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Other What's ruining your life right now?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheMusician, 28 Oct 2009.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Uniform November India

    25 Jul 2006
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    I have been up all night working on a very frustrating VBA form which I still can't get working or formatted properly. A colleague of mine has a meeting at 10am to demonstrate said form to some people and I haven't been able to get it working properly :sigh:

    Also, our central heating has been working intermittently for three days. I have had a cold shower two days in a row now. A cold shower is the most unfunny thing in the world when you've been fruitlessly sitting in front of a computer screen for as near as makes no difference 12 whole hours.

    Oh, and it's snowing in Tyrone. It's been snowing for a while apparently. I'm about to leave home to drive there. Wonderful :rolleyes:
  2. KayinBlack

    KayinBlack Unrepentant Savage

    2 Jul 2004
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    Back to the ER, the infection is twice the size it was yesterday. Also, it's a classic lyme disease bullseye. Fun.
  3. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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  4. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Filling fell out last night, pain so bad not even whiskey could help.

    Ended up forking out for an emergency dentist this morning, but all is now good and sorted, thought im still slightly numb and dribbling.
  5. GeorgeK

    GeorgeK Swinging the banhammer Super Moderator

    18 Sep 2010
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    Is that from the dentist or from the whisky?
  6. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

  7. GeorgeK

    GeorgeK Swinging the banhammer Super Moderator

    18 Sep 2010
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    Whisky has the same effect on me to be fair...
  8. G0UDG

    G0UDG helping others costs nothing

    27 Mar 2010
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    A total of five HTC ONE X phones so far the first one was repaired 3 times then replaced with a new one after the third fault,the second had 2 repairs just picked Up a 5th new ONE X under the warranty not too happy with HTC right now, when I upgrade it will not be HTC thats for sure.:grr: all credit to Carephone warehouse who's staff in the Hanley stoke on trent branch were extremely helpful and professional especially when you consider the bad rep carephone warehouse have nationallly
    Last edited: 21 Mar 2013
  9. Jake123456

    Jake123456 Surprise!

    25 Jan 2011
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    Having a random breakout on the face..

    Whilst on that topic, anyone have an cures for spots?

    I seem to get them only after shaving :/
  10. mars-bar-man

    mars-bar-man Side bewb.

    17 Apr 2009
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    You could try clearasil or whatever it's called. Didn't work for me, but I did have non-recessive acne when I tried it..

    Sent from the Starship Enterprise
  11. Almightyrastus

    Almightyrastus On the jazz.

    21 Mar 2002
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    A decent razor that won't pull hairs out of their sockets whilst you shave would be a good start. Modern multi blades do that and the hair tip can drag all sorts of crap back down with it, not to mention ingrowing hairs.
    G0UDG likes this.
  12. Guest-23315

    Guest-23315 Guest

    Wash your face before bed and wear a headband when you sleep etc. Sounds girly but worked for me.
  13. Jake123456

    Jake123456 Surprise!

    25 Jan 2011
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    Cheers guys! I'll try out the new razor!

    Everyone has been telling Clearsil for it...Or something called Proactiv? But I'm hear mixed stories about it...Also Tea Tree Oil? Something like that?
  14. Shirty

    Shirty W*nker! Super Moderator

    18 Apr 1982
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    Giant redneck beard?
  15. Weekly_Estimate

    Weekly_Estimate Random bird noises.

    1 Feb 2010
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    Sick of not having a permanent address always sleeping different places so i don't feel like a burden on people.

    Apparently we can go into a hostel but then that increases our housing wait by 8 months.

    I can sell my bike and use the money on a deposit to a private place I guess but with my prat of a dad being a landlord i don't really want to deal with all that. Plus that'd mean we'll be put back further on the housing list and may have to wait another two years to find a place.

    Also going to lose my car soon due to insurance cost.

    My family is horrible.
    My mum is always angry for no reason, and makes it her daily task to either tell you off or start an argument with you.

    Looking forward to distancing myself once we get settled somewhere.

    I feel like breaking down. I can't provide for my own family at the moment and I feel I'm letting everyone down by not doing my duty of being a man and supplying the basic things in life such as a secure roof, and food on the table to eat.

    I'm getting really bad thoughts lately too thinking maybe my partner and child would stand a better chance in life without me. I know it's not right but I can't seem to control these thoughts.

    I'm also in the worst state of health I've ever been last time I was this big I failed at something and woke up the next day. Which provoked me to get fit and probably put me in this position I'm in today.

    Applying for jobs everywhere and getting declined for everything despite having years of experience.

    The only things keeping me going are my current website, partner and daughter.

    Oh and giffgaff ban my Internet usage due to tethering too much on my phone which means I have to find open wifi or use the library in town to work on the website. Maybe I can sneak into the unis and use their library it's open 24/7 and has a super fast connection.

    Thinking about getting a gym membership so I can clean/shower their it's 24/7 so that's fine. Possibly use the library and sleep in the car a few nights a week and stay at my girl friends parents for like 2 days a week until we do find a place and just keep what my situation is quiet. I don't like sympathy and don't like handouts either.

    And too make things worse my daughter is only 4 weeks old and farts like no one's business :)
  16. Modsbywoz

    Modsbywoz Multimodder

    14 Oct 2009
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    Leave the website for the time being, websites are a time sink and are not worth the money unless you have a business idea behind it. Use the effort in revising your CV and looking for a job. My friend has been out of work for 3 - 4 years with a project "website" that never comes to fruition. I would highly suggest putting it on a back burner while you are looking for employment.

    Get down the Job Centre and look at what they have to offer in the local area. Tell them you are willing to work just about anywhere you can get a bus to.
  17. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    What he said mate. I spent the better part of two years out of work. Sucks hope things get sorted soon!
  18. AverageNinja

    AverageNinja Almost an EpicNinja

    6 Aug 2012
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    Me to find out my best friend is talking about me behind my back... With my crush.
    @evolution: wow. I wish you the best of luck mate!
  19. MrDomRocks

    MrDomRocks Modder

    5 Sep 2011
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    I cant make up my mind between Bioshock Infinite or Simcity. I played Bioshock briefly on ps3 but never finished it.
  20. postmangav

    postmangav What's a Dremel?

    3 Mar 2011
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    Two hyperactive kids tearing around the place!

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