Multi Elite - Dangerous by David Braben

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Jedra, 6 Nov 2012.

  1. adrock

    adrock Caninus Nervous Rex

    5 Dec 2006
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    the type7 was what i went to from a type 6 mid community goal, i've not used it since i got the asp-x and went exploring. i already have an fdl parked up for space pewpew*. i can afford a type-9, anaconda, or a cutter if i outfit it for trading, but fancied trying out some passenger missions to get a bit more cash so i can get something bigger outfitted for general use.

    *so i was shooting things in some asteroid belt and ran down my multicannon ammo without noticing, and a wing of pythons messed me up real bad. I end up getting hit and losing thrusters while boosting away, stuck in a tight spiral away from the belt way above my regular max speed, 17% hull, spinning fast enough to make me slightly dizzy sat at my desk (so i go and get a cup of tea). the pursuing ships have dropped off the radar, so i restart everything, hold my breath, and come back on with 2% thrusters. my spin cancels out and my shields start to recharge. i set a course for the nearest station, my fsd starts to charge, and in very quick succession my shields come online, are immediately taken down, i realise the three pythons have caught up with me since my thrusters came back online, my ship fsd engages, and then my pc freezes for a full 6 seconds; just long enough for me to be 'wtf?', before i'm dropped into super cruise and peacefully flying away. It was one of those bits that despite the imperfections keeps me coming back.
  2. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    NPC (AI) ship's got buffed a while ago and then nerfed abit because they were to strong but they still have a decent amount of fire power.

    I lost a Corvette (40m rebuy) the other day twice taking on an AI Anaconda, my corvette was weak though as I was leaving a Haz Res extraction site after gaining over 20m in bounties got really annoyed.

    If your playing in open, you can tell if it's a real player, by looking at the radar.

    Solid Triangle, Orange or Green is a Friendly/None Combatant AI
    Solid Triangle, Red Combatant AI
    Hollow Square, Blue/Orange Wing Member/None Combatant Real Player will also have CMDR before the name
    Hollow Square, Red Combatant real player

    So I have been doing Passenger mission's and up to 1.8B Cr and was about to go and pay off my 890M Cr fine or there about's I forget exactly how much it is but I know it's somewhere around there, and then I see that FD are going to wipe all fines and bounties when the new system roll's out because the old system will not work with the new system, so I won't be paying it off.

    @true_gamer if you want to make some money quickly throw some passenger cabin's in your Asp and head over to the system I posted about the other day and jump on some passenger missions, or wing up with some players and go bounty hunting, you will make alot of money quite quickly doing that.

    I am only doing 1 run of passenger's a night and making around 100m - 200m cr each night.
  3. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    @damien c - How about you let me destroy you in that system with that amount of bounty so I can reap the awards and then afford an Anaconda?

    What passenger cabins have you got installed, Eco, Bus, etc.?
  4. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    I would but unfortunately its not something that another player can claim.

    Passenger cabins though are just ECO cab's, I will post a screenshot later showing which missions to pick.
  5. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    That sucks...
    Ok cool, I'll look into it. I take it to get the type of missions with that type of payout you have to become allies with them?
  6. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    I got them pretty quickly but more small ones at first around 2-3m per trip.

    All you need to do though is look for donation missions normally between 450,000 and 1,000,000 and they boost you up quite quickly, but don't worry about loosing credits as you will make them back quickly.

    You have to outfit your ship at another station though, as there are no cabins available at either system that you go to.
    Guest-44432 likes this.
  7. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    I must be having bad luck. The passenger missions spawns for me at the location you recommended are so bad and take so long to generate on the boarded hop, that a fair few of them expired in transit. I'm getting a little better luck at Reah and even Quince (despite both being heavily nerfed) but I am finding belt bounty hunting better per hour atm. No 150-200 cr/h for me at the moment :/
  8. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    It normally takes about 20 mins to fill up with passengers.
  9. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    So do you guys do the little trick of returning to the main menu, and then load back in as solo, collect more missions, save and exit to the main menu and load free play, until you get your maximum of 20 missions?
  10. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Yep switch between Open, Private Group and Solo.
  11. DeckerdBR

    DeckerdBR Minimodder

    9 Mar 2011
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    So called 'board switching'.

    Shame you have to use the system like that but mission payouts have generally been so poor for so long and scale so badly with the cost of the more expensive ships that players tend to gravitate to this method of earning.

    I also can't wait for the engineering changes, the RNG is just so bad. I got 1 'god roll' out of nearly 70 rolls.

    But as true gamer said, it's those moments where you manage to escape with a few percent health after some awesome combat is what keeps you coming back for more.
    Guest-44432 likes this.
  12. damien c

    damien c Mad FPS Gamer

    31 Aug 2010
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    Passenger missions have been nerfed/killed off.

  13. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Damn... And there's me making 1mil Cr an Hr at best, with everything cost 5mil to upgrade each internal module to Class A.
    This is a very slow time consuming game...
  14. adrock

    adrock Caninus Nervous Rex

    5 Dec 2006
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    damn, that's what i was going to come back to do. might have to be standard trucking now.
  15. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    Finally been getting some easy simple trade missions earning between 500k - 1.5mil Cr (Per star system) running between Remines, Ki, Itza, LP 298-52
    Now I'm Friendly with most of them. (Plus ASP Explorer and all upgrades are 15% cheaper in that area.)
    So now my ASP Explorer is fully kitted out with A class everything and is now worth 25mil, the question is, what ship is next to get? :)
  16. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Frontier make bizarre decisions.

    It's almost like they want to run Elite Dangerous like a Free 2 Play game and take every cahnce to restrict a player's earning potential. But players can't buy credits, which leaves just the excessive grind for higher tier ships and engagements.

    It's almost like DICE's 'stop having fun guys' attitude to balance changes, you'd think the ywould want some wa yto encourage large scale earning so players actually buy and fight with the big ships.
    DeckerdBR likes this.
  17. fix-the-spade

    fix-the-spade Multimodder

    4 Jul 2011
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    Python or Anaconda.

    Python is more versatile and fits medium landing pads. 'Conda is the 'Conda, it can mount a HUGE railgun, or tow mountains of cargo, or get a 60+LY jump range and carry enough fuel to go twenty jumps without fueling. It's a great ship for anything that isn't turning combat.
    Guest-44432 likes this.
  18. Guest-44432

    Guest-44432 Guest

    It's going to be a while before I can get an Anaconda and kit that out, so I was looking at either the Imperial Clipper, or save for a week and get the Python. :)
  19. Guest-56605

    Guest-56605 Guest

    Get the Python, I urinate over FDL's with mine (Engineered to the max :grin: ) and it's probably the best all round medium ship in the game aside from that :thumb:
    Guest-44432 likes this.
  20. suenstar

    suenstar Collector of Things

    13 Sep 2009
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    Haven't played properly this for over a year and have completely forgotten all of the controls, is it worth redoing the tutorial stuff or would you say it's better to just jump into the game and relearn as you go?

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