@relix I feel honored. Thank you your highness !
You are absolutely correct. I have no idea what just happened... But I'm flattered … I guess … Psttt… What just happened? :worried:
Part 5 [MEDIA] Part 6 [MEDIA] And the final part... [MEDIA]
Thnx ;) Appreciate the feedback. YT Vids. Part 1 [MEDIA] Part 1 v2 LOL - A bit disappointed with screws [MEDIA] Part 2 [MEDIA] Part 3 [MEDIA]...
End result: [ATTACH]
Then it was time to bend some pipes.... [ATTACH] Obviously I decided to go with two loops - one for VRMs and CPU and other one for both GPU's....
For wiring I printed few cable combs: [ATTACH] Nothing too fancy, but as long as it worked (ish) as intended .... [ATTACH] I decided to place...
One of the first things I had to do was make the default wiring tiny bit shorter for both CPU and GPU waterblocks. From this: [ATTACH] to this:...
Mining has been recently nerfed. To get a decent price for LTDs or Void Opals in range close to 1.5Mil, you probably gonna end up traveling close...
These days any peace of technology that is connected to internet is spying on you. It only matter to people who have something to hide.
Trying to work and write a game concept at the same time … I think work is getting in the way ….
Pumps - 2x EK Water Blocks EK-XTOP Revo D5 PWM [ATTACH] I wanted to have pumps separate from reservoirs so chose these pumps. Very good quality...
So here we go... This was my first liquid-cooled build and I am not really sure about the prefix because there is not many modification to the...
Just finished grinding for Federation Rank and got my Corvette yesterday. Well worth it I would say if you're into combat on Elite Dangerous.
Separate names with a comma.