So, it's now a new opportunity to botch your machine every 6 months. Yay? Sent from Bittech Android app
Hi. I'm posting via browser because the keyboard is better. - Password input to forum must be masked - Keyboard does not have return key (Android...
oh yes, and password for forum should be masked. currently, we cannot login with snoopy people around like on a bus! cheers Sent from Bittech...
me likey, tho me still dont know what is tapatalk. o, and we need a button to update articles! help! i just noticed there is no return key on the...
nice! would be nice to download podcasts and organize them like in a playlist. happy to know that this free app will help show b-t to the world!
Oh, so that's what a Dremel is!
I was puzzled about my car's "screen" getting messed up when it started raining... And when the motorcycle came out of nowhere, I blamed the dead...
What point is there in minecraft? I don't play it. But I'll ask you what point is there in Counter-strike, Starcraft, Hearts of iron, etc.?...
Reviewing this game sounds like looking for fun in a haystack.
Hi, I have an air conditioner. Just like my PC, it works great until I open windows.
* and Obelix?
Neither. They just don't care. Apple customers don't understand about CPU specifics (they'll say the contrary) and pay whatever the current Apple...
(double post, sorry)
You darn noobs. When will you learn that anything coming out from EA is a lame excuse to take your money, camouflaged as shite? Frankly...
I don't buy EA products because of their way of doing expansion packs. They cripple the games to sell the content later, once you're already...
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