It's very possible, is the ethernet integrated into the motherboard or is it an add-on card? From a command prompt enter the command chkdsk c: /r...
After the POST(BIOS) Screen and before the Windows Logo tap the f8 key to brign up the boot options. Then select Safe mode and see if it has the...
Since it looks like you've tested/confirmed everything else I'm leaning towards the motherboard. The only suggestion I can make is to remove...
I wouldn't expect it to make any major difference except that your electricity usage would go up since it takes more energy to run higher speeds....
Great idea! But unless the drives are in separate cages or otherwise physically isolated from eachother it'd be hard to tell the source of the...
A chance yes, but not a very likely one.
Without having a known good motherboard to test with it's hard to get predictable results. I would focus on getting the MB replaced first then...
Another option if you have a nas or external drive or something that you back up your data too would be a combination of shadow spawn and...
Sounds like your running a 32-bit os, you need 64-bit to access greater than 4gb RAM
I stand corrected :D I haven't had to deal with a FAT partition since Windows 98, though I guess people must still use them.
In theory it should just be a matter of using the correct cable since the only difference that I know of between the 3.5 and 5.25 FDD was the...
chkdsk will perform an check through the NTFS file system and mark the bad sectors as defective. However chkdsk only works for NTFS so if you're...
Do you have a throwaway drive you can test with, I know I've got a few lying around that are too small to be of much use anymore. Then try...
I would definitely recommend getting a PCI wireless adapter. I would also check to make sure that the USB leads for the case are connected to the...
Agreed with above. At my office we use several off the shelf wireless routers configured in the way towelie described (all on the same channel...
Separate names with a comma.