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Thermaltake MODZERO OCTO - Thermaltake UK Modding Trophy powered by SCAN - FINISHED!

Discussion in 'Project Logs' started by MODZERO, 9 Feb 2016.


    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    This is just a quick 'placeholder' intro post as this needs to be up tomorrow and I'm gonna be away most of the day.

    I'm really excited to be apart of this, should be a lot fun. Big thanks to Bit-Tech, Thermaltake and Scan. This is my first time participating in such an event. I've got some preliminary ideas I'm still developing, I tend to focus on clean aesthetics and that'll certainly be the case (haha) with this project.

    I don't wanna say too much as it's really too early in the process. The concept will no doubt evolve into something else in the coming weeks so why spoil the ride. :lol:

    I'm in it to enjoy it, best of luck to the others, excited to see what everyone creates.



    J. ​
    Last edited: 3 May 2016
  2. jinq-sea

    jinq-sea 'write that down in your copy book' Super Moderator

    15 Oct 2012
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    I've had a bit of a tidyup here. Please could someone PM me (and indeed perhaps one or two other mods) just so we know what's going on? Ta.
  3. mnpctech

    mnpctech bit-tech sponsor

    21 Apr 2003
    Likes Received:
    This should be an Epic competition to watch unfold, good luck!
  4. Bartacus

    Bartacus Minimodder

    30 Oct 2014
    Likes Received:
    Subbed! :rock:
  5. jojoharalds

    jojoharalds Minimodder

    30 Apr 2014
    Likes Received:
    Have fun, i am following this :)
    Can´t wait to see the outcome!!

    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Thanks folks, it should be a lot of fun. I'm excited to get it underway. I'm waiting on more hardware to show up, I don't yet have some of the hardware the others do. I'm gonna shoot what I have anyway as I need to get the case stripped back as soon as possible.


    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    UPDATE 1​

    Time to get started, most of the parts have arrived just missing some additional fittings (and maybe a stick of RAM.. haha).


    We all have the same case, the Thermaltake X31. It's a pretty standard mid sized ATX chassis, It's construction is solid with plenty of mounting options the dust filters are nice as is the PSU shroud and SSD mounts.


    Hardware goodness, as the project progresses I'll unbox and shoot as and when. For now, it's all boxed up out of the way. I'm excited to try out the Asus Maximus Hero Alpha and will be focusing on those RGB abilities. :thumb:

    The PSU has some clever digital power management capabilities I'll be sure to cover later on. Some nice bits from HyperX too. I have the GTX980 Strix in MODZERO FORTY and it's a great card, I've no doubt it's little brother will live up to it.


    The loop, we all had a choice, one of each or two of either (RL240 or RL140 kits). I've gone with one of each. I've pulled from both kits the items I'll be using in the build (shown above) with only a fittings still to come. The two rads should work out well with the design I have in mind.



    The case is stripped naked and my dremel is busting to gets its teeth into it. I'm working on the design with a view to have something to share by the weekend. I like the design phase, now the case is here my original concept has evolved.

  8. hero1

    hero1 Minimodder

    18 Oct 2013
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    I can't wait to see what you have in-store for us.
  9. CanFo

    CanFo What's a Dremel?

    3 May 2015
    Likes Received:
    Good luck! Really interested to see what's coming out of this.
  10. davido_labido

    davido_labido Your Alphacool Contact.

    11 Oct 2013
    Likes Received:
    Good luck dude!

    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
    Likes Received:
    Thanks folks, I should have a tasty update soon.


    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    UPDATE 2

    It's update time (at last), I've been hard at work on this over the last few weeks and it's about at a point where the updates will start coming more often.

    I really wanted to approach this mod in a way I've not with previous projects. So I grabbed a copy of Fusion 360 (it's free to hobbyists, so if you're looking for a great CAD tool be sure to check it out) and took to learning how it use it. I've little CAD experience having only toyed with SketchUp in the past.

    It was a steep learning curve but I feel i've achieved what I set out to (not too shabby for a noob). I knew modeling the X31 chassis was going to be difficult but really I just needed the basic geometry and so modeled only what I needed, enough to ensure my parts would fit correctly.


    I've removed part of the midwall and taken the dremel to the front panel, I'll show this in the next update. I hadn't originally intended to do this, it wasn't until I was modeling the X31 in Fusion that the need for more modifications became apparent.


    My experience with Fusion has been mainly positive, having never used it before I really 'jumped in the deep end' with this project (YouTube is a glorious resource). I've an elevated respect for all those modders with CAD skills. 3D modeling certainly has it's place and seems a great skill set to have under your belt. I've every intention of developing on what I've learnt so far.


    A steel ruler, digital calipers and a tape measure... I took my time, checked and rechecked my measurements. haha, fingers crossed.


    There are scraps of paper all over the place with countless measurements scribbled on them.


    Mid way through working on the internal panels. Sorry these are all phone shots. I'd mainly been working on this late at night, often forgetting to document its progress.


    Ignore the colors, I was messing around with the material options in the software. I'll play around with the renderer at some point and show you guys more angles but for now this is where I'm at.

    Really it's only part of the final design and these images don't quite explain the concept. Two things stuck in my mind when we got the brief from ThermalTake. 1. we had to use flexi tube and 2. Tt's RGB strips worked with the RGB function on the Asus Max Hero Alpha.

    I'd not long completed MODZERO FORTY which used flexi tubing and so I wanted to try something a little different with the loop design.

    I like the idea of all runs coming from the same place, like tentacles or a power distribution point. The addition of a mid shelf and the Tt female to female fittings will help create an Octopus/power source somewhat biomechanical aesthetic.

    Externally I'm wanting the X31 to look as though it's being consumed/submerged/assimilated. The external panels are 3mm frosted acrylic with outer 2mm Alu panels. The RGB strips are set in the front, inline with the frosted acrylic. The panels are designed to give clearance away from the X31 chassis so the light should catch in the acrylic and subtly illuminate X31 surfaces.

    Internally the light from the RIING RGB fans and strips at the base of the res will hopefully be absorbed by the white coolant giving the appearance of changing colour.

    I have some further plans for the Alu panels but I'll get to that a little further in it's development. For now, the CAD model is with the talented chaps over at Parvum. Once all panels come back the Alu will be sent away again to get a little something extra :naughty:. If I've done my model well I should be able to assemble with relative ease and get to work on the loop and cables.

    Time is pushing on and so the fun begins.

    J. ​
    Last edited: 17 Mar 2016
  13. davido_labido

    davido_labido Your Alphacool Contact.

    11 Oct 2013
    Likes Received:
    And all this whilst chasing a doggy around Nottingham... Boss.
  14. Deblow

    Deblow Minimodder

    12 Dec 2013
    Likes Received:
    Nice shots mate, good luck with the comp
  15. Bartacus

    Bartacus Minimodder

    30 Oct 2014
    Likes Received:
    Cool stuff! I love the idea of a bio-mechanical look. That's not something you see very often. Looking forward to seeing this come to life!
  16. stephen0205

    stephen0205 MrSteve

    11 Mar 2016
    Likes Received:
    thats very cool. Looking forward to seeing more

    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    UPDATE 3*

    Things are coming together, the concept has evolved. Final fittings from Thermaltake arrived this week and I've picked out the braids I'll be using. Looking forward to having the panels come in from Parvum, massive thank you to those boys for cutting em. Once in hand I'll get to building this beastie.



    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    UPDATE 4

    It's nearly 3AM Saturday night (Sunday morning numbnuts), It's three days until the competition deadline and on Monday afternoon, I'm headed to Wales until late Wednesday. I've got 48 hours to complete this mod.

    At the end of the last update I was 'treading water', my CAD design was down south with the Parvum boys and all remaining ThermalTake WC fittings had not long turned up. That was the 2nd of april, fast forward almost three weeks and whilst nothing had progressed, a lot had changed.

    My plan had been to use 2mm Alu for all external panels. A good buddy of mine is a world class illustrator and had agreed to work up a design I'd intended to apply to the Alu, paint the external panels and shine RGB strips through the frosted 5mm acrylic beneath. Weeks past and I'd not heard from him, then about 2 weeks ago I find out he suffered a loss in his family. I drop the design idea and move back to CAD.

    My design is already with Parvum at this point (as I needed the external panels done to send away to get the design work applied). Luckily Parvum had not yet got to it, so after several revisions I settle on a design and Parvum do their thang...


    The panels turned up on Friday (22nd) afternoon. Everything I need is now in the one place, with only this weekend to get it all done the pressure is on, the little time I'll have on Monday I need to use to do final shots. So it's all about some late nights.



    The X31 has been in it's naked state since mid February! I've got the CAD drawing up on my screen and get to taping off the front panel on the chassis...


    Then I forget I need to be taking lots of photos and for the next few hours start working on assembling the internal panels inside the X31 chassis.


    Chuffed it actually worked, the camera comes out to capture the moment, I then kick myself for not having taken a single shot of the assembly process. Now, the camera stays out and I get a little carried away.


    I put the pump in it's position (smiling as I remember I hadn't taken into account to feet width in my CAD design), all looks well so I turn to the under side of the shelf.


    What was I thinking! I'd initially envisioned this being a simple assembly using primary 90' fittings. nope!:wallbash:


    It had now long past 3AM, as I let the dogs out before I retire to bed, I can hear the birds starting to sing.. I didn't find a configuration I liked for the under side of the 'OCTO' shelf and as I lay in bed..... it clicked. :idea:



    I was pretty close the night before but this worked. The issue I was having was, being able to get the outlet from the pump, past the 'OCTO' array. 45's did the trick.


    One last test fit before I put adhesive strips on the D5 pump feet and put it in place. I fitted the final length of tube (pump outlet) secured it in place and fitted the front panel to the shelf.


    Tt compression fitting went on a treat, the D5 is as centered I'll get it and it's time to move on to the RADs.


    Simple enough :clap:


    Internally it's taking shape, this being my first ever attempt at using CAD, the panels turned out great and went together without any further mods to the chassis. :rock: Feeling really pleased with myself I start thinking about the external panels.

    and I remember...


    I'm exactly twelve short! (12!!!) I knew this way back when I completed the CAD design, I remembered OCUK sold em and didn't give it a second thought. Only it turned out OCUK doesn't sell them and Parvum had a delivery due the following Monday. So it had to be done. :eeek:



    MODZERO FOUR will return, stronger, cleaner and then promptly put up for sale (PM if you're interested).


    The external panels are bolted to the X31 chassis in eight places, three on the far side vertical, three on the front side and two along top. This was a pain, as the slightest positional error with the mod cubes would result in the external assembly looking twisted or pain not fitting.


    I lined it up, screwed in the bottom left corner, then the far side top corner. The rest went in with no problem. so I enjoyed another moment of accomplishment, briefly. I've been sat here typing this since. It's late I'm tired and still got a lot to do.

    Tomorrow is my last full day, so tomorrow I'll be making cables, fitting lights, putting blocks on and in. Plumb in the loop and maybe leak test (I'm not looking forward to that bit... some of those 45's under the shelf had a little too much wiggle in the rotary).

    I'm off to bed, I've no doubt tomorrow will be another 3AM affair so you can expect another update around this time tomorrow. Thanks for checking out the update. Sorry for all the poor spelling and grammar.


    Oh yeah, my braids. E22 Telios goodness.

    Last edited: 28 Apr 2016

    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    UPDATE 5

    It's done... ish IMGUR is being a douche, last nights update I used the mobile IMGUR app to upload the shots, which it did. I then wrote the update and when I got to the bit about before/after and mod cubes I needed a photo of MOD04.

    So I take a shot and tell it to upload. It takes an age and in the end I put a placeholder on the post and took myself to bed. I woke up to 4 copies of the quick MOD04 shot and ALL the other images gone!

    So I've fallen out with it. it can do one. :p

    MODZERO OCTO is built, and I'm happy with it. Just gotta fill her up and power on.... install windows, review the PSU, take final shots and write a few words about it.....

    toss. hahaha

    But that's tomorrow's job.


    MODZERO Minimodder

    29 Jun 2011
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    Sorry the images are down... Imgur on Android keeps killing my previously uploaded images each time I upload. I've not go time now, to transfer to the PC and upload again, so no images till I get back on Wednesday night.. which sucks!

    EDIT: I'm back, images are up and running again. Sorry about the size. I've another update to post tomorrow which will lead the build into final shots.

    Last edited: 28 Apr 2016

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