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Case Mod - In Progress Project: "Building Better Worlds" by E.E.L. Ambiense - Completed

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by E.E.L. Ambiense, 2 Feb 2008.

  1. nikeunltd

    nikeunltd Epic destruction around machinary

    5 Apr 2008
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    what?! this mod is not done!? whoa! dude now im waiting for an update after the weekend:clap:
  2. Teyber

    Teyber ******

    18 Mar 2007
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    Howd i miss this! i need to browse more often!

    its awsome mate! can't wait for the update!
  3. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    Hahaha. Well, you know what they say...no mod is ever done! :hehe: But no, my builds aren't done until I state they are done, or I'm tired of them, lol. Thanks, man for the interest.

    I can't update this weekend, unfortunately due to car issues rearing their ugly head. It's cool, though. Hopefully real soon on the update.

    Thanks, m8! Glad ya looked in.
  4. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    6-1-08 Update!

    Hey guys. Sorry sorry sorry! I know I haven't updated in a while, and there is a valid reason. Work has been really....let's say...odd lately. I won't go into details, but let's just say we're now 4 people lighter than before. :duh: Due mostly to the crumbling piss-poor economy in this here U.S. of A. And it is A. As in ass. Let's have a round of applause for lies all the way from the 'top of the chain'! :clap: Yay! :rolleyes:

    Okay, now that my political statement has been made, let's get on to what we're all here for: an update!

    First off, I got all the acrylic finally cut for this mod. And I am sooo stoked how it came out. Not perfect, but I friggin' love it. Here's the pile of loot.


    Now, let's peel back the protective film and see what we can see, shall we? Here's the etching for the logo on the side panel. Came out perfect! But, I wasn't expecting anything less, lol.


    And the side panel layout on the panel itself. This is gonna rock.


    Due to all the issues I was having with the side panel intake fan and the video cards, I'm just going to ditch the fan for the time being. If I upgrade the cards to something newer, I'll probably stick it in there, but for now it's fine. Cards run about 45 degrees right now, so I'm fine with it as just a passive intake vent. I'm also only installing one card right now. I ran out of spacers I was using to lift the card "trim" off the card. I'll rectify that problem soon enough, as I need to place another order with McMaster-Carr soon anyways for other stuff.

    Anyways, here's the power control area for the front of the case laid out.


    Perfect. Close to running out of threads for the switches, but I'm fine.

    ...And installed.


    Now, on to the RAM cooler. I made two of them, because I knew I'd screw one up in bending. And I did. So it's cool. I also don't have a pic of the bending itself, due to using a butane torch and all the safety issues in regards to that. I apologize.

    But here's the unit all bent and everything installed on it. Perfect!


    And here's a bunch of pics of everything running or not with it all installed. I also put together the sound card and video card "trim", but I didn't snap pics of it in progress. It's all here though. I have a chore of wire management to handle next as well before I call the mod totally done. I'd also like to get some good pics snapped of it to call it quits.

    System all put together.


    ...And side panel with system running.


    RAM cooler running...


    Detailing on rear fan bracing...


    Vid card acrylic installed...


    Etching logo close-up while running...


    And let's turn the lights out totally and see what we can see!



    And there we have it. I still have a lot of stuff to do in regards to lighting situation, to really make it jump out. I wouldn't say it's totally successful mod, as many didn't get my sarcastic tongue-in-cheek sense of humor in regards to this mod and it's...ahem...colorfulness. But hey, that's cool. I like it. And that's what matters most. I just hope others can appreciate the time and attention to detail put into this. You either like it or hate it. I never grow tired of laughing at all the posts that basically say "wow...what's up with the colors?". LOL. Either way, I appreciate you all looking in, and even more thanks to those who post. I truly appreciate the feedback, good or bad.

    I'll update one more time to finally end this beast of a case mod build log.

    Until the next update, I got nuthin'. :thumb:
  5. MrWizard

    MrWizard What's a Dremel?

    5 Feb 2008
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    I think I speak for everyone when I say: :jawdrop:
  6. yeknom

    yeknom What's a Dremel?

    23 Apr 2008
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    Trippy and amazing.
  7. Colossous

    Colossous Minimodder

    28 May 2007
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    Great job duder :thumb:
  8. Oreon_237

    Oreon_237 CHEA BRO!

    11 Dec 2007
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    yes yes!
    I agree
  9. mansueto

    mansueto Too broke to mod

    31 Aug 2007
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    That has to be one of the coolest cases ever, love the use of acrylic and colours, it's wonderful. Considering I'm not a fun of too crazy, i really like the case. Great job, keep it up buddy.
  10. LZadda

    LZadda What's a Dremel?

    8 Dec 2007
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    Nice work there. I love the colors, doesn't look like a john deere anymore. :thumb:
  11. craigbru

    craigbru Cramming big things in small boxes since 2006

    28 Feb 2008
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    Man, that looks great E.E.L.! I still can't believe you took such god-awful colors, and made them look so amazing together! :thumb:
  12. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    wow...what's up with the colors? :)hehe: control-C rules!) That last shot is cool. I had to check to see if you added an exit sign, though.

    Excellent design and execution! I'll even forgive the wayward power plug behind your logo etch.:D
    I do have one request before you close up: Can we get a face-on shot of your power switch assembly? The fine details are lost from the side. (No that's not kinky double speak, either! Even if I have used that line in a bar once. -Followed closely by "Why did she slap me?.")
  13. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    Hahah! Thanks, Wiz. Very kind of you, man.

    Thanks! I don't do drugs, but I take it as a compliment! :hehe:

    Gnarly, bro! :)


    I appreciate the kind words, man. And I will!

    Thanks, man!

    :hehe: That John Deers line will stick with this mod, lol. Thanks!

    Thanks, Craig! I can't explain the color-scheme; it's just something that needed to be done, I guess. LOL.

    LOL. I added that for you, Cheaps. Yeah, exit signs all over the place, so it's kinda hard not to capture one in a shot!

    Hahaha! The power cable is for the other vid card; PIC-E cable. It doesn't have a home just yet, but I'm workin' on it!

    A front shot of the power switch assembly? Sure thing. I'll have to do it tomorrow--er, today actually. This evening. It's just standard power and reset symbols; my versions, anyways. LOL. Nothing exciting, but I'll snap another pic of it for ya.

    Thanks, guys for the compliments!
  14. Farmboy UK

    Farmboy UK Hungry for knowledge

    19 Apr 2008
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    Wow, really good looking mod. Nice attention to detail. Can't wait for final pics when the cable management is done etc.
  15. x06jsp

    x06jsp da ginger monkey!!!!

    2 Apr 2007
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    looking great E.E.L :thumb:
  16. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Very cool. Not really my cup of tea, but very well executed non-the-less.
  17. HeXeN

    HeXeN Straight from Hell

    14 May 2006
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    ol shi... E.E.L. Ambiense ... this one took my breath away!! i love IT!! GOOD JOB !
  18. brinkz0r

    brinkz0r Minimodder

    15 Dec 2006
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    So.... many.... colors...... :eeek:

    I was a little sceptic about this case, but you just made my opinion change a 180 degrees. Amazing design of the lasercut pieces, just amazing :clap:
  19. jokkos

    jokkos too busy to mod *sigh*

    10 May 2005
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    hmm somewhere at the beginning of this project I posted that I didn't really like the colors.
    But man oh man, this case now turns out to be an absolute beauty!! It's very very nice how all the parts match up and how it all forms such a nice coherent case.

    I can only say: two thumbs up :thumb::thumb:

    Oh and of course: :jawdrop::clap:
  20. E.E.L. Ambiense

    E.E.L. Ambiense Acrylic Heretic

    26 Jul 2007
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    Thanks, man!

    Thanks for the kind words!

    I appreciate that, Mankz!

    Thanks, brother!

    Thanks man. Glad I was able to change your mind on the...interesting...color selection!

    Thanks, bro! I'm glad you like how it turned out. I attempted to make everything kind of fit together like it's supposed to be that way, so hearing you say that really makes me feel more confident in how it turned out.

    Thanks again, guys for the comments. I'm hoping to finish this up real soon; I have another build I need to concentrate on, as well as a couple customer/friend builds. I'm thinking of logging those too, but I'm not sure it's worth logging. I'll have to think about it.

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