Other General Battlefield 3 discussion thread

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by Otis1337, 8 Feb 2011.

  1. MiT

    MiT Don't feed me after midnight!! nom

    18 May 2005
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    thanks. and before anyone starts saying they hate snippers, dont worry i dont always play recon, i like to swap between the each type depending on location and tactic i what to play.

    i found the quick match button on the main page doesnt work well, i go to filter then choose the server.


    ohh will try.

    I finally figured out how to use my unlocked accessories, didnt know i had to go to class loadout then select. oh well learning everyday.

    Fixed my black screen with beta logo by restarting the the pc.

    Will try and sort my headset and mic out soon, so should be able to chat in game.
  2. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    After 9hr in-game:

    - they killed my spec-op class. Oops, thats right, theres no more spec-op. Just recon. a.k.a. scout snipers.
    Recon's use now: drop mobile spawn (and with players getting smarter to blow up these devices, u need to constantly drop stuff and drop it hidden) and spotter. Hit the Q button when u see an enemy with ur scope, and ur good. Other than that, it has no other purpose. Everybody can utilize the Sprint buff and Recon doesn't have any higher body armor for those suicide runs.
    What Recon should have: C4. Explosives are the biggest thing spec-op has in BF2. That and powerful SMG, but i'm willing to forgive DICE for that since UMP unlock at 16 is brutally awesome.
    Claymore mines. Seriously, u give this to support? u dont want sniper to have a proximity watchdog?
    What doesn't work: T-UGS. It's technically a radar. or some sort. Proximity stuff. For what? i have no idea as it has no use. It beeps when somebody's close? Oh great. I can definitely hear that in a middle of a gunfight. And how far is the range on that thing?
    Summary: If u don't like sniping or spotting, play another class until u unlock the UMP. Then u can play recon to unlock some tools.

    - tips & tricks:
    please hit Q when u hit an enemy. it helps the team. seriously.
    want to level fast? stick with 1 weapon. those service stars (100kills, 200kills, etc) worth 2k points each.
    walk into a weird device with long antenna that beeps? destroy it. its a mobile spawn point.
    when u get a rez, dont just hit Space to accept it. look around. shoot ur pistol.
    dont rez in the middle of a heavy firefight. it just suck.
    chatting hotkey: J = all, K = team, L = squad.
    dont want ur rifle to reflect glare? switch to ur pistol first. when u think u spot ur target, switch, zoom, kill, and switch back.
    yes, there is bullet-drop in this game. aim higher for sniping headshot.
    drop support/health pack if ur class have them.
    sometimes the best way to support ur squad is by staying alive until some of them can spawn on u. then u can move out.
    knife animation only work when u creep up from the back. front confrontation will be a normal swipe-to-hit with no animation and the damage is ridiculously low. dont even try.
    number/box above the minimap is either the 2 comms u need to protect, or the 100 ticker that attacker survivor left with. the right side above ur ammo/weapon info is ur health.

    bottom line: BF3 metro map is just another CoD/MoH. no more, no less. ok, maybe abit more, but can't say its more than MW3. squad system is pretty much non-existent. they killed my favourite class. teamwork is non-existent nor encouraged. character progress is stupidly fast. (less than a week some people hit 40? with most server now has at least 1 30+. i got 20 in less than 9hr playing).

    like others, im betting $60 for retail to be much more than this.
  3. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    also mine!

    ask any CPC server player here, and they'll tell you i rule BFBC2 with VSS and C4 (aka spec ops class from BF2).

    basically it looks like this for classes:
    -Assault: great at killing, reviving, healing, noob tubing, anti-vehicle (read M320's description, the noobtube has AT rounds!), do-everything-class.
    -Engineer: great at killing, taking out vehicles, noob tubing using rocket launcher. great all around class.
    -Support: great at killing and spraying with LMG, ammo, can take out vehicles with C4/tank mines, can lay down mortar. can combat everything out there effectively with unlimited ammo.
    -Recon: Snipe.

    you playing as a recon see a tank? run. you are the only class that can't deal with tanks. you are the only class that lacks any explosive weapon. DICE have made you useless.

    end of the day. might as well give Support class a sniper rifle. no one will notice any difference! BF3 only have 3 different classes.
  4. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    /signed. That plus the laser spotter that's not available in BETA. then i'll be playing Support all day.

    and no, i dont care about the mobile spawnpoint device. you can spawn at squad and deploying them is very buggy.
  5. Krazeh

    Krazeh Minimodder

    12 Aug 2003
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    Or you could use your laser designator to target the tank for guided munitions...
  6. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    how does that work?

    if it's off map artillery. win! if it's player controlled jet or rocket, unless you are playing on voice com in a clan, might as well forget about it.
  7. Brooksie

    Brooksie What's a Dremel?

    30 Aug 2011
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    I am glad they have killed the sniper class. Snipers dominate BFBC2 and too many can ruin a game.
    There's nothing more frustrating than constantly being killed by an enemy you can't see that is the other side of the map.
  8. Parge

    Parge the worst Super Moderator

    16 Jul 2010
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    Hopefully will dissuade a lot of people from choosing it.

    Yes, I know there are people that play Recon very well indeed (Wyx etc), but there are far, far too many that don't..

    I was playing on a great server yesterday night, our 4 snipers had between 5 and 7 kills each, and hardly any deaths, I might have had 23 deaths, but I also had 30 kills and I damn well know that I did far more for the team than they did.
  9. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    there is a MASSIVE difference between spec op and sniper class. in BFBC2, it was rolled into 1 class called recon, and in BF3, they've ditched all spec op abilities and made recon class pure sniper.

    recon class does not ruin BFBC2. snipers do. front-line recon will turn the tide of war.

    in BF3, recon class can only snipe. they will gain a bad reputation and will ruin the game. they are out of place on the front line. they are forced to play like a sniper hiding at other side of the map.

    (i know you can use all-kit weapons, but there's zero advantage to do so with a recon class, when assault/support get all the useful gadgets)

    (although it makes the server easier to manage. now can limit number of recons on a server without worrying about lost front-line abilities)
  10. GregTheRotter

    GregTheRotter Minimodder

    9 Aug 2008
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    One thing you've missed out wyx, is that the spipers have the spawn point generator tool thing. You can make a spawn point for your squad (or team as well i'm not sure), and spawn at their base more or less. I did that the other day and kept spawning on the right side of their base as attacker on metro.
  11. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    to the few posts above me:

    1. the spawning tool: more and more player can identify it and shoot it. just as useful as having yourself as spawn point in hiding. and guess what, all class can do that. Recon = useless.

    2. Sniper class ruins the game, i agree. Which is exactly BF3's turning recon into a sniper class is a stupid move.
    fix = remove half all the sniper unlocks in Recon class and replace it with SMG, and add C-4 to give incentives to run upfront.
  12. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    I caved! Thankfully, the tone and direction here has improved a little. :)

    Hello again.

    I've very glad that they're going to change the ranking system. It's far too quick at the moment. I got 47,000 points in a single round due to stars, badges and class abilities. I'm just about to ding 40 & 41 after another half hour of play.

    Wuy and other, regarding recon. Jester has being using the MAV on the park section of the map and holy crap does it make a difference. Never mind your motion detector, this thing will tell you the entire battlefield! He's certainly turned the tide with the thing several times.

    I finally got my mits on the DAO-12 and Claymores and been having a proper ol' time with them, however I found an unexpected piece of awesome - the PDW-R and .44 Magnum. What a combo!

    Things have been playing, loading, operating smoothly the last few days with little or no hiccups so to speak. Nice to see the changes that they will be implementing in the release. A few small niggles here and there, but otherwise, nothing to complain about.

    I may well uninstall the BETA after i get the P-90 and get to grips with it as I really have to focus on my PhD and strive to get the first draft finished for release day :D
  13. Krazeh

    Krazeh Minimodder

    12 Aug 2003
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    He seems to have decided that's not a useful enough gadget. Apparently it's necessary for recon to be given C4 in order for there to be any worth in playing one.
  14. shigllgetcha

    shigllgetcha Minimodder

    3 Mar 2008
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    well too many snipers ruin a game, nothing worse than being bundled into a squad with 3 snipers that sit on the edge of a map and do nothing
  15. Redbeaver

    Redbeaver The Other Red Meat

    15 Feb 2006
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    oh my! u can unlock this in BETA? My screen says "NOT AVAILABLE IN BETA" /sad_panda

    please do share how can i play with this thing.

    does it show only to you? to your squad? to the whole team?

    any limit on how many can "fly" at the same time? like the mobile spawn device, only 1 per stage of the round.
    unless u want to play a sniper class, of course.
  16. Dwarfer

    Dwarfer What's a Dremel?

    30 Mar 2011
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    Why forget about it?? It worked wonderfully in BF1942 & on Desert Combat (MOD for BF42)
  17. Tibby

    Tibby Back Once Again

    9 Oct 2005
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    I agree that having no Spec Op is stupid, and not representative of real life battle which relies (quite more heavily than we realise) on special forces.

    It's like saying:
    "Sorry Iran, no embassy save for you. We have no Spec Ops, just a sniper with the equivalent of a headlight attached to the top of his gun".

    wyx087 likes this.
  18. MiT

    MiT Don't feed me after midnight!! nom

    18 May 2005
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  19. [ZiiP] NaloaC

    [ZiiP] NaloaC Multimodder

    9 May 2008
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    I'm not 100% sure myself to be honest. If you have it "unlocked" try to equip it in the park section. Jester has been flying it around the last few days and has made a huge difference in firefights. As far as I could tell, it can spot anyone and it is visible to all team players. With him on voice comms, it becomes a lethal combination as he can see things better than any of us can. A recon player with a thermal scope can help alot too.
  20. wyx087

    wyx087 Homeworld 3 is happening!!

    15 Aug 2007
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    used it. great to set it down behind attacker and use as spawn rape tool. other than that, it's a one-use tool. meaning you push up half-way as recon, plant it. then go play other class and be more useful.

    welcome back :D i've missed you.

    please do spill the beans on this MAV thing.

    also, challenge accepted! i will play recon until i unlock this MAV thing.

    (call me wyx)

    seeing how many people still don't understand how to use tracer dart in BFBC2....... it's a different era, most players use less common sense, more run+gun.

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