Windows Guild Wars 2

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by JPClyde, 10 Apr 2012.

  1. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    I've been having a lot of fun with it. Eight characters, got one of everything, my highest is a 41. I don't PvP at all, so I can't complain about that-the PvE is much better than the last game, IMO. We don't see any flavor of the week builds, or anybody crying "no X plz." People are generally helpful, and we found an excellent guild. I'm just not seeing where people's problems are.
  2. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    There's no real end-game PvE content atm and I think a lot of the WoW'ers were expecting some so they've drifted off. It doesn't help that the 'grind' at the top end is quite harsh as well.

    There are no real problems just lack of content and it matters little because GW2 has no sub. People are free to flitter in and out of the game as they fancy and thus, it will endure.
  3. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Mad King Halloween event is coming. That will bring some big changes to each area at least for a short time.

    Im going to get some play time in soon. Maybe make some videos. Got a Guild Invite from a friend Im going to be active with them.

    They have never had TS so we might come on the community mumble. Will see.
    Last edited: 19 Oct 2012
  4. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    i sailed up to level 80 and have completed the main story line and i never once felt like i was grinding.

    that may be because of how much fun i had 100%-ing the map (other than the WvW areas :eyebrow: ) i never had a problem being a sufficient level for the point in the story i was at.
  5. Digi

    Digi The not-so-funny Cockney

    23 Nov 2009
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    To be more specific, the dungeon token grind is harsh. You need like 400 tokens/badges to get even the smallest pieces of gear I hear.

    I've never had a grind like feeling myself but then I haven't 100%'d the map and played the dungeons over and over yet. I'm dipping in and out to maintain the interest.
  6. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I wonder is the grind as bad as Legendary Survivor in Guild Wars? That took me ages to do.

    Think i might load the game up this afternoon.
  7. Wicked_Sludge

    Wicked_Sludge My eyes! The goggles do nothing!

    15 Aug 2010
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    ahh that makes sense. none of the engineer/medium armor dungeon gear looks all that appetizing to me so im not pushing myself to collect the tokens so that may be why i havnt felt like i was grinding yet.
  8. awok3N

    awok3N Who dares wins.

    18 Jul 2011
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    Hello gents, I'm about 500 hours into this game now, and I have not nearly done all of it, or getting any sense of boredom yet.

    On the topic of dungeons the gear (exotic level 80) all have the same set price.

    Gloves - 180
    Boots - 180
    Helm - 180
    Shoulders - 210
    Chest - 330
    Leggings - 300

    So 1380 per whole set. 210 for offhands, 300 for main hands and 390 for 2handers.

    Taken into account that recent changes have upped the amount of token rewards drastically it's really not that bad anymore.

    All dungeons have 3 Explorable paths, that work like Heroic dailies in wow, you can do each path once a day for the full reward of 60 tokens per path. (Arah is the last dungeon, which has 5 paths, that's the only exception tho.) Each explorable path takes about 1h the first time, and 30 minutes the following times you do it, because you then know what to do (and you find out what you can skip etc of thrash mobs). Meaning; 180 tokes for 1.5hours work (i.e a whole piece of gear!).

    The effectiveness of my thinking is of course dependent on not having to scrub around with pugs. But with 4 like minded friends you should have a couple sets to run around with within a couple weeks of 3-4 hours play per day.

    So far I've only really focused on one thing, my first legendary greatsword. And I completed that last saturday. Yes that is an incredible grind but I would not have it any other way, because if it was easy there would be no prestige in having done it. 100% map completion was not a grind, it was actually fun.

    The real "end game" would be the pvp, I have not spent too much time in spvp yet but that'll be my next project. WvWvW is just gold, pure gold. I've never had that much fun in a video game since 1996 march first when I got my first console.

    So far I've got an 80 warr & 80 Ele. Warr by far the most fun imo. The next thing I'll roll is probably a mesmer as they are godlike tools for WvWvW with portals and whatnot.

    So if you're interested in dungeons or need any warrior/ele tips or whatever, you can drop me a whisper @ Zevyr. Dungeons happen almost every evening.

    - awok3N
  9. Tichinde

    Tichinde Minimodder

    1 Sep 2010
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    Question for the other Necro's out there.
    Buildings. Bloody buildings, that I'm virtually useless at killing because you can't apply conditions to them.

    I love my condition build, but I'm feeling that I'm letting my usual dungeon group down with my totally ineffective DPS on structures (damn you AC!). I'm Running Scepter/dagger primarily.
    Any hints?

    Apart from that, I love this game. Did Arah last night, easily the best story mode dungeon in the game (closely followed by CoF).
  10. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    The thing that puts me off this game so much is that all the builds are the same.

    I liked having a custom build or at least a build that worked against everything.

    I played a lot of Guild Wars and ran with my decent guild. Farming Faction and doing Dungeons etc together. And having a build that worked well with the other players was awesome.

    But this attack based skills isn't doing it for me.

    Then again I am not running Necro/Ele/Mes so I have no idea how they work now.
  11. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    I should be running semi naked past you in world any time soon. :naughty:
  12. Jedra

    Jedra Supermodel

    11 Sep 2010
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    Currently plodding along a bit by bit. I am only level 21, but I only play about an hour a day.

    I like the fact that you don't have to collect a task before actually getting credits for doing it. The amount of times in other MMOs that I have killed 50 floggems only to then pick up a task that asks me to 'kill 50 floggems' - always very annoying. I like the fact that in GW it is area based so that as soon as you enter an area, your kills are contributing.

    I am trying to complete an area before doing the story and then moving on to the next one, but this is probably making it feel like more of a grind. I am in Kessex Hills at the moment and am starting to really hate the area!

    I am not really enjoying the underwater sections - I just can't seem to get my head round the controls quickly enough when fighting mobs there. I always seem to end up pointing upwards trying to kill a mob with my spear-gun directly below me! My fingers aren't as dexterous as they once were!

    I tried a couple of the Halloween events but without success. There was one where you had to jump around a clock but I just couldn't get the hang of timing the jumps. Also there were so many people trying to do it at the same time that I couldn't see where I was going!

    The other players seem to be a decent bunch though. No-one runs by you if you need a res which is cool. Consequently it makes you want to help people out where you can. Also the server I am on doesn't seem to be full of global chat spam that descends into insult hurling that I have seen before.

    The mechanics of the game are different enough from other MMOs to make it interesting. I had high hopes for The Secret World, but that turned out to be very, very boring indeed.

    I haven't really explored the crafting side of things yet - it doesn't seem that different to other MMOs which I have always found was a lot of effort for little gain. It may not be like that here, but I haven't yet found the need to get into it.

    Anyway, I will keep on plodding. My aims in an MMO are never to go dungeon raiding or to get the best legendary loot or to be a 10 hour a day active guild member. I just like making my way through the world occasionally teaming up with people and generally just absorbing the atmosphere. It was why I loved LOTRO before it went FTP and SWG before they f*cked it up!
  13. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    There was some idiot running around semi naked (we all have the same undies) and it wasn't me, juvenile really. :thumb:

    I agree with you Jedra i am not into the crafting and see little point in it, if someone cares to enlighten me please do. I don't get much play time, but sometimes i'll do a 5 hour stint with breaks, i don't want to end up like Clara, actually i got a dog crate somewhere's.

    lvl 36 and slightly forgotten the story mode.

    ssshhhh i let my nearly 6 year old play sometimes :)
  14. asteldian

    asteldian Minimodder

    13 Jan 2011
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    I had a bit of fun with the game for awhile and as a game with no sub I think its pretty good. Like GW1 it is only something I casually play on and off. I got to lvl 45 but haven't played for a few weeks, in all honesty I got bored of it. While the game is good I found it got samey long before max level, but then as a no sub game that's not a problem at all - you play it a load till bored, put it down, pick it up again some other time and that is what makes the game well worth a buy - even for me who only managed a few weeks before stopping for now.
  15. freshsandwiches

    freshsandwiches Can I do science to it?

    9 Aug 2009
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  16. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I have hardly played since release. this is due to getting bored rather quickly. It just didn't do it for me.

    Didn't feel epic like Guild Wars. Prophecies was awesome and so was the other DLC.

    Rorik being suicidal was even funny after awhile. His AI was retarded.
  17. Apocalypso

    Apocalypso Fully armed and operational.

    15 Sep 2007
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    I've got to the point where my guild mates from WoW etc have gone off to do RL things and I'm wandering about on my own. I've hit lvl 80, no dungeons and not finished my story quest but I feel no desire to continue at the moment.

    Yup, pretty bored to be honest.
  18. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    Not bored and having alot of fun, so really am a noob, so there i lay outside (semi naked of course still wearing my boots) "Caudecus's Manor Dungeon" this was my first so i was a virgin and explain this to my party members :naughty: Well it was really like virginal sex great expectations and very difficult and i didn't get to finish :waah: :D well nearly but just not quite, they knew my displeasure and now my HW has self esteem issues :eyebrow:

    Now presently at lost shores doing this done it before, but died on the second chest, snickers not before getting all the loot :D so went back up with others using a portal :naughty:
  19. stevemc

    stevemc What's a Dremel?

    18 Nov 2012
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    New here looking for active members to play with.

    Sent from my SGH-T959V using Tapatalk 2
  20. Tribble

    Tribble Steals Avatars

    14 Oct 2011
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    I'm on gunnar's hold but stuck in overflow and can't finish the event, protecting lion guard demolition squad, was there from the very start, should of been final boss, but it is bugged.

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