Tottenham Riots

Discussion in 'Serious' started by Dwarfer, 8 Aug 2011.

  1. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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  2. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Unsubscribed, honestly these masked dead beats attack people in their community's or usually neighbour community's well before those hissy fit riots they sell drugs to people of any age have kids delivering drugs they aren't a suffering bunch the ones who suffer are the community's around these selfish pricks & innocent young people who have a hard time around that might feel the need to join them so they don't feel the fear from them, really they have their work cut out to gain respect from many including myself but I do know I don't want to have to deal with them in a BS violent confrontation I like living civilized if I didn't I'd go to a very messed up country & feel at home there, would these crying baby's & crying big baby's who think they can create a good change from wrecking the place & making overly civilized people feel fear I doubt it a heck of a lot, I choose to not break the law as I like being free & it's nice not needing to watch you back because of stepping on many peoples toes I like being relaxed friendly & helpful but if I'm faced with danger violence it will only wake up the animalistic part of me in an instant that I do not like I absolutely know how visious I could be if I wanted but I like to reserve that part of me which everyone has, not just angry youths trust me for survival mode in a bad situation, I prefer to keep a heavy lid on all my aggressions & channel the powerful energy into something good but to attack places & people I will not look kindly towards that, never in fact I'll see you as a terrorist so why don't the government, I'm puzzled.

    Oh yeah unsubscribed :) because it's like talking to a wall with the ones who think what they do is right.
  3. eddie543

    eddie543 Snake eyes

    24 Apr 2009
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    The vast majority of european migrants I have come across have come across have a very good grasp of the english language. Better than a lot of bone heads I have come accross in my time.

    I don't have a driving license I can barely afford to get a provisional.

    BTW I would do any job to get into the jobs market. I'd currently be willing to peel spuds in a walk in freezer for £4.60 an hour in 12 hour shifts, whilst wearing 70's football shorts and a string vest.

    It is not the fact of them competing with me directly for jobs it is the fact that the vast amount of migrants that have come in to the uk has made it so many jobs are filled by migrants already. The really shitty jobs at the bottom rung of the ladder should be widely available to school leavers not contested with migrants desperate for work who probably have experience

    It is foolish IMO to believe that mass uncontrolled or ineffectively controlled immigration has no effect on young people finding work or no negative effects on this country.

    I am not saying that this excuses them. What the rioters have done was criminal and abhorrent. They deserved to be punished. But incidents like these will continue if there is not a significant improvement in help for the poorest in this society.

    Those caught should be doing large community service sentances to improve the communities they destroyed, they should also be tagged and placed under curfew. Not just sent to prison, not evicting families of rioters; that will not make an example it will just increase the amount of pissed of people and general low level crime.

    There needs to be a long term policy to show young people support, there needs to be more police and better police links with the community. There is a need for job prospects and hope.

    The devil makes work for idle thumbs.
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2011
  4. boiled_elephant

    boiled_elephant Merom Celeron 4 lyfe

    14 Jul 2004
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    This is basically everything I wanted to say on the "why" behind the riots. INB4 blaming the education system, too - it's not their fault either. It comes down to the parents.

    By extension, though, it does also come down to TV, because TV made being a lazy parent easier and more appealing than ever.

    edit- this made my day:


    Those avatars are just brilliant.

    edit 2:

    He DOES rather sound like me, doesn't he? I think I've found a friend :)

    edit 3 -

    I'd just like to say, Dwarfer, because nobody's come out and said it straight, that I think you're insufferably rude, disrespectful, self-righteous, arrogant and abrasive, and that I'd prefer it if you either improved your people skills or stopped posting here.
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2011
    Teelzebub and Carrie like this.
  5. Carrie

    Carrie Multimodder

    18 Nov 2010
    South East England
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    Damn it man, you're not supposed to make me laugh! :grr:

    I knew you'd like him - just think of the hours and hours of theoretical posting discussions you two could have. ;)

    *coughs* *whistles* ;)


    This from Pete I also think has a part to play:
    And back to the parents, if they tell their dear sweet child it's the best thing since sliced bread, that it sings like an angel, dances like a prima ballerina and lead it to expect fame and fortune and a life beyond their wildest dreams, when in truth it's the equivalent of an illiterate, tone deaf hippo on point, you're going to have very angry and belligerent kids out there with no sense of reality.
    Last edited: 13 Aug 2011
    Teelzebub likes this.
  6. RichCreedy

    RichCreedy Hey What Who

    24 Apr 2009
    lost in the middle of lincolnshire
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    can we bring back penal colonies, just ship'em out and get rid
  7. DXR_13KE

    DXR_13KE BananaModder

    14 Sep 2005
    Madeira ; Portugal
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  8. RichCreedy

    RichCreedy Hey What Who

    24 Apr 2009
    lost in the middle of lincolnshire
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    despite their roots they wouldn't want them, lol
  9. Picarro

    Picarro What's a Dremel?

    9 Jun 2009
    Copenhagen, Denmark
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    I heard they had some real premium properties over at that place called Chernobyl in Ukraine.. Some of them might even be dumb enough to loot the reactor.
  10. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    Good for you!
  11. Blarte

    Blarte Moderate Modder

    15 Jul 2008
    North West England
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    @Carrie .. sorry mum
  12. Carrie

    Carrie Multimodder

    18 Nov 2010
    South East England
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    @blarte: **** off How's the beetle? :D
  13. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    Feel free to send them down here :thumb: We've got a proven track record of taking care of problems you guys can't handle.
    The safest streets of the UK would compare to the worst streets of Australia.
  14. Teelzebub

    Teelzebub Up yours GOD,Whats best served cold

    27 Nov 2009
    Culloden / Hell
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    Lol shine your headlights in their eyes and shoot them .... Oh wait thats Roo shooting isn't it lol
  15. mvagusta

    mvagusta Did a skid that went for two weeks.

    24 Dec 2006
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    We won't treat them like vermin :nono: Just ask the majority of our population, who are immigrants that call this the lucky country.
    You might be thinking about when the British first came here, who treated the inhabitants like vermin.
  16. Er-El

    Er-El Minimodder

    31 May 2008
    England, UK
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    To be fair I think a lot of businesses here only advertise certain jobs in other countries because there's a perception that as you point to yourself, that British born and bred workers don't have the appropriate work ethic for those roles. Though I do get tired of constantly hearing this repeated notion that migrants "take all our jobs". There are other reasons why we don't have enough job creation going to vacate every job seeker.

    If anything, we should be controlling emmigration. ;) Too many people with all the skills, talent, and wealth that could be put to entrepreneurial use, are moving abroad.

    (How the hell did we go from Tottenham riots to this subject... :rolleyes:)
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2011
  17. eddie543

    eddie543 Snake eyes

    24 Apr 2009
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    I the subject here, which in hindsight it would have been better left up in the brain. But I do believe it is relevent as it relates to the fact that a large proportion of rioters were unemployed and that if they were employed there would have been a much smaller disturbance if any at all.

    Uncontrolled Migration is an obvious reason as to why people in this socio economic group can't find work because there is not a surplus in jobs. People feel like they have no future and jobs will be easier found by people if there is less competition.


    Net immigration has added just over 1.5 million to the population in the last 10 years which I very much doubt that there has been as many jobs created as that in the past ten years. that is a lot of people to add to a workforce of around 25 million.

    You are right the are other issues behind mass unemployment other than mass immigration. Such as the current downturn, for example has meant many people who have greater experience in higher job roles are now competing for what would have been jobs that went to the less experienced.

    Plus to answer the point on controlling emmigration it would be nice to keep a few more of those retired managers, dentists, directors, bankers etc and their adequate pensions in the UK instead of in sunny spain.

    Plus when it is said about the disadvantage foriegn workers have to find work in the uk: Imagine if 200,000 people came in to the UK this year who had the ability to work at middle class skill and experience levels, I wonder if they would be complaining if they were unemployed and had too face the competition of those extra job seekers.

    I just would like to know how immigration en masse cannot affect my prospects of finding a job or many other job seekers prospects out there.

    To summarise: It is no coincidence that riots such as these occur in times of recession and economic stagnationor when governments cut from the bottom of society. People at the bottom are already angry and without hope before the downturn; but after and with government policy, tension has boiled over into a display of mass violence from the least emotionally intelligent in society. I just do not think it would harm to curtail the numbers of unskilled and semi skilled as much as possible while we struggle to get people into work and when/if the economy returns to normal lax the control to a sensible level. Austrailia don't just grant workpermits and visas to any bugger that turns up on a boat or in an international airport for a reason.

    Is it helpful,on the whole, in a time when there are at the very least 800,000 more people unemployed now then in 2008 to still be leaving immigration largely uncontrolled? Is it not possible that migration en-masse can affect young people's chances of finding work? Is it not possible that socio-economic problems such as lack of and decreasing job prospects could be a contributing root factor as to why explosions such as these occur?
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2011
  18. Nexxo

    Nexxo * Prefab Sprout – The King of Rock 'n' Roll

    23 Oct 2001
    Birmingham, UK
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    There is do much wrong with your reasoning that I'll have to bullet point it.

    • Half of the rioters are, it turns out, under age. Unemployment is not yet an issue for them. They should have been in school, or at home doing their homework.
    • Other rioters are, in fact, A-level students, college students, fully employed adults. One young woman was an Olympic ambassador. We are not exactly talking about disenfranchised people without a chance of a future, and definitely not one threatened by a foreign workforce.
    • You cannot control emigration, unless you want the UK to be like Soviet Russia or North Korea. People should be free to go where they want.
    • Strangely enough, I never hear doctors, surgeons, nurses, or indeed accountants, lawyers, or indeed my plumber, electrician or builder complain about foreigners taking their jobs. For some reason it always seems to be some uneducated chav on the dole. Preferably from a pub, during working hours.
    • The only way in which immigration can be a threat to the local workforce is by outcompeting them for jobs. This means that despite possible barriers of language, socio-economic status and qualifications, they simply have to be better candidates than the locals. If they, coming from mostly developing countries, manage to outcompete people raised with all the privileges of a G7 country, then the UK has a serious problem with its own workforce that eliminating the competition is not going to address.
    Tl;dr: UK workers are simply not good enough. Step up or step aside. It's called capitalism and free Market competition. People once thought it was a good idea.
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2011
  19. RichCreedy

    RichCreedy Hey What Who

    24 Apr 2009
    lost in the middle of lincolnshire
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    a lot of the people on the dole, simply don't want to work, or are fussy about which jobs to take. the first time i got made redundant, back in 99, i applied for all sorts of jobs, i took a security job, that was paying minimum wage for doing night shifts, just so i could get off the dole.

    since i was 18, i have probably not worked a total of maybe 18 months, and some of that was because i had been made redundant, and some because i had had an operation on my knee, which caused problems for me walking, and standing. i am self employed now.
    Last edited: 14 Aug 2011
  20. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
    Bratislava, Slovakia
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    Exactly what i meant. They say "Foreigners take our jobs", but who should work there, if the "locals" don't want to do that job ?

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