Other General Battlefield 3 discussion thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Otis1337, 8 Feb 2011.

  1. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    So, I’ve played quite a bit of the B2K maps now, and I’m absolutely loving them! Destruction is off the scale, and they are for the most part very well laid out, balanced and designed. I’d be interested to know though, is anyone else (particularly those who have never played BF2) finding them very hard? I know it’s not the be all and end all, I often find myself with a negative K/D, around halfway down the board. To those that did play BF2 - do you think playing the maps in their previous iterations puts you at an advantage?

    I’m sure I’ll be able to read the flow better once I know the maps better, but right now, I’m regularly getting my ass handed to me from all angles!
  2. Orca

    Orca What's a Dremel?

    2 Dec 2005
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    I think the destruction threw me off at first, but once you peel that back they do feel familiar. Sharqi is the most unchanged imo, I felt right at home in my first round :)

    Are you playing with a good squad? I know when I'm playing solo or in a random squad even Karkand can feel a bit overwhelming sometimes, like nowhere is safe at all :blah:
  3. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    When I first booted up the new maps, I was not enjoying them, I loved how good they looked, remade in destructible glory but hated playing on them. The reason? Because I was playing them on Rush, which IMO ruins the classic experience. I converted to Rush in BFBC2, not liking conquest. But since playing BF3 I was getting frustrated with Rush. This weekend after a few rounds of B2K maps on Rush, I converted to Conquest Large and have really been enjoying it since.

    As for any advantages for players of the original BF2 maps, personally I would say no. I remember the general layout from the original but there has been so many changes in terms of alley ways and multifloor buildings that it felt like I was playing it again from scratch.

    Favourite B2K map btw - Gulf of Oman, same as my favourite BF2 map :)
  4. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    Some good games last night, though that damn chopper just kept on coming, took some damage and it flew away to repair, came back and shot us up. But in the end I did use the tank shell on it and killed both pilot and gunner xD.

    Metro CQ has become a guilty pleasure. Not so much the noob tubing but actually capping and shooting at the enemy. FAMAS short burst fire kicks ass. It's good close range. But I took out a few snipers from A to deployment last night. xD
  5. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    wow, that real life BF3 is FULL OF WINNING! saw the Freddie Wong one and that's pretty awesome too!

    did more B2K and i think i found the new Metro-Conquest = Strike at Karkand Infantry only.

    holy cow the difference is huge without vehicles and the fighting is jizztastic. did couple rounds last night and it really forces people to do some kind of teamwork. or at least at the next round after they got beaten to crap. i did 1:2 KDR ratio overall and only win half of the rounds, but providing beacon, putting the T-UGS in the right spot, covering tight chokepoint... its just INSANE. (in a good way)
    - 1 time i pop my head out of the staircase and saw 2 full squad (yes i had 7 kill, the last guy killed me) standing STACKED in a corner hiding under fire right outside the square, and nobody saw me. hold F for 2 sec, throw it, and spray my G18-supp. once i finish the clip, start unloading the Q88. bliss.
    - dropping from a ledge into an unsuspecting crowd below the ledge just a little west of Train CP? massacre with pistols lol

    Gulf of Oman is great and lotsa fun becoz its pretty big (is it bigger than Firestorm? i dont think so though), but i like Sharqi better. The fact you hide in buildings and TV tower fight is never boring. getting a tank to survive takes a miracle but definitely satisfying as u destroy the building.

    Wake island is the only "meh", surprisingly. its good and balanced and loads of vehicle, but all u have to do is be engineer, carry stinger + land mines, and stick around support guys, and u'll be fine. no real flanking/tactics. swimming is painfully slow, and with MAV, ull get picked by sniper fast. chokepoint is wherever there's a stretch between 2 different color CP. attack chopper is like a boss, so bring stinger.
    i cant remember exactly how BF2's wake island is, but i know i had more fun there.

    weapons: the Q88 sniper rocks. i dont play Co-op so i dont have M39, but with 4x scope and foregrip, DANG, its a beautiful medium-to-long range weapon. but NOT for very-long range though, ill stick to my M40A5 for that. Q88 got fairly fast reload, nice RoF, low recoil, and hell of a damage.
    after being dissapointed with PDW-R nerf, i think im gonna b an aggresive recon. and next patch with 1HK for bolt-action close distance?
    feels like in this game people put x7 scope on shotguns and play like recon, and quick-scope on bolt-action and plays like Assault.....
  6. faugusztin

    faugusztin I *am* the guy with two left hands

    11 Aug 2008
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    This brings up the bit-tech server rule #1 - Never allow draca to take any vehicle. :D
  7. J!n

    J!n That's aperture science

    7 Nov 2009
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    Things that i think may need changing, not sure if you guys argee

    A transport chopper in Wake for RU team
    Picking up enemy mines grants points
    RPG vs chopper should do more damage
  8. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    My only request:

    bring back the M136 AT4 rocket launcher from BC2 - let's you manually aim the rocket into enemy choppers. Especially important since stingers are redundant.

    Otherwise, I'm McLovin' Karkand with it's new destruction, and Oman is a blast, especially since I hated the original. Although I need to learn to fly that new jet.....
  9. Lassar

    Lassar Lean Mean Fighting Machine !

    16 Jun 2009
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    Stingers may be..... but Javelins are not ! me and Legoman were working flawlessley last night. He used the Soflam.... and I took it down with the Javelin :D
  10. nchhabs

    nchhabs www.twitch.tv/dracaXL

    20 Jan 2011
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    Hahaha! :D
  11. sotu1

    sotu1 Ex-Modder

    24 Aug 2007
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    Problem is that I don't always have a mate online with SOFLAM and not everyone in public games plays ball.....

    That and it took 4 Javelins to take out a stationary tank last night. With lock on and reload times it would have been quicker and safer with RPGs!
  12. ccxo

    ccxo On top of a hill

    23 Oct 2009
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    B2K maps are not to bad though there are problems with the spawns at the uncap for US on Karkand, no humeve to pick up people who fail to get into the tank/apc and then have to run.

    Oman, RU base needs more light buggies as you get stuck waiting for vehicles to spawn.

    Karkand i find theres too much stuff to get stuck on, which usualy ends up in a death, the second island is too small, bf2 full 64 player version was better.

    The lack of fixed AA, is enoying espeically on wake where air power if it gets one sided ruins the game.

    Still alot of core issues Dice need to fix with the game, which proably wont get fixed.
  13. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    From Dont Revive Me Bro

  14. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Ha ha, I like that!
  15. Orionche

    Orionche Guest

    But seriously, spot ANYTHING you see, especially if its flying. Helps the pilots incredibly...
  16. Saivert

    Saivert Minimodder

    26 Mar 2005
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    ehh.. I only thought destruction was cool in Bad Company 2. Now it is kinda expected to be in a game from now on.

    Also this game is a grind fest.

    The Javelins don't do a lot of damage and if there is a enemy engineer around to repair tanks you are inconvenienced (as to not say the f-word) if you are alone with your javelin. You will not destroy that tank. Find something better to do.

    The way they have balanced this game means that you can't depend on weapon power alone to do the job. You need tactics and help from your team mates. If there was one almighty weapon that would do the job in every situation you might as well play Serious Sam or something...

    I suck at aiming, but when I do score kills with the SV98 sniper rifle it is totally awesome. But for me very hard to do. I once even shot ahead of a moving enemy and hit him. Totally awesome. Oh I already said that.. sorry.
    Last edited: 20 Dec 2011
  17. kol

    kol What's a Dremel?

    31 May 2011
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    ive given up with conquest, it seems everytime i play on a conquest server, i join and im bumped on the losing side or my team is wining by around 200 tickets and we still get beaten. i am a team player i mean, if im support ill take out a tank with c4, engineer ill stinger the choppers, cap as my flags as possible(usually by myself.) Spot as many things as possible etc.

    I now usually only play rush as i seem to win on it alot more, i played 5 rush games in a row the other night and my team won every game. Its like people who play conquest would rather have a quit listed on there battlelog page than a loss, i know id rather have a loss than a quit as it doesnt show im a fxcking ***** and a sore loser.

    I mean sometimes ive joined games and been put on the loosing side and the team ive been put on is being decimated by 600 tickets or so, ill still play as i said i dont like quitting. But cmon how is it even possible to be getting beat by that many tickets. Some people really need a kick up the arse on this game and learn too play it, if you dont understand the rules of conquest (christ it says on the maps loading screen) then go play CoD or BF3s team and squad deathmatch.

    rant over.
  18. Elton

    Elton Officially a Whisky Nerd

    23 Jan 2009
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    So I've concluded that the javelin is my favorite Anti Air weapon ever. Oh and that the KH2002 still is massive low-key rapage. It's still my best gun and it's stupidly powerful. Especially with a heavy barrel.
  19. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    Played 2 rounds of Rush on Caspian Border on the ZiiP server last night and holy hell the most unsafe place you could be was anything with armour; jeeps, tanks, planes. A few of the ZiiP lads had a 4-man fire team set up with a soflam and 3 javelins and they chewed through anything that moved! Thank feck for ECM Launchers!
  20. DLDeadbolt

    DLDeadbolt Space Cadet

    15 Sep 2010
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    A couple times last night I was locked on in the jet with stingers or air-to-air and managed to pull away sharply enough to dodge the rocket, but the second you get locked on with javelins, your best bet is to bank really hard and fast and just circle once or twice, tends to lose the missile as it has a very poor turning arc.

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