Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by tribaloverkill, 3 Jun 2007.

  1. charles_h

    charles_h I can has RotoZip?

    14 May 2008
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    That switch is going to save you sooooo much time... which means more time for creatin'!

    I have to say, your work is truly inspirational. In addition, the way you present your work is fantastic. Your worklogs are not only incredibly informative but also highly entertaining. What always comes through is your passion for what you do.

    I tip my hat to you Sir, keep up the great work. :rock:
  2. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Thanks for that comment Charles. It truly means a lot to me. You know my name is charles too! Have I mentioned that before!?!? I cant remember. Anyways,... kind of weird talk to another charles. I feel like im talking to myself. LOL. Thanks again.
  3. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Brilliant! I was thinking of using a set of rubber cones to hold the tube ends, but I couldn't work out in my head how to get them balanced, and you can't cut the tube if you are only holding the ends.
    A layer of tape with a grip to it like electrical tape would help you with any slippage problems. Adding anything to the outside is a bad idea in my opinion.
    -and Jhanlon left you a message...on my Bloo thread.:hehe:
  4. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    I cant rely on anythin on the inside of the tube to hold the tube. I need to be ale to get the tubes on and off easily. Having a special clamp on the outside of the tube wont be a problem. The clamp will pinch the tube against the inner discs. The clamp needs to be on the opposite end of the tube that being cut because the clamp will distort the shape of the tube a bit. As long as the clamp is even all the way around and fairly strong,... it shouldnt a be a problem. I am only spinn the tubes @ 1000rpm. I will check Jhanlon's messgae thanks.
  5. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Sounds good, just resist the urge to do a 30,000 RPM test spin. ;)
  6. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    As can be determined by the post count, I'm new here. I just felt it necessary that my first post indicated my total awe at what you do :jawdrop:

    There's a fine line between genius and insanity - you sir tapdance across it in hobnailed boots! I've sat and read through the full thread and have had my jaw on the floor for most of it, be it the designs or the somewhat insane way of producing them, I'm absolutely gobsmacked!

    You've given me more than a few thoughts on what's possible as well as a few helpful hints on working with acrylic towards my first ever scratch build - mod on sir, mod on! :cooldude:

    (No disrespect intended towards anyone else, it's been 18 years since I worked with the stuff or, in fact, anything else so I need all the help and inspiration I can get!)
  7. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Excellent! A new modder is born! This is such a good thing! This is what the modding community needs! We welcome you man. I am very sure you will find allllll the info you need right here at bit-tech:) A lot of the worlds best modders log right:) Thanks for the kind words:) They are very much appreciated:) We look forward to following you through your modding venture:) Good luck! We're here if you need some advice! Cheers!
  8. Grimloon

    Grimloon What's a Dremel?

    4 Sep 2008
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    I have to admit that I've never touched water cooling but seeing your blanks for reservoir ends made me think "How cool would an octagonal reservoir look?" Getting each side perfectly sealed would be a bitch and I'd have to look at the fluids side of things to see if the shape would muck up the flow but it's seriously tempting!

    I wouldn't dream of doing the same level of detail work you do but I now have a mental image of 4 frosted sides and 4 etched sides lit up from inside with UV coolant in the my head it looks verra nice but I need to re learn a number of skills (including not hacking myself to bits with power tools) before I can put it into effect.

    My drawing skills suck donkey balls unless I'm using charcoal so everything has to be designed digitally. I've yet to get to grips with sketch up but as soon as I do there'll be a mod on the go, it's the angles that are killing me at the mo but as soon as I have it drawn 3D and dimensioned it's a goer.

    However, it has to be said that I honestly never thought I'd be sig worthy!:D Please keep up the good work and I hope to see more that makes me say "How the f..."!:jawdrop:
  9. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Update! Sorry guys, but I have been sick. I still a bit something something going on, but for the most part I feel better. Blowing my nose, coughing s@#$ up like crazy, sinus headaches you name it! So I did really get much done this past weekend. So here's what I got. You guys should of seen some of the stuff coming out my nose! Looked,...


    Kind of like this! America Runs On Dunkin! So does mold! It amazing how each cup looks different. Like theres different molds or something. I,m pretty sure its all the same mold just at different stages. Anyways,...

    I sold a couple of reservoirs and with that money I got some shelving! Its about time! I mean I could of bought shelving at anytime but I was just to bust for it. But seeing how I was sick and not feeling like being precise,... I spent the day cleaning instead.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    So much more room. I want to get two more of the same shelving and put them ontop of the ones you see here. I have 12' ceiling so it would fit! LOL. Of course I would have to have multiple anchors in the wall to make sure it doesnt topple over.

    I have a floor.

    You guys like my box of bandaids?!?! LOL.

    Anyways,... time to test out the tube shaft jig thing. I cut up the rest of my 2.5" tubing. I got 19 bodies of the two standard sizes. That would be 3.5" and 7.5" even though the reservoirs im selling now have 8.5" bodies. I changed to 7.5" because I felt liek they were just a tid bit to big. So yeah. The over length now is 8" instead of 9". For the little one it will be 4". Those are good standard sizes.

    I have to get the ends to look like this:) So nice. No chips and straight!

    Boom. Done. 7.5" Complete.

    Very nice finish. I can buff that to a somewhat good shine but I dont think I will. I will just leave it like that. Theres a reason. I'll explain later.

    3.5" bodies complete.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    An army! 38 reservoirs. Actually 36 but one of ach is an extra just in case I goof. What I am going to do with these,... I dont know yet. I might make them all sFX reservoirs. Im not sure yet because that would be a S@#$ load of work! They would look sweet though.

    This is how I cut the ends. I loaded up a tube. I didnt have to make a clamp to hold the tube firm. The tubes fit snug enough that they didnt turn while cutting. I did notice how some tubes were a lot looser than some of the others. So I was seperating them and removing/ adding tape so they all fit snug. you will notice that I have to make a spacer for the top of the shaft. I'll show you what thats for in a sec,..

    You stick the bottom end of the shaft in the bearing first.

    You then tilt it over so the top is right under the chuck.

    You then insert the top of the shaft into the chuck, tightening the chuck around the shaft.

    Heres what the spacer is for. Everytime you put it in the chuck the spacer must touch the chuck. This way you know the shaft is always in the same position each time you remove and install it again.

    This is how I cut the top of the 7.5" tubes. Kind of ghetto but it works.

    Now that they are all done I will put them away so I can start the ends.

    Baam. Not enough 3/4" acrylic. I got 32 pieces right here. thats 16 reservoirs. I need more! I have to order some. I'll put this away for now and work on something else,...

    Like the stuff I promised Cheapskate!!! ARGH! Dude,... these came out pretty good. I made these lathe bits from regular steel rod. Im impressed. I didnt test them but I am sure they work just fine. That is if cheapy uses them right. LOL. Dont kill yourself man.

    so what im going to do,... is order some more material. while im waiting for that,... I am goingto continue working on Qhs's reservoirs. that has been on hold for a while. I am actually thinking I will finish that before moving on with this new batch of reservoirs. After this batch I think I will start on Blackout again. And prototype a new reservoir I am dying to show you guys.
  10. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
    Likes Received:
    Cool! Ill be looking for that. Thanks!

    Wait...Promise me you didn't send the coffee cups!
  11. Cheapskate

    Cheapskate Insane? or just stupid?

    13 May 2007
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    Got It! Thanks!
    Who would've guessed the post office would deliver on the day a hurricane is to hit?:hehe:
  12. Ashaman

    Ashaman M'hael

    17 Mar 2008
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    How's it going Tribal?
    I've been following your log for a while now, and is totally amazed by your work!
    Actually, you inspiered me to try it myself. And I have to say, you most be a happy man, because it really made me happy to make something like this. :D

    Looking farward to a new update from you!
    Good luck with everything man!

    - Ashaman
  13. thunder_2008

    thunder_2008 What's a Dremel?

    6 May 2008
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    Ah hey there tribal...hope that your cold goes south where it belongs. I have wanted to have one of your spin fx res for the longest time...since I first saw your stuff on the net. I recently had an eye out for one of your spinfx that was up for sale on But, no more they'll all gone. I'm getting ready to get a water chiller for my rig. And, I need to have a reservior for bleeding as well as volume to over come the heat from having everything except my processor in a single loop along with an Aqua Computer 360xt water tower.

    So, I plan on making a 'very regular square reservoir' that I really would like to have something of yours that spins, can show the flow of some coolant with led's, and looks really cool. Do you have any of your stuff selling anywhere on the net that I could buy?
  14. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    I dont have any sFX reservoirs for sale at the moment. I am currently working on some now. I am waiting for some more 3/4" thick acrylic and Im thinking about purchasing a 7 x 12 mini lathe to make these sFX's. Keep watching the log for their completion.
  15. Jokkocze

    Jokkocze What's a Dremel?

    16 Dec 2004
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    It's a series of tubes!
  16. sock58

    sock58 Budget mods

    6 Jun 2008
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    yo man, managed to get my hands on a tribaloverkill spin fx res, im in the UK. Was wondering, any chance you could send me the info i need to send the bad boy back to you for some reworking>???

    Ive been told to do this for some reason, Ive got it in my rig now and its fine, but doesnt spin too much due to too many restrictions on my loop.

    Cheers man, LOVE THE WORK!!!!

    ps, email addy be emo_martyr"@" (obv remove "" marks, ROFL!! love the spam)
  17. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Wow,... an update! I did some work on Borealis! Thats Qhs's reservoir for those of you who dont know. check it out!

    Sep-24-2008 (qHS987b)

    I need to side skirts,...

    Baam. This is clear acrylic.

    Need some letters. This time I am going for the extruded look. Cutting these out will probably suck,..

    wow it didnt suck all that bad! I think they came out pretty alright. You agree? I hope.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    LED test. This is only one UV LED and the battery is very much low. I have to find my 5 led flashlight.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is going to look hot! Very futuristic looking.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I started soldering LEDs. This bad boy is going to have a lot. Like 16 LEDs. Going to be lit up nicely.
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Going to use aqua fish tank tubing for sleeving again. I love this stuff.

    I"m going to use red UV sleeving for this reservoir. Should look nice with the UV everything else blue.

    I was going to clean up and reassemble his reservoir but for the death of me I couldnt find his res body. I think I cut it up when I was cutting the production sFX res bodies. LOL. Anyways,... I ordered more acrylic and it actually arrived today. So I'll just make him a new one. This res is like 95% complete. After this its time for blackout!!!
  18. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Small update.

    Sep-27-2008 (xPRZ5331r)

    72 sFX reservoirs on their way! 36 x 8" and 36 x 4"!!!

    This picture has me dribbling urine. 72 reservoirs = 144 end caps to cut = 576 holes to thread! Thank god for the drill press mod! This might take a while.

    This sucks. You see the first 4 stacks compared to the rest? Each stack has 8 pieces. This is what you call tolerance. The first 4 stacks is whats left of the first sheet I bought from It's thickness is .728". The rest you see is from a new sheet I bought from the same company. It's thickness is .66". Thats a big friggin difference! It not going to effect anything but still,... thats messed up. I need to buy a thicker sheet and cut down to a set thickness so they are all the same. But I need a lathe to do that. Oh well.

    Look at that. Thats pisses me off. Thats hardly .75!!!!!! I feel jipped. These guys only sent me 12ft of my 24 ft of 2.5" tubing too! I'm waiting for them to sen me the rest of my tubing.

    I need some aluminum discs,...

    Not bad for drill press turn cutting. There was some clatter when cutting these. Wasnt as smooth as I wanted it but what am I going to do,... its a drill press.

    Thats sweet looking.

    Need to make shaping jigs for the router. I want to cut these squares round before turn cutting. I am hoping this will save time.

    Gluing them together. I'll show you how I will use them in the next update.
  19. jhanlon303

    jhanlon303 The Keeper of History

    7 Sep 2006
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    "All tolerances + or - whatever we find at hand."

    I may pay a little more to buy my plexi from a local Mom and Pop in Boulder, but I can hold and see the stuff before I hand over the $$. Nasty luck on the plexi but the alum. is quite nice !
  20. tribaloverkill

    tribaloverkill Who needs sleep,... bah.

    1 Jan 2005
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    Its not that bad but,... you know what really kills me? Their stock goes from 3/4" to 1"! Nothing in between. So If I want to cut down,... I have to buy 1" which is a lot more expensive. I wish they had 7/8". You know what i want! I want a lathe, Maybe then I could play around with threading the ends and tubes instead. Geeez.

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