What is central Europe supposed to do in the current migrant crisis?

Discussion in 'Serious' started by faugusztin, 2 Sep 2015.

  1. Landy_Ed

    Landy_Ed Combat Novice

    6 May 2009
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    It hasnt. It's just taken a long time for the alternative destinations to fill up to capacity, and for the situation to become more mainstream media.
  2. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    It isn't paid the by the state it is paid by the German people, the German nation is the German people, the state is the government, the administrators put in place by the German people to safe guard and look after the best interests of the German nation as a whole.

    It works like this in ALL democracies.

    The governments in Europe, including the German one, are in breach of trust! They are encouraging the influx of foreigners then expecting the people they represent to foot the bill.

    This has nothing to do with human rights, besides, human rights (if you have read the charter) is open for interpretation, and who is interpreting it? That's right, the system.

    Every government a.k.a administrator have a responsibility to their own people first and foremost. That's why they have been elected by their people in the first place. To handle those affairs for us. Some would even argue selected for us to elect, but I digress.

    This may sound harsh but it's true.

    We have nation borders and self determination and sovereignty for a reason, folks.

    It is not up to those we have elected to abuse us and their position of power doing stuff without first checking with the people they have been elected to represent!

    What western politicians do (not just western by the way), beside abusing us, is to abuse others and create problems that later follow us home.

    What it comes down to is this.

    Our politicians are made up of of sociopaths and psychopaths who are incapable of administrating and looking after the best interests of the peoples they have been elected to represent, clearly that's the case. They are barking mad.
    Last edited: 9 Sep 2015
  3. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Here's an interesting article which considers the situation in Germany and how it could be good for the country. Germany's top-heavy, aging and shrinking population gets a mention of course, and here's another interesting statistic:

    "Some anti-immigration groups argue foreigners are a drain on a country’s economy, as they seek to avail themselves of government services before contributing to the state themselves. But Germany has a long history of outsiders representing a net positive for the country’s economy. The 6.6 million people living in Germany with foreign passports paid $4,127 more in taxes and social security on average than they took in social benefits in 2012–generating a surplus of 22 billion euros that year"

    And this from Germany's labour minister:

    "“We will profit from this, too, because we need immigration,” German Labor Minister Andrea Nahles said. “The people who come to us as refugees should be welcomed as neighbors and colleagues.”

  4. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    That was a factor until they reached Greece, or Hungary.

    According to EU directives - no, not by themselves. There is no such option as "i don't want to have my fingerprint registered at Hungary, i demand to go to Germany". Well, that was the reality until Mama Merkel decided do throw the EU directives into the trash can.
  5. DragunovHUN

    DragunovHUN Modder

    30 Oct 2008
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    Last edited: 9 Sep 2015
  6. hyperion

    hyperion Minimodder

    30 Jun 2007
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    They never made sense in the first place. Sending refugees back to the country of entry means that nearly all of them will always be returned to the Balkans, every time. These people had property and land that they abandoned to escape war, risked death and lost families, and you're telling them to stay in Greece and be homeless. Meanwhile, the refugees that western Europe is dealing with now is the situation that Greece has been dealing with for decades. Do you even consider Greece's situation now when it's the choke-point through which most of the refugees enter?
  7. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    It should come as no surprise that politicians who argue for mass immigration, having created the problem in the first place, would argue for an ever increasing need. It's like the war on terror isn't it. the war never ends just like the need for an ever influx of foreigners never ends.

    Below is not meant to move the goalpost but rather to demonstrate these peoples mindset.

    They have no moral qualms arguing for war or the support of war as a humanitarian endeavour either, for peace and prosperity, for safety and love of all mankind.... Sure, they will produce and present figures and numbers on a nice spreadsheet to support this too, or have some intelligence agency provide pictures as proof of claim, which no citizen could actually hope to ever verify, we just simply have to trust them. After all, they've done such a wonderful job thus far haven't they.

    If I put it this way, these people aren't burdened by an overabundance of morality.


    When these sociopaths and psychopaths wants me to have faith in them to tell me the facts on the ground, so to speak, I do not blindly trust them.
  8. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Ah, so it's another conspiracy then?
  9. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Which part are you referring to exactly could you be more specific, and, do you believe there must be a conspiracy where interests converge? If you take the war on terror as an example there is plenty of money involved in that scam. Do you see an end in sight of that war or have the goalpost moved to keep the business rolling?

    As for conspiracies as such, well, some historians would argue they are the engine of history.
  10. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    You seem very distrusting of government. So much so that you don't believe anything they say, and you believe that everything they do has devious motives.
  11. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    Everyone should have a healthy distrust of government and authorities you strike me as rather naive, I judge them by their actions or lack thereof. What do you go by if not their actions or lack thereof? Not to forget track record.

    What is it that makes you blindly trust government?

    I think I have demonstrated, in part, why I distrust them now it's for you to demonstrate why you trust them.
  12. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Yes, I thought I might but trust me on this: most people aren't as paranoid as you are.
  13. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    I'm still waiting for you to make an argument for why you blindly trust them, I have demonstrated, in part, why I don't trust them. If you wish to dispute what I have brought why not make an effort in making a case for why I am wrong? Calling me paranoid is not only inaccurate but rather weak. I'm neither irrational or obsessive distrustful.

    Moving on.

    The only relationship you really have with government is that of a trust agreement, are you telling me they are holding up their end of the bargain? I'm sorry, but I don't see that at all. You don't have to be paranoid to see that they are in abuse of office.
  14. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Sorry mate, the "government is evil" shtic wore thin with me years ago.

    So, let me get this straight: you think the figures supporting the positive contribution made by foreigners to the German economy are wrong and intended to deliberately deceive the public.

    Surely the obvious question is, why?
  15. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    I'm still waiting for you to make an argument for why you blindly trust them, I have demonstrated, in part, why I don't trust them. If you wish to dispute what I have brought up why not make an effort in making a case for why I am wrong?

    I view my distrust as healthy you apparently view it as paranoid. I would like for you to explain to me why my distrust in government would be paranoid.

    Either you engage in discussion Yadda or you move on. Moving the goalpost like you are doing want get us anywhere.
  16. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    I think you will find in life that not everything of value is measured in money. Money doesn't have an intrinsic value to begin with. It's great to have because it gives you options and you need it in order to pay for your existence here, unless you go completely native I guess, but yeah, there is so much more in life that is of far more value.
  17. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    I don't blindly trust them, that is your assumption. All I said was that you completely distrust the German government, in fact it sounds like you distrust everyone in every government.

    Earlier you said:

    You have a point - there are examples - but to tarnish every politician in the world with the same brush?

    Come on man, you have to admit that's a bit extreme?
  18. Yadda

    Yadda Minimodder

    25 Jul 2003
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    Sorry, I missed this when I last posted.

    I couldn't agree more. Not everything in life is measured in currency, but that has nothing to do with my question. I asked you about your distrust of the figures relating to the economic contribution of foreign workers to the German economy, and what possible reason they could have for lying.
  19. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    In context of government not guarding and looking after the best interests of the nation as a whole.

    They tend to do a good job at that themselves.

    Were' not talking about local politicians arguing about what color the local school should be painted in, that's kind of a none issue in the bigger scheme of things and has no real impact, either negative or positive, on peoples lives.
    Last edited: 9 Sep 2015
  20. walle

    walle Minimodder

    5 Jul 2006
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    What I said was that it should not come as a surprise that the politicians who argue for mass immigration, having created the problem in the first place, would argue for an ever increasing need. Could this mean that they could be misrepresenting the figures? Of course.

    If an increasing number of people are voicing concerns about mass immigration wanting it to stop, some right out hostile, and the politicians, for what ever reason, wish the mass immigration to continue, they will have to sell that to the people.

    They might even right out attack that part of the population voicing these concerns labeling them as inherently racist. Whether they are racist or not doesn't matter that's not the point here the point is to call them names, write them off as some crazy fringe, its very petty but effective.
    Last edited: 9 Sep 2015

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