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Case Mod - In Progress Project: Fluttershy - Almost Finished!

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by AK71, 10 Nov 2011.

  1. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    Lol thanks and glad you like it! More pictures of the cutest pony are going on the outside at a later date but I have to decide which ones, vector them and get them professionally printed on vinyl.
    All the interior ones are done using printer label paper but I want a nice glossy finish for the outside ones.
  2. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    Wow, that is an awesome coincidence! From your avatar I'm guessing your mod is going to be Rainbow Dash themed? That should keep you busy getting the colours right although I know somewhere that sells spray paint that matches all the mane six if you are interested.

    I'm glad you like the process so far, I've been a bit delayed with painting and fabrication to post many updates recently but I'm almost ready to take some progress pictures. I still have a long way to go and I have another unique idea (I think) coming up that I've never seen done before. I love doing lots of little details like in my art too


    Flutterguy will definitely be going on the right side panel, nice and big! Yet to decide on the design for on the door though...
  3. Dae314

    Dae314 What's a Dremel?

    3 Sep 2010
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    OMFGGGG!!!!! how did I not find this thread earlier :OOOOOOOOOOO

    FLUTTERSHY!!!!! I love her <3. She's my favorite unless Rainbow acts tsundere (but she doesn't really act tsundere very often so...). I love this mod.
  4. Wing Zero

    Wing Zero Ita-sha owner

    28 Apr 2010
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    The more I look at my current PC case, the more it makes me think "If I change the blue to purple, modify the top a bit and change the cathode tubes and coolant colour, i can make a Rarity case"

    This Mod is causing too much inspiration, it won't be long before I myself will have to do 'Da Magiks'
  5. PR1ME

    PR1ME More ideas than talent or money.

    5 Dec 2010
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    I'll be honest ... I have no idea what this mod is about. But it is hilariously awesome.
  6. Pookeyhead

    Pookeyhead It's big, and it's clever.

    30 Jan 2004
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    I'm confused and scared.

    Nice modding though!
  7. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    I'm still painting and fabricating but should have some more progress in the next couple of days. The amount of painting on this project is ridiculous!

    @Dae314 Yay! Another Fluttershy fan :clap: I must admit after Lesson Zero and watching her dance last week, Twilight is now a very close second favourite for me but Fluttershy is still best pony.

    @FlooterDex Sounds like you have some good ideas to start with! If you need any vectors for your project you can send me a PM. And maybe sleeving your wires using all six of Dashie's mane colours? MDPC-X do all the colours you would need... I was going to sleeve my wires but I am doing something else I will be showing soon. Here's the link for the paint http://www.graff-city.com/product_info.php?products_id=767 Monaco Blue looks like a good match for Dashie.

    @Wing Zero Do it! It would be good to see a Rarity case. Just make sure you post a log so I can watch it develop, even if it's just a few changes to an existing mod...

    @PR1ME Here you go! http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Fluttershy Thanks for the compliment even if you don't understand it :lol:

    @Pookeyhead Thanks! No need to be confused or scared, Fluttershy will look after you :)

    And just a teaser pic of something else that needs painting, it seems never ending :wallbash:

  8. Wing Zero

    Wing Zero Ita-sha owner

    28 Apr 2010
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    Project Wet Rarity could happen, as soon as i can get a waterblock for my 560ti, some Mayhems aurora purple and some replacement tubing (chances are it may look a bit green)

    Oh and find the digi camera battery charger, so i can make a log of it
  9. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    Wet Rarity is best Rarity!
  10. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    I second a wet Rarity project - it would be very welcome indeed.
  11. Dae314

    Dae314 What's a Dremel?

    3 Sep 2010
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    We need to get together like... 9 modders who like MLP:FiM and get each person to do a mod of 1 character:

    Princess Celestia
    Princess Luna

    Then have a 10th mod where all 9 of the people get together and design a case ground up for Equestria and feature every character somehow in it.
  12. Atasimey

    Atasimey What's a Dremel?

    19 Oct 2011
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    Reading through you log, I felt like I’d been tossed into that episode of Farscape where Commander Crais ends up running about in red heels. So wrong... oh so wrong... but yet can’t. help. subbing.

    God help us but I so hope you take this case to lans or some über poncy geek event once it's finished.
  13. IanW

    IanW Grumpy Old Git

    2 Aug 2003
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    So... :idea:

  14. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    Update 8th December

    @Dae314 well it looks like we may have three pony projects on here soon if FlooterDex and Wing Zero carry out their plans :)

    @Atasimey I love Farscape! And I know the episode you mean. This project is actually starting to come together now and it's looking exactly as I intended. I would love to take the finished PC to a LAN event or something, I can guarantee it'll be the only yellow and pink PC there!

    On with the update!! I've finished fabrication, I think, and got a lot of painting done and finally installed a lot of parts.

    First a shot of the bottom of the case.


    I know the PSU is only partially sleeved, this was intentional as I have a hell of a lot of cables behind the motherboard tray and wanted to maximise space. But that's what modding is all about, making it look better! This has been shown before but first I made this


    and then this


    They go together like so


    and installed in the case


    The right cover is about the fifth design I've made but in the end I just made it simple and kept with the square lines on other parts. I've also managed to size it perfectly so it fits with less than 1mm of a gap between it and the SSD holder.


    Unfortunately I can't afford an SSD at the minute, even though I have plans for the holder, so unless I can get one sponsored or cheap or something then I will leave the holder out of the case. If I do get to use it, I just have to cut a slot in the bottom of the cover for the wires to pass through and they will still be completely hidden :)

    I also wanted to show the cover for the rear of the 5.25" bay, I've shown it in it's finished form but not installed. You can also see a clue for the plan for all the power wires that I will be showing soon. I'm sticking with a theme of having as little wiring shown, but all that will be seen is themed along the the project colour scheme of yellow and pink with black details.


    I mentioned in the last update that I had another unique idea (I think) and it involved the power LED. My new motherboard has a POST code readout but it can also use the power LED for diagnostics as well as power/sleep states. Originally I wasn't going to include a power LED on the case, the original one has been appropriated for the HDD LED instead as it's much bigger and more visible. So, with the idea of using one back on the agenda I made this!


    And this is the unique idea, where it fits


    The case has a hole right in the top left corner of the motherboard tray so I can route the wire through there and it won't be seen. It also has the added benefit of covering the big slab of silver/blue that is the I/O ports :clap:

    Finally, I've managed to get the door painted. After the nightmare of the random contamination from somewhere, I've managed to get the colour to match precisely and it has a great finish.


    Tomorrow I can lacquer it then screw it back on the front panel and mount the panel back on the case. After that, time to take some more progress pictures in better light and show what the illumination is looking like at the minute :)

    I'll leave you with a shot of the case internals though. I'm so happy with the way it looks so clean and almost all the wiring is hidden. Next week I should be able to order my new graphics card so I can show what the full wiring will look like when I've got it. I can fit the actual motherboard and get it plugged in rather than the mock-up, although I've decided I want to resleeve the front panel connectors and USB headers with MDPC-X yellow sleeving. More damn expense when I have no spare money :sigh:

  15. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    @IanW I was thinking more of this wet Rarity

    Waynio likes this.
  16. Malvolio

    Malvolio .

    14 Dec 2003
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    Question for you: is your intention that the little black nubbin on the yellow box over the internal I/O ports to function as an illumination device upon power on status of the computer, or is it to function as a push-button switch for some heretofore undescribed function? As best I could tell from your writing it is the former, but it would appear as more of a button than anything, so I am left conflicted.

    That interior is looking outstandingly clean by the way.
  17. Waynio

    Waynio Relaxing

    20 Aug 2009
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    Priceless :D:clap:.

    I'm baffled :confused::lol: but been laughing throughout the read, calming down & then grinning again :thumb: & at the same time can clearly see great painting & modding so +rep for doing something I never expected to see here :D strangely awesome :rock: nice one AK71 :D.
  18. AK71

    AK71 What's a Dremel?

    29 Jul 2011
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    Update 9th December

    @Malvolio that black thing is an LED holder so the power LED will be fitted in the I/O cover. It's the perfect place for it really, easily seen through the window but keeps the clean look of the front without having any more lights there. The fact it covers the I/O ports is just a bonus :)

    @Waynio Wow, thanks Waynio! I love that little picture of Fluttershy inside the case, it's not in the most visible place but when you do look at the back of the 5.25" bay it's a nice surprise. And glad to see you are experiencing the power of ponies for making you laugh and smile!!

    Update time!

    I've managed to get the front panel back on today so took some pictures, sorry for the bad photography but my camera is ancient and pants :(


    Door closed and door open


    I then thought I'd power her up and spazz out my camera even more...


    Nice pink glow coming from the front fan but thanks to the air duct there's virtually no pink light seen inside the main chamber. Yay!


    Fan controller. I've changed the LEDs for 3mm pink ones.



    A couple of shots of the existing main chamber lighting from the two rear fans. It's actually a nice bright yellow, not the orangey yellow that my camera seems to think it is :sigh:

    And the worst photo of the lot lol, a shot in the dark to try and show the whole lighting effect

    Atasimey and Malvolio like this.
  19. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Whilst the colour scheme makes me want to gouge my eyes out, it's a solid piece of modding done! Job well done :D
  20. docodine

    docodine killed a guy once

    10 Feb 2007
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    My thoughts exactly

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