Hello everyone here, you helped me a lot. Thank you for all information. I really appreciated all suport. I decided install the windows 7 PRO...
Hello everyone, thank you for your replies. I really appreciated it. I still with questions. My SSD is intel 510 series and it have a Marvell...
Please, I really need a help. I just built a new computer and it works. I have not installed the operating system, which will be pro windows...
Thank you, PpocketDemon, Now I understood. But...If we do not take into account the advanced technology to Improve long term durability, speed...
Hello, mars-bar-man. Thank you again. DO you think this kind of case you sugest fits a system like the one I described ? If yes, So can I use a...
Hello PocketDemon, thank you for your reply. Sorry, m y english is not really good. Are you telling If I decided for Intel, the 510 series is...
Hello Murraynt, thank you so much! :) You are very in kind. And what about you? Hugs Hello, mars-bar-man. This one is a mini tower, so...
Hello everyone. which the more reliable SSD from intel? The 510 series with the marvell controller? Or the 520 series with sandforce...
Hello Murraunt. I live in South America - Brazil
I saw the 55OD and it is a really good case, very well made. I like it. But don't have in my country. :( THank you for all replies Here we...
Hello, thank you for the sugestion but I'd like small cases like that: http://www.coolermaster.com/product.php?product_id=6702 But I think is too...
Hello, thank you for the sugestions. :) The fractal R3 or Arc don't have here in my country ( I don't know why). So... Rest Cooler master and...
Hello, So, should I buy the Corsair Graphite Series 600TM ( mesh side panel) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811139007...
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