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Windows Bit-tech League of Legends thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Djayness, 19 Jan 2011.

  1. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Anyone noticed there's now a queue to log in to the EU servers? :(
  2. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Indeed, this is a replacement to the Sad Amumu busy screen.

    The playerbase has grown too large for the game currently and they are developing an updated client, in the mean time to ensure stability the queue has been enabled.

    As for Shaco, i play him lots on the EU server and this is how i do him.


    Reds - ArPen
    Blues - Mana/Regen/p5
    Yellows - Mana/Regen/p5
    Quints - ArPen

    Masteries 21-0-9

    Ghost + Smite

    Start of with a Cloth Armor and 5 HP pots,

    Put 2 Boxes at Golems, 3 Boxes at Red buff (Search for Shaco Guides on Leaguecraft for exact positioning)

    Take Golems, Take Red buff (Use smite if necessary)

    If Smite wasn't needed, use it on the Big Wraith and kill wraiths (Should be level 3)

    Aim to gank mid with level 3 and Red buff, Deceive behind them hit them and use E once they are fleeing or to kill.

    After that keep jungling and ganking, once you get comfortable start counter jungling ;)

    As Seth said, in a teamfight you are the last to show up and first to leave. If you let them focus you, you're dead. Your job is solely to kill the Carry/Caster who is hiding at the back.

    As for build i go:

    Wriggles Lantern
    Boots of Mobility
    Infinity Edge
    Finish Tri-Force
    Defensive Items.

    The Bloodrazor route is no longer the way to go, if you are auto-attacking you are dead, your build is there to Maximise your burst, play him as a burst assassin.

    Oh and Shaco has awesome skins ;)
  3. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Interesting build there Ab, I might try it.

    The first item I've been getting is the blue-ish sword (I haven't been playing long enough to know all the item names :p) that gives you 100% bonus damage on next hit after casting a spell. I figured this would be an awesome item to use in conjunction with his vanish spell.
  4. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Indeed that is a good item, thats called Sheen which i also buy in my build.

    I find it more beneficial to build the Infinity Edge before turning Sheen into Trinity Force tho.
  5. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Recently got the Chinese dragon skin for Kog'Maw, I love launching fireworks at everyone (even if I haven't worked out how to play him properly yet :p). >_<
  6. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Yeah that is a nice skin! I am not a particularly good Kog'Maw, he needs to farm (but so does every Phys carry), Once he has a Madred's + his W though he melts faces.
  7. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Do you think he's better to play as AS rather than AP? I like AP because he's quite squishy and has long range but I've found I get more kills as AS (although not until quite late game).
  8. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    While AP is fun he doesnt have anywhere near the damage potential of other AP champs.

    On the other hand with AS he has one of the highest potential damage outputs, if not the highest.

    At high rated matches Kog would only ever be played DPS style.

    I'd definitely try to perfect the AS route involving a Madreds, though he is not an easy champ to play as he dies so easy and has no escapes really.
  9. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    Yeah he is quite slow... hence my choice of Flash and Ghost :D
  10. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    Flash and Ghost are essential on him, i'd even be tempted to get the Boots of Swiftness too as his base movespeed is slow and although Mercury Treads are good, lets be honest, if he gets caught in any CC chances are he's dead anyways.
  11. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    I go Greaves on Kog :p. Meh @ Swiftness since his W + R means he can hit you from even the back of a teamfight. And Meh @ Treads since if you're caught, you're dead anyways. Might as well get in a few extra W procs if i have Greaves :p. As said however, Ghost+Flash is pretty much essential.

    Whilst Kog does melt faces if given the opportunity, as has been pointed out, he really lacks any escape/defense mechanisms and will get focused easily. He's another person i don't like mid'ing against when as Annie... although i can usually kill him then die to his passive. His W is easily his best spell and you should really abuse it early game since the range is insane and the %hp bonus means it'll hit anyone relatively hard.

    Madred's is pretty much his go-to item due to the synergy but ive seen lots of Kog's get too absorbed in trying to build it and end up lacking early game since Madred's is one of the most expensive items in the game. This soon snowballs since they end up falling behind in damage and not contributing enough in teamfights and they don't end up carrying very well until late game, at which point the other team usually has farmed enough for a respectable defence.

    As such, if you aren't confident in your farming ability, or your ability to carry you should probably try building him as a normal physical carry and then get a Madred's when you've got a good set of damage items and are getting kills because of them.

    The main problem with Kog atm though is that his top tier dominance was due to his W and its ability to counter the tanky metagame at the time. However atm Tanky is out and whilst his W does give him some extra damage, it's not really significant over a normal physical Carry enough to warrant his lack of escaping ability and lack of any utility.
  12. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    I've been going Greaves as well as it seems the logical (and cheap) choice.
  13. Abhorsen

    Abhorsen Minimodder

    10 Apr 2008
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    They are the logical choice, but i find although they are helpful late(r) game they are not needed and i am a fan of mobility.
  14. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    So finally started playing again somewhat regularly after missing out on two patches (Karma and Maokai). Although i did have a brief mess around with the former whilst she was free... didn't seem like anything special and she seems to have been relegated to the "i shall never see you" zone.

    Maokai's rather interesting, but ultimately rather lacking. His Q isn't really useful apart from its spamability to give him some DPS during teamfights. W is useful for CC (obviously), his E is nice, but i feel the Saplings don't last long enough... they're pretty good for harassment though. The main problem i find is with his Ultimate, which is a bit too small IMO... of all the teamfights i've been in, maybe only one time has it actually been able my team, since enemies seem to either kite out of it or allies escape away from it.

    As for Jarvan, he seems rather popular right now since everyone's calling him imba. He doesn't jungle as well as i'd like but then again, his lane presence is rather strong. I'm having massive issues with his E/Flag ability though, since it doesn't seem to channel, but doesn't instant cast either, meaning i go to throw it out (and then Q combo it) but if i do it too fast, i cancel the throw and end up Q'ing without the Pull/Knockup effect.

    His Ult is definitely fun though and i've had some funny moments with it:

    a) Tower diving an enemy, I ult them and then realise i'm trapped under their tower /fail (i did kill them and managed to escape though thankfully) - i do realise you can cancel it, but it's not instant.

    b) Someone tower diving my teamate and i trap him under our tower - awesome.

    c) This didn't happen to me, but an enemy Jarven. He ult's Tristana who then proceeds to Rocket Jump out of the arena, turn around an pound away at Jarven. Meanwhile Jarven realises he's melee, follows and gets caught on his own barrier /fail.
  15. vdbswong

    vdbswong It's a Hedgehod

    23 Apr 2009
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    Ugh, just ended up being responsible for the death of our entire team...

    Jarvan (me) - /Who are we focusing? *Ult's*

    Kat (enemy) - Ooh look they're all grouped together in a confined space... *Ult's*

    /Triple Kill + Mop Up.

  16. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    It wouldn't be dota without the "accidents". :D

    You can play hundreds of games building up your skills and reputation as a decent player, but all it takes is one fail to make the nine other people in the game to write you off as a useless scrub.
  17. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    Using WW you can pretty much counter Jarvan's ult in a 1v1. With the extra life steal and without his lance to dash out I made short work of him. It was a fail 2v1 gank where he blocked his team-mate out while I scratched his eyes out. WIN!

    I haven't seen him used since that one game where the user wasn't bad but wasn't great.

    Friend of mine plays Maokai and the "suicide sprouts" do hurt squishies, especially early on. He's really key in group fights mostly for his stun and CC. Since I've started playing ww I hate EVERY hero that has a slow / stun haha.

    Also started playing Lux and though I've been told I "fail" at playing her she is fun. I love the short cooldown on the ult and spamming the chat with IMMA CHARGIN / FIRIN MAH LASER! whenever I get a kill. I've been known to troll a bit.
  18. Shadowed_fury

    Shadowed_fury Minimodder

    21 Nov 2003
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    I love lux. Pretty much my main :D
  19. Edwards

    Edwards Minimodder

    8 Oct 2010
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    One of the guys in our premade plays lux, and she's an absolute beast. He regularly goes 12/4/10 or higher.

    We've been playing with a really good team build lately, consisting of lux, Ezreal (me), and karthus. The triple ultimate combo is just ridiculous, especially if lux and I get to lane together. (we usually also have ammumu and one of fiddle/vlad/maokai/kayle, depending on who our fifth player is.)

    Its great, because we always get teams talking trash about Ez being useless etc. but since his ultimate got tweaked to scale with AD, he has become a much more viable character and I'll usually end up around 8/1/15.
  20. b0ng0

    b0ng0 Reddomitlum

    26 Oct 2009
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    I'm looking for a new hero to start playing. Got Shaco as my DPS, Zilean and my "magic" hero, Kog'Maw as my support. Kind of wanting to try a fun warrior-esq hero, thought Olaf or the big minotaur might be quite good. Any ideas?

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