this event to see how this machine was going to be great for gaming. They say to wait for E3, and OK I'll give them the benefit of the doubt, but so far nothing about this system has my attention.

    Then there's the rest of the bad news:

    No Backwards Compat (which I don't give a fig about, honestly, but some people do)

    Apparently some kind of pay wall to get a used game to work.

    DRM scheme that requires a 24 hour check-in to keep your games working. I live in CT. In 2011 a huge October snowstorm wiped out power to over 800,000 homes. Some people went weeks without power. Some got their power back sooner, but the phone/cable companies weren't able to restore their services. I only lost power for 4 days, and the cable was out for a good while longer. This is a very real scenario where I would be bored out of my wits, but unable to play a game that I legally bought, own and already (presumably) registered to my machine.

    The general gaming consensus around the net (Neogaf, twitter, etc) is overwhelmingly negative on the XONE.
    Last edited: 22 May 2013
  8. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Sorry for double post :eek:
  9. Corky42

    Corky42 Where's walle?

    30 Oct 2012
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    I think that is because of Microsoft's vision for the future is one device to do everything, as has been mentioned in other threads Microsoft would like the same OS used on phones, tablets, laptops, desktops and maybe in the future the XBOX connected to your TV.

    If there "vision for the future" works they will be dominant in there market, but it would seem share holders and "The general gaming consensus around the net" don't agree with there vision at the moment.
  10. liratheal

    liratheal Sharing is Caring

    20 Nov 2005
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    I think lack of backwards compatibility will be the deciding factor for me.

    If I can play PS3 games on my PS4, then I don't see me buying an Xbox One on launch date.
  11. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    Unless you don't own a PS3 in first place.

    Everyone knows it's a gaming device and by the look of it a good one, so they have to spend the time selling it to the occasional family gamer/socialite side of the world. I know it's difficult to imagine there being such a strange species but trust they're out there.

    At least you got to actually see the damn thing straight away and not just the controller or just blurry images of the PS4.

    I see this as a perfect addition to the living room and I'll be getting one too ;)
  12. Guinevere

    Guinevere Mega Mom

    8 May 2010
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    You don't care about it, and yet it's still bad news?

    Unlike that extremely popular PC service called steam that allows used games to be sold and exchanged so easily.

    Oh poor you. You're talking about times when people losing their homes, livelihood and even their loved ones and you're biggest concern is that still need to be able to game on every single device you own? Self centred or what!

    DRM measures are here to stay. It used to be "Word 7 from paragraph 2 of page 11 of the manual" or lenslok prisms or coloured gel overlays or rotating cardboard discs or dongles.

    I prefer an online DRM system that is 'normally' invisible to me but doesn't work when my neighbourhood gets hits by a natural disaster over one that annoys me each and every time I use it.

    Some may say "Well lets go DRM free!" which is great for the average end user... because they get to play their friends games for free! And yes it would happen. A. LOT.

    If I'm without internet for an extended period of time then my concern will not be that I can't game. It will be that:

  13. GeorgeStorm

    GeorgeStorm Aggressive PC Builder

    16 Dec 2008
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    Yeah, but one of the attractions of a console is meant to be just pick up and play, go round a friends with some games and some controllers and play I thought?
    This makes that a lot more difficult.

    Also if you've just moved to a new house for instance, and you won't have internet for a couple of days or whatever, not being able to play games is a reasonable annoyance? No need to be so aggressive.
  14. m0ngy

    m0ngy What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2010
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    "it isn't breaking new ground like with Call of Duty" ha... hahaha... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!! Bit-tech just gets stupider and stupider with every advertorial.
  15. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    From Kotaku: that paywall wouldl be the current retail price of the game (which begs the question, why buy 2nd hand if your going to have to pay the current retail price on top of what you've paid whoever you've bought the disc from?)

    You won't be - the PS4 isn't backwards compatible either - old games may be re-purchased through the PSN store (though again, it's doubtful you'd want to buy a game you've already got on the PS3 - No news on PSN purchases being compatible yet though).
  16. MjFrosty

    MjFrosty Minimodder

    3 Aug 2011
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    Probably Watch Dogs for me. Although I won't be playing it on Xbox One
  17. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Lots of things happen that don't effect me personally but are still bad news. I wasn't in Oklahoma last week. My house wasn't blown away. That's still bad news.

    Apples and oranges. Console gamers have being buying, trading, lending and borrowing games from friends and re-selling used games for decades. It's ingrained into the culture of and expectations of console gaming. To a lesser extent, collectors also lose out. I can still play a 30 year old game today. Someone my age 30 years from now will be playing 60 year old Atari games, but not any X1 games. (not that I view much of today's game industry being historically important to future generations).

    Oh please stop being a drama baby. I was simply using that as an example of a situation where otherwise reliable internet connections can go kaput due to circumstances out of an individuals control. Again, it's a cultural thing involving console gaming. People have been able to stick their Cartridge/CD/DVD/Blu-Ray into their gaming machines for.... like 3 decades and as long as they have electricity going to the box, it'll work.

    Also worth noting that people around the world may live in areas with unreliable access. The Xbox becomes a useless brick to them at this point. Then there are the people that feel insulted and mistreated by not having access to the games that they've already paid for. Phil Harrison said when you buy an X1 game you have to put in a serial code to activate the game and link it to your account/machine. Why can't that be enough? Why does it need to phone home every 24 hours? That is excessive!

    That's fine, but MS is not doing it in an intelligent way. If they just had a one-time serial code activation, that would be fine. Having to phone home every day is just insane! Using your mentioning of Steam above, Steam has an offline mode and many games will work just fine without an internet connection.
    Last edited: 22 May 2013
  18. Snips

    Snips I can do dat, giz a job

    14 Sep 2010
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    I think at the moment since nothing has been confirmed I wouldn't stress yourselves with how it will work. A lot of veins in foreheads poppin out all over the internet about this and no one knows anything, so chill ;)
  19. Glix

    Glix Left Thumb Stick in the mud.

    11 May 2010
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    Careful now, it's rubbing off... :p
  20. chrismarkham1982

    chrismarkham1982 Multimodder

    1 Apr 2010
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