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Gaming Diablo 3 review

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by brumgrunt, 17 May 2012.

  1. Blademrk

    Blademrk Why so serious?

    21 Nov 2003
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    Not always possible (and possibly one of the daftest comments I've read. :p)
    Not quite true, There was also Darkstone (PC/PS1) which was very, similar game to Diablo apart from the rotatable camera angle and that you had 2 characters which you could switch between at any time), and there was Titan Quest (PC) and Baulders Gate: Dark Alliance (PS2) all of which pre-date Torchlight :)
  2. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    Contrary to what several people have said so far, I'd say D3 is very innovative. It's completely done away with the concepts of skill trees and locked-in builds. The result? It's actually interesting to play a high level character now, rather than Nightmare and Hell difficulties feeling like a watered-down version of the first playthrough.
  3. sear

    sear What's a Dremel?

    2 Aug 2010
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    Talk about a complete lack of explaining game mechanics, details, features, etc. I guess rushing the review out has its downsides, huh? Blizzard really should start giving out preview copies to press.
  4. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    Just take a peak on metacritic, it's already been crushed by players. And rightly so, if you ask me. The overly negative user reviews average out the overly positive critic reviews. Even Bit-Tech fell into the same disappointing review as many others: it's riddled with negative comments and complaints, all of them washed away by "it's still fun". I fail to see how that nets a game 85%, the score is a complete disconnect from the article.

    I've put more hours into Torchlight than Diablo 2, and I bought it for $5. Compare that to D2 which still sells for $20 in a Battlechest.

    Torchlight 2 is $60 for a four pack, the same price as Diablo 3. A quarter the price for a game which I'll likely enjoy more? Fine by me.
  5. 2bdetermine

    2bdetermine What's a Dremel?

    2 Apr 2009
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    Seriously ppl, stopped supporting greedy publisher/lazy developer. Heck! the game is not even developed by the original developer, it's essentially a copy and paste of the original.
  6. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    I can't tell if you're talking about Diablo 3 or Torchlight! :hehe:
  7. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    This. Might as well ask on a forum than read this review (which is basically someone's opinion)
  8. adidan

    adidan Guesswork is still work

    25 Mar 2009
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    I guess you could say that about every games review.

    I'm a big fan of RPGs but I can't say this appeals to me in the slightest. That's just my opinion as well though.
  9. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    That's probably because it's not an RPG

    There is a lot of bashing on D3 everywhere and it seems like it's just the latest trend. It's just 'hip' to hate on D3 and love on Torchlight.

    I'm quite pleased with myself. I have been very serene since the game launched. I don't mind the bashers, I'm not annoyed by the preaches and I didn't even get mad when bnet was down.

    am... am I growing up ? NOOOOOOO :wallbash:
  10. Yslen

    Yslen Lord of the Twenty-Seventh Circle

    3 Mar 2010
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    I think it's a stretch to call D3 an RPG, just as it was with D2. Hack'n'Slash sums it up far better.

    As for the review style, if I was going to give it 85% (which I would, quite happily) I'd probably have focussed a bit more on WHY it's so fun to play.
  11. spectre456

    spectre456 What's a Dremel?

    29 Dec 2007
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    You could, but the best reviews go into detail about a game's features. Then the reviewer should clearly state his/her opinion of the game's features. Thus leaving the reader with all the information he needs to make an informed decision.

    This review comes off as a nagging complaint. The skill and levelling system was not discussed and neither were the classes. Two big features of the game. The only thing i got from this review is that Joe snarks at anything that isn't "groundbreaking" or "original".
  12. Sloth

    Sloth #yolo #swag

    29 Nov 2006
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    [hipster]I liked Torchlight before it was cool.[/hipster]

    I suppose I'm one of the Torchlight evangelists. It makes me a sad sloth when marketing for a game has such a large impact on its reception. Diablo 3 is a well known game, people will see it, look into it, and possibly buy it by the millions. Torchlight is much smaller, outside of the few game review sites that decided to give it a try you'd be hard pressed to find anything about it on release two years ago. Considering the agreeable nature of the game's reviews (by both critics AND players) and its similarity to Diablo, and by any extention any other hack and slash, it's somewhat of a shame that many thousands of people will buy Diablo 3 without even knowing Torchlight exists. It's up to us faithful few to spread the Good Word and illuminate the dark world of gaming with Torchlight!
  13. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Some of the biggest load of nonsense I think I've read on here for a while.

    1) Clearly you have no concept of the real world and the responsibilities that go with it. Having a laugh is one thing, but you really have no idea if you think game-grade internet access is that high up people's lists when they buy a new house.

    2) Why not list prices in Sterling? This is an English web site based in England? It's open to wider readership of course, and this is welcomed, but why not quote in the native currency? Silly...

    3) Already answered by knowledgeable chaps.

    4) So watching a stream of someone playing the game, warts and all, is not useful for seeing how a game plays? Ridiculous. Just ridiculous.

    5) Wally. Just, wally.

    'Some of us spend 40 hours a week gaming'? You, sir, either need to get yourself back into education, or concentrate on your education, or get a job, or concentrate on your job, or get some friends and/or a girlfriend/boyfriend. Spending the equivalent of a full time job gaming is just sad. Sorry, but it is. 40 hours a week? Sad. And stop being such a boastful supremacist over internet speeds. It impresses nobody.
  14. CardJoe

    CardJoe Freelance Journalist

    3 Apr 2007
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    And Dungeon Siege.
    And Divine Divinity.
    And Space Siege.
    And Soulbringer.
    And Din's Curse.
    And Sacred.
    And Legend.
    And Fate.
    And Loki.
    And Nox.

    That's just off the top of my head but, really, Diablo didn't invent the action RPG genre. Diablo 2 was just a very popular title in a long-running genre that could probably trace its roots all the way back to The Bard's Tale (...And The Bard's Tale). Think of it as the Call of Duty of Action RPGs, if you will; a very polished, very popular entry in a well established series which becomes to focal point of vociferous communities - but notably not the most original entrant in the genre.

    (Not that Torchlight is amazingly innovative either. If anything, the genre as a whole is fairly stagnant and populated mainly by guilty pleasures in my opinion.)

    ...And all their sequels.
  15. greypilgers

    greypilgers What's a Dremel?

    23 Jan 2011
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    Christ, I think you can trace DNA back to Gauntlet on the arcades as well!
  16. knuck

    knuck Hate your face

    25 Jan 2002
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    I bought the game, finished it once (almost twice) but I quickly got bored with it. It's not a bad game at all, far from it. It's actually really good for the price but... I don't know. "meh" is the best thing I have to say about it right now.

    I'm so tired I guess I shouldn't have posted at all :hehe:
  17. Flexible_Lorry

    Flexible_Lorry What's a Dremel?

    6 Dec 2008
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    If people want an alternative to Diablo 3, seriously try Path of Exile (http://www.pathofexile.com/). It has regular open betas and is nearly done. Online only as well (but it's the developer's best option for the marketing model which is microtransaction based). Darker and grittier than D3. Feels more like an updated Diablo 1. It's polished too with some nice ideas. I played the D3 beta and wasn't impressed: will not be getting it. However when Path of Exile is out, I might be inclined to pay for the cosmetic extras.
  18. Horizon

    Horizon Dremel Worthy

    30 May 2008
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    [hipster pro] never liked torchlight , it was too mainstream[/hipster pro]
  19. law99

    law99 Custom User Title

    24 Sep 2009
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    Not buyin then. Not so bothered about the DRM... I can live with that. But if it is best when playing with people online, then it can take a hike.
  20. Horizon

    Horizon Dremel Worthy

    30 May 2008
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    It's not like that. It's like drinking, it's good but better with company.
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