LOL Pet Peeve of the day

Discussion in 'General' started by BentAnat, 4 Feb 2010.

  1. brave758

    brave758 Minimodder

    16 Apr 2009
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    My pet peeve is people calling the Overtaking lane a fast lane.... It is not, its the ****ing overtaking lane. Going in it does not give you the right to speed or drive like a idiot.
  2. talladega

    talladega I'm Squidward

    18 Aug 2007
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    over here the signs say, slow drivers keep right. which means the left lane IS the fast lane.
  3. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Our signs normally say "keep left pass right". Which, dependant on whether or not you decide to insert a comma means that a) keep left, and b) pass right... i.e. the inside (of the road) lane is the passing lane.
  4. Ape

    Ape Suck my barrel

    27 Apr 2009
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    Oi you old git! Get out my fkin fast lane. And while you are at it, keep left unless overtaking! Bloody danger to other drivers!

    Side note: you are right of course, there is the left lane classed normal, usually containing lorries at 60mph and old duffers driving at 50mph ... fk knows why ... and two over-taking lanes. The fact people drive fast only becomes a danger when some **** decides to pull into the overtaking lane in front of someone moving faster. This is mostly done by ccks and old gits with no perception of velocity and distance. As for the idiots, that accounts for everyone on the road except me.
  5. PureSilver

    PureSilver E-tailer Tailor

    16 Dec 2008
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    I actually kinda agree (humerously) with Ape; the facts are that the 70mph speed limit is neither enforced nor obeyed and therefore doesn't really enjoy any sort of legitimacy. Safety is what counts; just as it would be entirely legal but very unsafe to do 70mph through a traffic jam in the rain, it would (subjectively for me, anyway) be entirely illegal but very safe to do 90mph on an empty stretch of clear, well-sighted motorway.

    That's why I have little sympathy for people who complain about being tailgated at 75mph on the motorway. If you're not going appreciably faster than the people in the lane to your left, move over; it's an overtaking lane and you're not overtaking. If others want to overtake at a speed you consider excessive, well, obstructing them isn't going to teach them a lesson. They are travelling at a speed you don't want to; allow yourself to be overtaken. Pull into the lane to your left and get out of their way.

    Pet peeve for the day is food poisoning.
  6. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Pet peeve of the day:
    Incompetent Marketing Firms.

    By that I mean the kind of people that:
    a) Set up corporate branding and hand out sheets with a colour palette on them defined in RGB values. Then they look at you blankly when you ask them for the colour palette in CMYK colours, "as this is clearly intended for not just my mail, but also print media such as formal proposals, etc". - No idea what you're on about.
    b) Send you new banners for email templates in a powerpoint slide, and go "we don't have them in any other format" when you ask them for the banners in "jpeg, png, gif or any workable image format".
    c) Charge more than god has for absolutely anything.

    can't think of a latin name for them... except f*** retards!
  7. smc8788

    smc8788 Multimodder

    23 Apr 2009
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    PPOTD: People who still insist on posting things like "will it run Crysis" in the comments section of any hardware related article. Yes, it was funny maybe two years ago when Crysis first came out and was crippling PCs all over the world, but FFS move on people, it got old quicker than the Yo Dawg meme.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    Amen smc, I am 100% with you on that. I get asked it on a regular basis :rolleyes:
  9. brave758

    brave758 Minimodder

    16 Apr 2009
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    On a side note i'm younger than you, and remember..... beware of my "white van of rage" (only at speed during them stupid hours of the morning when getting home) otherwise stuck in ****ing traffic rocking to rage. :rock:

    Also remember it is not illegal to under take... The highway code states you can follow the flow of traffic. So if the duffer is doing 60 in the middle lane and the left is flowing faster i.e. empty (with in the speed limit of course you honour) happily and safely pass him giving the finger. The police will only stop you if the consider you are driving dangerously and weaving in the traffic.

    Edit: PPOTD ****ing rubber neckers
    Last edited: 11 Feb 2010
  10. Ape

    Ape Suck my barrel

    27 Apr 2009
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    I was thinking about recycling and then remembered this:

    When asking for bags at the supermarket checkout, I hate it when the checkout ladies look at me like I just demanded their purses!

    They see themselves as the frontline against global warming. They are the keepers of the earth. They will die before giving away those bags because someone told them that if we didn't stop using plastic bags then the earth would die ...

    Funny how the bags are all recyclable ... and yet I'm killing the planet if I dare ask for 1 ...

    Best example (and I have many :eyebrow: ) is Waitrose, Brackley. I had the biggest trolley I could find, and filled it with as many earth-destroying un-green products I could find ... ok I jest. Anyway I had the biggest trolley, and it was stacked with the essentials for the next few weeks. Obviously if I hadn't got any 'GREEN' bags then I would need to ask for some, so I asked. She looked at me like I had said "mmm loving the blue-rinse you old bat". She gave me ... 1 ... bag ... 1 bag ... 1 ... lol

    So I filled that 1 bag ... in a state of heightened awareness that I may be on Candid Camera. I then said "I think I might need another bag" ... she literally gave me 1 more bag ... bear-in-mind that these trolleys when full can account for up to 10 bags depending on how stacked they get ...

    Strangely she kept giving me looks like I had previously mugged her, or had gotten her daughter pregnant and then done a runner ... I am a fairly NICE person really, I always chat to checkout staff and have a laugh ...

    1 by 1, I kept asking for these bags ... and for every bag, the pressure to L O L was building up like a pressure cooker.

    I was with my other-half and we kept giving each other 'the look' ...

    Eventually I was literally pissing-myself laughing to the point I had to walk away from the checkout and pretend to read the magazines ... proper laughing hysterically :D

    Rock-on Earth Protectors, we love you all !!

    brave758 likes this.
  11. Ape

    Ape Suck my barrel

    27 Apr 2009
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    You certainly are brave to admit driving a white van when we're moaning about drivers!! lol
  12. Comfyasabadger

    Comfyasabadger What's a Dremel?

    23 Jun 2009
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    Public Transport vs Snow

    Epic Fail!
  13. brave758

    brave758 Minimodder

    16 Apr 2009
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    Lol mate that made my day, + rep..

    Shhh the vans got a special cloaking device lol
  14. Picarro

    Picarro What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2009
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    Yes, it keeps surprising the public transportation system that, yet again, winter has arrived.
  15. TheMusician

    TheMusician Audio/Tech Enthusiast/Historian

    13 Jul 2009
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    When Photoshop CS4 hangs.
  16. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    The G/F's mom.
    Background: My G/F is opening her own Psychology Practise in March. This means there's loads of expenses, things to organise, long hours, etc right now.
    To top all of that off, due to a sh*tty contract with her previous employer, she is at present pennyless and incomeless until her practise runs. That means that every single one of those things are being paid for by me.
    Even better is the fact that my brother (who was, until recently helping with rent because we shared a flat) is leaving for the German Air Force soon. Meaning that I lose that extra bit of cashflow.
    Now the G/F's mom goes and buys office furniture at a work auction. For her daughter. Cute idea, if she wasn't thinking that we should pay for it. She bought it, and is now expecting us to pay for it. Her idea is that her daughter needs it, and it's cheaper that way. She's right as well. in the long term, her daughter DOES need it. However, we've made alternate plans already and are borrowing some of the furniture.
    So now i have to find funds SOMEWHERE for that as well...
  17. null_x86

    null_x86 Thread Closer

    18 Jan 2009
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    PTSD. I has it.
  18. BentAnat

    BentAnat Software Dev

    26 Jun 2008
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    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
  19. Guest-2867

    Guest-2867 Guest

    Having not been in Gregg's for about 6 years, I was thinking about what to munch on my break and thought 'hey not been in there for a while' so went off and got a Cheese and Ham pastie and a Coke. Soooo dissapointed, it tasted like a salty brick, whoever does their recipes these days should be booted out the highest window.
  20. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Trying to work smoothly with Outlook, Excel, this, AutoCAD and ArcGIS at once on this slow (1.86Ghz Dual core, 1GB DDR2 667, integrated graphics) and fully encrypted PC.

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