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Windows Crysis Demo - Your Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by eeevan, 27 Oct 2007.

  1. eeevan

    eeevan Dremel Master

    21 Oct 2007
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    What are your general thoughts about Crysis?
  2. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    here are my thoughts

    performance: just about playable :(
    graphics 10/10
    1680x1050, everything on very high but no AA.
  3. Robotrix

    Robotrix What's a Dremel?

    11 Mar 2007
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    Wuyanxu, are you playing the game on Vista in DX10 or just on XP?
  4. mookboy

    mookboy BRAAAAAAP

    15 Feb 2002
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    So here's my deal breaking questions: is it just FarCry but with bells and whistles on?
  5. z3rb

    z3rb +4 str +4 stam

    6 Nov 2006
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    It doesn't seem so, so far, anyway.
  6. crayfish

    crayfish Amazing scenes!

    3 Dec 2002
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  7. BioSniper

    BioSniper Minimodder

    5 Feb 2002
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    ^ What he said

    Honestly I can't see what all the fuss was about.
    It seems to be a game that's suffering identity problems, it doesn't know if it wants to be a stealth shooter or a mindless fps. The weapons also do not fire straight (they seem to have a cone type effect) which while in its self isn't an issue I've seen so many games take flack for it in the past.

    Also if you do not have a rig capable of running it on high its honestly not worth it, the auto settings on my machine set it to medium at 1024x768 and really it doesn't look much better than the original Quake, I know, its harsh, but it looks ugly, very ugly.
    I'm running a C2D E6300@2.8Ghz, 3GB ram, Nvidia 7900GS in case you wondered and I'm pretty sure even at medium I dip below 30fps at times, its horrible to say the least.

    I guess its all a matter of personal taste but I can think of many games out there that I'd rather play that also happen to look nicer such as HL2, BioShock, UT3 etc.

    Just my 2p really.
  8. samkiller42

    samkiller42 For i AM Cheesecake!!

    25 Apr 2006
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    I quite like it, the game play is pretty good, but the fps is shocking, maybe its my res, but all other games that i play at this res or above are alot better.
    Thats 1920*1200 full everything but no AA, soon as i put AA on, it slowed right down, including loading the menu to disable the AA.
    Thats running on the system in me sig (below) although SLI isnt running due to power constraints. And i was running the DX10 version of the Game.

  9. fargo

    fargo What's a Dremel?

    13 Feb 2006
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    I ran this on a p4 3.2, 2gigs of ram and a 1950pro 512ram on medium no AA and it looked decent but
    not as good as far cry would on this system that said you can't make a true judgement until you see
    the finished product. but if its anything like this demo I think they took the mainstream gamers out of
    the loop. I think this product was made for powerful pc's or for mass game playing in the future where the median pc will be what the powerful pc's of today are.
  10. Neogumbercules

    Neogumbercules What's a Dremel?

    14 Aug 2004
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    Downloading it from Nvidia as we speak. I'm going to be in New York City all day so I won't be able to play it until later tonight so I guess I'll find out then if it's any good.
  11. Silver51

    Silver51 I cast flare!

    24 Jul 2006
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    I just installed the demo and when it opened the first time it ran in full screen mode. Now when I try to run the demo it only opens in window mode.

    Edit: It was me, didn't see the check box for full screen mode in the options menu. -_-

    That aside, it's running fairly well on my Vista machine.
    Last edited: 27 Oct 2007
  12. will.

    will. A motorbike of jealousy!

    2 Mar 2005
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    My verdict on the demo

    The good:
    • Holy pants, I'm playing a movie! I maxed all the settings and it ran like dog **** but take the anti aliasing down to 2 and it was as smooth as a very smooth object.
    • This is how you make a UI! Ubisoft, take notes, this is good, that thing you had on Double Agent: baaaaad.
    • Picking up stuff: It's not perfect, but at least you actually hold the object (Valve, take notice at this one)
    • Physics... Yes.. Nothing we haven't seen before now, but still, very pretty to behold... or take part in :p shooting trees is fuuuuuuun.
    • The ambiance is great. Everything seems to be moving about and alive.
    • Loading times are very quick! I was quite shocked! Far Cry and its 3 minute load times are a thing of the past!

    The BAD
    • Still bad voice acting. Far Cry's was horrible, but I'm not sure they could have done worse. At least I wasn't cringing.
    • Swapping nanosuit functions is going to take some getting used to. I foresee each one being mapped to a number in the very near future.
    • Water not as pretty as I hoped
    • Foliage did not move out of the way like I hoped. Sure it moved, but only on one type of plant it seems.
    • The way it forced me to watch that damned intro film each time! (demo only I HOPE!)
    • Even though it kinda suits my play style when I am 4:00 in the morning tired, I did notice how very dim the AI seemed to be among the rocks.

    I was never expecting anything more than a very beautiful run and gun and that is exactly what it is. I know people are going to be disappointed at the lack of depth, but you are the same people who expected 300 to be a deep and meaningful, historically accurate masterpiece. Unless the story is amazing (peaceful island, holds dark secret, underground government experiments, aliens, guns, end of the world as we know it, hero saves day, gets girl (or chicken) - Sorry if I just ruined it for you...) this is a game that if you have the computin' powa! you buy and look at the pretty graphics. if you don't have said powa!: You find a friend with too much monies and go watch over his shoulder. Then you go and play Bioshocks first 9/10th's or the HL series for a bit of storytelling.

    After playing the demo:

    Gameplay: 5
    Features: 8 (the suit is fun!)
    Graphics: 10
    Replayability: 6 or 8*

    Overall I'd say this game is going to be worth a 7/10

    Obviously I'm basing that on the demo, but unless they do some pretty crazy stuff in the following few weeks I'm not going to change my mind.

    * I like building maps with the sandbox so I say 8. People who don't... I just don't think the multiplayer is ever going to kick off in a way where you'll get anything more than leet fanboys pwning you the whole time. The demo didn't really give you the open feeling you got in far cry so until that is proven, its just got your average "I'll play it again when I'm bored on a sunday when Top Gear is replaced with darts" feeling to it. Thus the 6
  13. AlexB

    AlexB Web Nerd

    22 Dec 2005
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    Just played the demo. Looks ok, although very jerky on my PC (C2D 6800 Extreme), and crashed after i shot a turtle on the beach.

  14. Krikkit

    Krikkit All glory to the hypnotoad! Super Moderator

    21 Jan 2003
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    Very strange to hear about all your performance issues guys - I was running that on 1280*1024 with everything on medium + a couple knocked up to high and it was butter-smooth all the way through.

    I really enjoyed it - great physics, some nice touches, and the suit-dimension brings a lot to the gameplay. It's not everyone's cup of tea, granted, but it's mine. It just hits the spot perfectly tbh - I've just spent about 3 hours playing the demo through a few times and generally messing around with the world + vehicles, and I love it to bits. :D
  15. will.

    will. A motorbike of jealousy!

    2 Mar 2005
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    I found a fun thing to do. knock down all the walls from a hut, and then see how many legs you can take away before the roof collapses! You will be surprised how sturdy air is :p
  16. glaeken

    glaeken Freeeeeeeze! I'm a cawp!

    1 Jan 2005
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    I think that's a bit of an exaggeration. Even with most of the settings on low the game still looks pretty good.
  17. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Fallen at the first hurdle. If I select 1680x1050, it puts it into 800x600 and doesn't let me change it. Great :rolleyes:
  18. alastor

    alastor Minimodder

    6 Sep 2004
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    Looks like ass at 800*600 with most settings on low and a couple on medium in my opinion. Can't afford an upgrade so it's a no buy for me :(
  19. Mister_Tad

    Mister_Tad Will work for nuts Super Moderator

    27 Dec 2002
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    Got it running at 1680x1050 eventually, but it doesn't perform as well as I would have liked. Can't use AA with everything on very high without a little choppiness at times but runs like butter without AA, have to knock everything back a notch for 4xAA. Hopefully it will perform a little better when by the time it has a patch or two, otherwise it looks like i'm going to have to pass on a 24", poo
  20. glaeken

    glaeken Freeeeeeeze! I'm a cawp!

    1 Jan 2005
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    I only have a 6600gt and I got it to look pretty good at 1024x768. Most settings on low, except for textures, shaders, post processing, water, and volume light effects at medium. It only gets choppy for me during cut scenes.

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